How is the Pony progressing?
Hi Al. The renovation is going well now. As you probably are aware we are in ‘Lockdown’ over here in France so I have made a lot of progress on preparing the panels , wings and iron work for painting. Unfortunately I have a damaged exhaust manifold but I have located one on the Internet. Not exactly what I wanted to pay out for but hey ho . The postal system over here is a bit slow due to Corona virus but the new manifold along with some paint and decals will be ordered later this week. How are you across the pond.How is the Pony progressing?
Nice photos Al. We are into our 5th week of lockdown here in France . My family members who are in the UK are a week or so behind us. There seems to be a high death rate in Care homes and Old people’s homes in the UK. Every death gets put down to Corona Virus but that just falsify’s the figures. The vast majority of deaths in the UK are with people with underlying heath problems. It’s a difficult one for sure. Here in France the vast majority are complying with the distancing and regulations regarding travel etc. We are basically only allowed out for shopping and an hour of exercise. So keeping occupied can be difficult. We have at least another three weeks of confinement so plenty of time to get some undercoat on the old Pony. Take care over there and stay safe.We also are on a stay at home order. Each state has their own rules, makes it hard to tell some one here in Michigan they can not take their power boat out fishing, when it is OK to do so in other states. You are not allowed to buy garden seeds from stores that also sell grocerys, people just don't get it that if you can't go to a stand alone nursey why you shouldn't be able to buy at a grocry store type.
Michigan now is the seconded worst state behind New York. We don't have a New York city type area but we do have 4 countys with lots of people living in apartments and have a shared stair well elavator.
Fact is my County had few cases till it started hitting all the old folks homes.
I am lucky to like out in the country. I have been working on a deer hunting blind and put it up on the stand yesterday with my Kubota's help.
First panal up the front.
By the way you have the old girl starting to look forward to her new dress.
Sorry to hear of your loss Al. Cancer is a right bastard. I was watching the UK evening news earlier and a top doctor said that cancer patients in the very early stages are not getting referred at the moment because of the virus. He estimates that over the next year or so upwards of 50,000 people will die from not getting treatment. He also estimates that only a maximum of 30,000 will die from Corona Virus. Makes you think a bit. I am thankful we live in a fairly remote rural area where there is a low level of human traffic. I went to our local supermarket this morning. Only my second journey out over the last six weeks and was amazed at the amount of people that were unprotected . It’s not that difficult to put a protective mask on and gloves for Christ sake.Yes the underlying conditions seem to be some of the most attacked people by this virus. I do not believe that they are false recording the persons death. They have notheing to gain by doing so, I would not want to be go to a home if they were untruth full.
A week ago today come 9:00PM my brother who was fighting cancer for about 10 years passed away at home.
Here in Michigan we are allowed to go buy grocerys, get medicines from drug stores. Ride our bicycles, go for hikes/walks and several other things.
Golfers can play golf but not rent a cart or remove a flag from a hole and must stay 6' apart.
You can go fishing but can not use a gasoline powered boat.
They are attempting to have people not handle gasoline pumps, also can not hire the pros tomow your lawn and do the landscapeing work.
That caused protest in Lansing the state capital.
All fools I figure no mask elbow to elbow and of course no gloves.
There is talk that President Macron is going to relax some travel orders on May 11th. I’m not quite sure how that’s going to work but hey ho. On his head be it as they say . Back into the barn today hopefully to finish the last bit of preperation on th Pony’s front grill. There’s a small area where the rust has eaten through so that has to be attended to. Stay safe and stay home Al.I agree glad we are rual also. yes the invincable here also are not wearing mask or gloves. Of course the mask used by the adverage citizens do not protect them so much. It helps protect others from those, possiable carriers who don't know it since they show no signs.
I agree with throwing them all in a cell together for a bit.
That’s a nice looking Buick Al. What year is it.?
Hi Noel. We are into our eighth week of lockdown but there is talk of relaxing the confinement to meetings if no more than ten people This will depend on results from infection rates etc. The sun is still up here at 19.02 and it’s been anothervdry day which is a bonus. Good luck with your truck. John.Can't wait to see the paint job. Looks like your getting along great. Weather here in PEI is slow to warm up. Rain and snow today. We are allowed group of 5 or less outside now in the first return to some what normal phase. We have three to four phases to go through. Each Phase is three week period. If the cases of the virus goes back up, the phases will change. I have the box off my truck doing rust repair. Truck needed a little rust fixed up too. Have a good day Jonnyboy.