Sure brings back memories cjet. The last time we put up squares was around 1979 with a J.D. 336 baler behind the old JD R. Made 80lb. perfect bales to pick up with the New Holland bale picker. 13,000 bales that year that we fed by hand to over 80 cows, at least 40 bales a day, all winter long. My back aches to think about it now, LOL. Before we bought the N.H. picker we hand stooked bales on a drag behind the baler, me driving the tractor baling and My Olde Deere riding on the drag and stooking. Then we'd load the stooks on the four ton grain truck with extentions to the box, 15 stooks to a load if they stacked right, haul them to the yard and hand build the hay stack as high as M.O.D. could throw them. I was on the stack carrying and building the pile until he couldn't throw them any higher. Then we'd use the bale elevator, he'd put the bales on and I'd continue carrying and building until the stack was finished. Sometimes getting down off the high stack got interesting! LOL. Getting the bale picker was the second smartest thing we did for haying. When we dumped it the bale stack was automatically built. The smartest thing was changing the whole procedure and switching to big round bales and a self dumping bale hauler. All we had to do then was build the stack with the loader and the J.D. 4040 that I still have now, 45 years later.