MF 1450

I’m gunna try. But have to see it any metal in system. Then if that’s alright start looking into pumps. One little step at a time.

Easy enough to part it out. If I can’t get it going. Had a fella message me the other day wondering if I’d sell the 3 point system. Never heard of him before.
And I know of another fella looking for parts too.

Yup parting it out will be an option for sure, Noel. I was seriously thinking about parting the MF1450 at one point before I spent too much money on it but kept plugging away at it until I decided that it can be usable.

DAC....I'll have to look, but I "may" have a spare plastic hydraulic valve cover. I need one for a possible project using an 1855 that I may put a small diesel into, but if I do have two, I'll ship one of them to you. I'll try remembering to check tomorrow. I know where one is, so I just gotta find a 2nd one, which I should have if not totally lost track of it.
I had some chores in the house this morning then some chores in the shop, changing a bunch of 4' bulbs that were out. Got the office done but going to wait on the stuff out in the work bay since it is pushing 100F again today. It's 10-14' off the floor so it's gonna be awful hot up there.

All the office lights work again.
Bad bulbs are piling up!

Still gotta do the high ones.

Then when my wife got home from church I went in the house for a while and watched some of the race with her. First Sunday she's had off work in a year besides when we went to Denver when she took the days off. They rotate the shifts where she works once a year.

She was tired from working 14-1/2 hours yesterday so I told her to take a nap and came out to the shop.
Started on the new fuel tank mounting. Just decided to cut the old ones off and start over.

Looks like 2-1/4" rise will work well. Can actually line the cap up in the hood hole some what, and reach the tank fuel shut off as well.

Still deciding what to do but I think something like cutting these brackets off that are hanging on the flashlight should work for the tank straps to tighten down on.

Unless I come up with a better idea while I'm sleeping that's probably the route I will take.

DAC....I'll have to look, but I "may" have a spare plastic hydraulic valve cover. I need one for a possible project using an 1855 that I may put a small diesel into, but if I do have two, I'll ship one of them to you. I'll try remembering to check tomorrow. I know where one is, so I just gotta find a 2nd one, which I should have if not totally lost track of it.
Wow Daniel! That would save a bunch of work if you have a spare! I would imagine that they sell for a premium, so PM me details if you do find it!

The fuel tank mount is done! Didn't get to a battery hold down yet. I cut those brackets pictured yesterday and they were perfect that only one cut on each leg is all I had to do. Just doubled up the verticals and welded them up. My welding sucks, but the main reason I ground the welds was so everything was flat so nothing would rub a hole in the tank, and the bottom mounts would sit flat on that existing plate.I didn't think about taking any pics until the painting was done. There were already 1/8" holes in the "feet" of those brackets, so I decided to bolt it down rather than weld. It was so hot again today that I kept welding to a minimum. Used those little holes to mark out on the tractor, then drilled them all out to 5/16". I had exactly 4 5/16" split washers and almost out of nuts too! I better be getting some. Hit everything with a cone wire wheel in a drill, then a flap disc. Wiped all the stuff with brakleen and primered with self etching primer. Had just a little bit of 1605 Ford engine red which seems like a match to MF red so emptied that can on the tractor. Just painted the mounting brackets Krylon satin black.

Hot enough today that everything dried quick. Went ahead and bolted on the brackets. Had some 1/8" rubber strips so cut them to lay on top the brackets. I wiped the rubber with brakleen and it made them "sticky" enough to lay down pretty well while I was positioning the tank. There was a little curve in the rubber.

Sat the tank on and strapped it up, aligning it up with the hole in the hood. Then tightened up the straps.

Hooked up a new fuel line and added the filter that came with the new carb. I had already hooked it up to the fuel pump yesterday.

Done for this evening. Back to the day job tomorrow unfortunately. It was 102F outside, but the homemade A/C kept the shop to under 79F.

Looks good Doug. Busy day you had, got lots done.

Need some information on this homemade air conditioner. Please.


Guess I shouldn't call it home made. Sorry about that. It is in the upper right of the first picture, Noel. It's an old motel air conditioner that is on a creeper. Use a piece of Thermax foam insulation to plug the rest of the hole under the overhead door while it's in that position. Roll it out from under the door when done. I need to make a bit sturdier rolling frame for it and hang some rubber flaps on the bottom of that to plug that daylight you can see.

He was very lucky. My neighbour down the road did that. Was just a regular ride on lawn mower. But he got to close to the deep ditch and rolled it in. Landed on top of him they say. But I wasn’t there when it happened. I know the ditch is steep and 3’ or so deep. He Was not hurt. Mower had to go to a shop to get fixed up. Broke the plastic intake off the engine and bent the steering wheel and other things.

Well I do have a spare cover! I'll try getting it shipped within a week or so. I should be good without it, as I don't plan any other projects with Massey's. It's gonna take the best parts of both 1855 chassis to build one good one.
Got to meet my future neighbor yesterday. He's buying the rest of the neighbor's place who moved to Missouri. I think he and I will get along just fine. He's a city boy from Louisville, but seems like a good fella to me. He's already bought a small 38hp Mahindra cab tractor, so already worried for him, but at least it has a protective cab if he finds a hole of rolls it on those steep hills. Big changes in Ball Hollow, but changes to the good.
Those hills are not the best place for a city boy to learn to run a tractor! But it's good that he sounds like the type that left the city behind, and doesn't want to change the country. I HAD a neighbor that moved out from Lexington, tried to force everybody to make their property "pretty". After a dozen or so calls to the sheriff, and two lawsuits, somebody burned his barn down, with his Mercedes in it, and he went back to Lexington.
Posted a couple times thinking I was in my on the farm thread. I'll get them moved along with pertaining replies if I can figure how. Not sure if I can as there's not many editing options here on TF, but I'll see.
It's not a bother to me Daniel, but it is not reaching your normal followers here. That is good that a new city person, moving in seems like he's fine with adapting to the established culture and not try to change it to what he came from. That attitude is becoming an invasion around here with a huge influx of California/Colorado escapees. Sure hope our lifestyle doesn't suffer too badly over it. The economy is starting to feel it. Time will tell.

Sorry I don't get time to get to your Farm thread much.

I certainly appreciate your efforts finding that cover, Daniel! Send me a pm when you get time to work out the details! It sure looks correct!

It was just too hot today at work for me to have any ambition out here in the shop. Shop got a bit toasty at 83F but that is bearable. 10-1/2 hours out on the job first pretty much wore me out.

I'm still thinking that a tilt-up hood like the MF12G has would be a much better setup for my purposes rather that the whole, hood and sides along with the grill all tilting forward. That really restricts what can be mounted on the front of the tractor and still have easy access to the engine. I'm sure a weight box will be needed up front and also planning possibly attempting to convert the 12G blade to this tractor to make use of the center lift.

Kind of thinking on the keyboard I guess---

Those hills are not the best place for a city boy to learn to run a tractor! But it's good that he sounds like the type that left the city behind, and doesn't want to change the country. I HAD a neighbor that moved out from Lexington, tried to force everybody to make their property "pretty". After a dozen or so calls to the sheriff, and two lawsuits, somebody burned his barn down, with his Mercedes in it, and he went back to Lexington.
It may have been an "accident" Sarge!;) Good thing the "accident" happened with the Mercedes in it rather than livestock!

Got a simple battery hold-down built tonight, and was able to have the shop overhead door and the office door open to get a cool breeze coming through to air the shop out!

Don't know what is going on two lots to the east, but 3 squad cars and six county officers have been over there for nearly 3 hours now. Not long after I got home from work, I heard what i thought was a dog yelping like it was getting beaten. Then I spotted a young girl sobbing while talking on a cell phone. I put down the tools I was carrying to see if she needed help and she was gone. It wasn't a couple minutes and a squad car showed up. Two more shortly after. Not with lights blazing or sirens though. I went about my business, but my paint table is outside so after i fabricated the parts I took them out to primer and paint. At that angle I could see several officers around the rear of an old motorhome behind the shop on that acre. A couple are still there and all 3 cars are too. I did see the young girl (probably late teens) again after the police showed up so she is ok, at least. I never saw the man and wife that live there, or their late teens son.

Anyway back to tractors, bent up some quarter inch rod that was probably an old screen door truss. Threaded the ends of the straight rod, and drilled a hole in the bottom of the battery mount for it. Then one end of that rod already was flat with a hole in it. Had to drill that hole to 1/4" then bent a 90 in it at the width of the battery Put a little hook on the bottom of that and drilled a hole in the vertical side of the battery box. It feels pretty solid but time will tell.

We don't have a "Tool Aquisition" forum so I'll post here where they will get used first. Today my drill bit set finally got here. My mistake I thought that "Silver and Deming" was a brand name, but it's a type of bit. They are just "Warrior" brand from Harbor Freight. Was on back order for a week or so. The 5/8" will be the workhorse I suppose, since it is cat 0 3 point attachments I am going to attempt to build.

