Here is my second attempt at a wrench holder.
The facing went alright, but some chatter.
Turning down the outside didn’t go too great... until I remembered to use tail support. Once I had support the horrible chatter I had the first few passes went away.
Drilling the hole went smooth.
I bought a couple of those thin parting blades, but they are too small to fit properly in the parting tool holder. I ground one of the HHS blanks into a parting tool. I made it about 1/8-3/16 wide, which I think was likely on the large side. Either way, parting went very well!!
I am not sure where the flex was, but I think I had some during parting. When turning the dial for the cross-slide it kept going, and didn’t feel too tight; however, if I stopped advancing the wheel it still cut for another 10 seconds or so before no chips were made. I simply advanced, stopped, advanced, stopped until the part came off. I used one of the MT2 drills to catch the part.
I wanted to have one side of the rod go into the top of the holder, where I did my facing cut. I did not measure anything, I just wung it and made the wall too thin. I wound up with what you see here, I wouldn’t say I am happy with this either to be honest, a 3rd will probably come shortly after. The reason for making the rod higher than the tube, is because with my first holder the wrench was constantly in my side.