New year new project doing some work on the 58 CS

Almost looked like they were designed to be progressive rate springs. Darn near the same amount of coils in each spacing. Pull softer first then stiffer the further they are pulled, Gary.

Got the lift assy painted along with the main frame and mount links, installed the lift system repaired the skid shoes they were worn thin so I welded new bottoms on them. Didn't go into the shop this morning it was too cold so this afternoon when I got in the shop and turned the heat up the heater fan motor would not run it just hummed so I spent the afternoon getting it back up and working

Looking good Gary. Ya, colder here this week too. But not like years ago. But still feels the same. Hehe. As I get older, the more heat I need. I remember my father who drove and worked on heavy equipment all his life out in the cold. When the city would call him in the early morning to go to work in a storm, if he could not get the 1/2 ton out, he would walk 4 miles in the storm, over the bridge to get to work. And we may not see him for days. He was in his mid fifties then. Any way, he was all ways bundled up in his later years to keep warm in the winter when he retired.

Got in to the shop this afternoon and got the plow blade installed on the CS haven't painted the blade yet wanted to get it on and give it a try and I got that done works pretty good, with the blade end plates it doesn't lose snow as you move ahead but it also means no angling of the blade so its just a straight push, don't have a set of chains for it but worked pretty good also don't have any wts but I'll install some wheel weights, all in all I'm happy and I really like this tractor

Installed some wheel wts and a drawbar wt on the CS, got 50 lbs per side and the drawbar wt is a 40 lb chuck of steel it counter balances the plow blade the lift system on the tractor is such that as the blade goes down the drawbar raises up it its a nice assist when raising the blade. Although I was very surprised that it isn't all the hard to lift the plow and this plow blade is heavy it is fabricated from 1/2" thick steel pipe. had it out yesterday for a bit of plowing and the darn trans shift got stuck in reverse so I ended up backing from out a ways to the shop this morning I pulled the top off got the shift forks back in position and all is fine for now, I'll have to dissemble the shifter and weld up the knob on the shift lever so it will stay in place.

I;ve been using the CS for pushing the light snows we've been getting and I like it but a couple of days ago instead of backing I turned around and put it in 3 rd gear well the engine really struggled this happened several time and I got to thinking about the carb the OEM one was working good but it had some wear on the throttle shaft so I put a new carb on, but I noticed the the venturi on the old carb was 1" and the new carb was 7/8" but the engine started and ran great until it need full power. So yesterday I got the old carb out cleaned it up and installed it engine started up did some fine tuning when out side for a test drive put it in 3 rd gear and away we went no problems had lots of power. Looked up the new carb and its for a 8-9 hp B&S this engine is a 10 hp I've used that carb on a couple of model 23 B&S 9 hp and they work great but not on a 10 hp
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Sorry I got behind on this Gary! That's a cool workhorse and I'm glad it is going to be able to do some of your chores! If I missed it I apologize, but what size are the rear wheels? I have a bunch of barbell weights like you used, and have never gotten around to how to mount them on a GT. It may help me get motivated if I see how someone else did it!

Sorry I got behind on this Gary! That's a cool workhorse and I'm glad it is going to be able to do some of your chores! If I missed it I apologize, but what size are the rear wheels? I have a bunch of barbell weights like you used, and have never gotten around to how to mount them on a GT. It may help me get motivated if I see how someone else did it!

Good Morning Doug, the rear wheel are 16" tires are 7.50 x 16LT Firestone town & country I'll post some pictures of the wheel wt mounts pretty simple and they work good
Good Morning Doug, the rear wheel are 16" tires are 7.50 x 16LT Firestone town & country I'll post some pictures of the wheel wt mounts pretty simple and they work good
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Thanks for the pics and description, Gary! Is that piece of flat stock 3/8" or more? Never thought 1/4" would be strong enough. I'm thinking of using the barbell shaft tor the mounting rod. Be a lot more useful for tractor weights than actually using them for their intended purpose, LOL!

Morning Doug, the flat stock is 2" x 7/16" yea the bar bell shaft would be good, the last old sets I bought didn't have a solid shaft so I started using all thread and a 1" piece of pipe, and I really like the cast iron wts the best but they are getting hard to come by now
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Morning Doug, the flat stock is 2" x 7/16" yea the bar bell shaft would be good, the last old sets I bought didn't have a solid shaft so I started using all thread and a 1" piece of pipe, and I really like the cast iron wts the best but they are getting hard to come by now
Thanks again Gary! Think I have some 1/2" around here but I may have to cut it in half. I believe it's 4" wide. One barbell set I ran across does have a solid steel shaft and the ends have a machine thread with 3 spoke "knock off" looking nuts. Probably will butcher that up to build a setup like yours! Probably sometime after I find out if that MF1450 is going to run and drive!

The B&S Flo-jet carb that was on the engine when I bought it worked engine started good ran good but the throttle shaft had so much wear & play that I thought I'd replace it with a new aftermarket carb well that didn't work so well so I dug out one of several carbs I have thoroughly cleaned it in the ultra-sonic cleaner new bowl to top gasket new emulsion tube new main jet intalled it enginestarted up got it fine tuned set the idle and max R's drove around good power good response so I thought at's it we're good to go, shut of the engine worked arond in the shop came by and noticed darn carb was dripping gas, removed it split it used a Q tip in the cordless drill and some mother metal polish cleaned and polished the seat this usually does it reassembled it checked still leaking so I installed a new needle same results next installed a new seat and the new needle ckecked it it seemed to be holding so put it on the engine, it started ran good didn't see any leakage thought I had it but oh no its really a slow leak now but leaking, disgusted I removed the throttle shaft from the original carb the shaft has some wear but not real bad but the bushing are worn, so I worked on removing the old bushings don't have a dead end puller that small so I tried heating the area with a propane torch hope with some tapping they might come out no so I heated it again clamped it in the drill press vice used a 1/4" bit that is bibber than the hole and tried running the bit into the bushing the bit grapped the bushing started spinning it back up on the drill and the bushing came out got both removed found a top with 2 good bushing removed them and prssed them into the carb reassembled it installed it on the engine started up ran good but it was a little rich at idle got that cured ran the tractor out for a test drive its good, that was yesterday just before quitting time came back in this AM and big smile no leaks engine started right up and runs good so that's it ready for work
Nice here in MN mid 50" for temp but the wind is blowing like crazy 27 to 41 mph, the the snow is all but gone and the 14 day forecast is for in the upper 30's the 40's and low 50's so I removed the snow pusher from the Country Squire and installed a rear blade to use when the ground dries and firms some. Decided to spend some of my stimulus money and ordered a set of new tires the old ones are worn smooth and like to slide when turning on slippery conditions
(2) Two 4.80/4.00-8 D256 Stud Deestone Tubeless Tires FREE SHIPPING!! | eBay
Nice tires Gary. I guess I was just lucky to get to use the case in the snow for a bit, because it’s warming up here tomorrow thru next week too. I’m gunna take the V pull behind snow blower off the TEA20 Ferguson next week and put the rear 7’ blade on so we can fix up the 800’ driveway, when it dries. And I’d say it’s gunna dry quick this year.
son took out his 06 Mustang GT today. Spring must be here. Not driving it, just wanted to do a few little fix ups.

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Looks like a good deal on those tires Gary! Probably be harder to get the old ones off that put the new ones on? I've never bought a new tire for a GT yet.

Wow, Noel----"Lucky" to go move snow---LOL! Even though the last time I moved snow with a GT a couple weeks ago, it was decent weather and the MF8E worked well, I never considered myself "lucky" to be out in that crap----LOL! Just kidding!

I suppose it's going to catch me off guard to mow though! Haven't even thought about getting the deck back on the MF12G! Suppose I should. Guess for the first mow I could test the MTD/Bolens LT I got running for my wife last December.
