Having the fuel bowl mounted right under the gas tank presented me with another problem .. how to remove the glass bowl without spilling gas all over the bellhousing ? There isn't much room between the fuel bowl and the bellhousing.
I took a flat plastic bottle and cut part of it away.
This fits in easily under the fuel bowl and still leaves room to reach in and unscrew the bowl clamp.
Then I can move the clamp out of the way and just drop the glass bowl into the bottle.
The gas runs down into the neck of the bottle so it doesn't spill out when the bottle is moved out from under the fuel bowl. The neck of the bottle makes a nice handle and makes it easy to move around without spilling any of the gas.
Taking a closer look at this sediment and it looks like sand. That makes sense because this tank came off an old portable compressor that would have been used out on construction sights where there is a lot of sand and dust flying around.
So .. with that little problem solved, it is time to take the tractor apart so it can be painted. I've gotten everything off and the engine is ready to be lifted off the frame.
There are two tables of parts.
The engine and cultivator frame are removed and once the wheels are removed, the frame will be ready to start working on getting it ready to paint.
Here is the cultivator frame.