Hay equipment and Haying 2024

You fix the stuff faster than it can break CJet! Nice work! You can darn near see the air in that tire---LOL!

Dad had to pull that shaft out of the machine 6-7 years ago to replace that drive sprocket because all of the teeth wore off of it. Couldn't get a replacement sprocket but dad had a used one with the same tooth count and diameter. The centers were different so dad cut the center out of the original sprocket, machined a shoulder on it, then bored the replacement sprocket out and welded it together. Took him 3 days to get it back running. That previous work made it easier for me because everything came loose with no torch work needed.
Hauled 2 loads this morning without any problems. Maybe it will hold for the rest of the season. Had to corral up the cows for their breeding today which is now done. I'll get the other load and a half hauled this evening and then its time to mow again. Only have 2 more section to do to finish up. Guessing around 500-600 more bales.

Edit: I finished hauling the last field and the bale count in the barn is 1136.
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Just had a bearing failure in the wobble box of the New Holland 477 Haybine. Getting ready to pull it apart now. Hopefully The damage is contained to just the bearing. When we bought the mower it had a failed bearing and got run long enough to eat into the race seat. Dad was able to machine it and put a larger race bearing in it.
Pulled the wobble box and found 2 failed bearings. One spindle bearing ate itself and did a little chewing on the spindle but I think we can save it. The castle nut threads are gone though the spindle threads cleaned up and should be OK. The other bearing is on the lower pivot. Just needs to be replaced.


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Started swapping the front tires on the John Deere B so it can go back on tedder duty. Went out just after 9:00 pm and had enough daylight to jack up the tractor, remove one wheel, and got it broke down. Rim needs a little rust clean up and a quick shot of paint before mounting up the new(used) tire.


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I cleaned up and painted the inside of the rim. I think I will just do the one side for now so I can get this back into use asap. Just waiting for the paint to finish drying before mounting up the tire.


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Managed to get the old bearing races(cups) out of the wobble box.Had to weld on one of them because they don't have a recess to get at the back side to drive it out. I hope to find some bearings tomorrow.

I tedded the 3 rounds I made before the mower broke. Might be able to rake and bale it tomorrow evening. Might make 50/60 bales.


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Friend that runs a welding/fabrication shop had his younger brother working for him one summer. Had him put new races in 4 trailer wheels. When he checked on him, he had put the races in backwards. Little brother went out the door even though mother wanted otherwise.
Made a parts run road trip this morning. NAPA had all but one bearing in stock and the other will be in tomorrow. About $100 for the bearings and $85 for a 10-pack of grease cartridges. Then ran to the New Holland dealer for 6 tines w/clamps and 4 bearings for the reel. That one hurt at $369. Hopefully I can get it back together tomorrow.
$8.50 each sounds awful steep for grease cartridges, CJet! Pay less than half that here for #2 general purpose.

Looks like the tire repair is going to get you through the season! At least you will have a lot of repairs done that that will get you through next season easier!

$8.50 each sounds awful steep for grease cartridges, CJet! Pay less than half that here for #2 general purpose.

Looks like the tire repair is going to get you through the season! At least you will have a lot of repairs done that that will get you through next season easier!

This is what we are using. Valvoline Multi-Vehicle High Temperature Red Grease. Every auto parts store is the same around here and we need it for all of the hay equipment because we are on the last tube. I see I can get it on Amazon for 49.95 but it would take a week to get here. I guess there is a price to pay for not planning ahead.:mad:
Auto parts stores is not the place to buy grease or oil, unless you want to pay the inflated price for it. Farm and home type stores have various quality grease and oil for a much lower. Including Valvoline brand.
I checked the local farm and home stores this morning. They are all the same or higher in price. In this state we tend to have pretty high prices when compared with a lot of the rest of the country.
Raked the few rounds of downed hay earlier today. Then made another run for the one bearing that they didn't have in stock that came in this morning. Then ran to a Fastenal for a 3/4-16 castle nut. They couldn't get one for a week. The New Holland dealer had one in stock. I think I have all of the parts in hand now. Around 4:30 this afternoon I tried baling but its still just a touch damper than I would like. Try again tomorrow.
Just finished the small baling job. Baler counter shows 96 bales. Going to haul them asap as we have some what are described as "dry storms" moving in. High chance of lightning up in the Cascades but only a very slight chance of precip.
Fire danger from that, CJet! Hope there are no problems!

They are concerned about it. We have had a real dry hot stretch for the last month. Sounds like they are getting lightning up in the hills now. It clouded over here for a bit but then things cleared up again. I did get all of the baled hay in the barn so I don't have to worry about it now.

Dad wants to tear the wobble box completely down and make a new bushing for one of the spindle ends. He made one when he originally repaired it and it looks like it got destroyed in the bearing failure. I may have to finish up with the old sickle mower on the John Deere 40. I'll try cutting a little tomorrow and see how it goes. Without the conditioning rollers the dry time will go up to 5-6 days. I really didn't need this failure with only 2 fields left. Such is farming.