Pep talk with tractors !

The City here has a Ford with a blower mounted on the front. Shaft driven from the PTO. They blade all the snow to the center of the street in the business district, then blow it into trucks and haul it off. Works good but take several trucks. mostly private contractors.
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Picture of the bank of snow. Pictures are taken from about the same location. Three weeks ago and now. Most of that snow is from the thrower piling it there.



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Sub and compacts are just so much cash. I'd be out at least 14k for a new sub with a bucket and deck. Used prices here aren't much better.

I couldn't bring myself to do it when I was buying a new unit....
I feel the same way. I'd love to have one but how many times a year do I really NEED a loader? For fire wood etc for sure, then there's building more attachments lol. There's a Branson one here locally with a loader, blower & heated factory cab for $23,000 (the cabs alone are anywhere form 6-10 k (all Canadian prices) but even then....I keep unconvincing myself I don't need one lol, if I can ever get a loader built for my 1655. I like my snow blowing set up al lot & love my 2 1655's but It would be nice to have a real 540 PTO 4 wheel drive & a diesel and only have one unit though. Noel a blower like mine will handle that fine. I usually just take a couple of cuts, height is not an issue. I prefer the blowers over the throwers but that's what they made back then. I've been toying with the idea of getting an old 48" Berco/Sears blower & hooking it up to my 1655 via the PTO shaft. Just need a 2 or 3 to 1 reducer to get the RPM's down. (same as the one I have here) I really like the saw tooth auger types)


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Some of my trouble is the width of my driveway. It’s 20-25 feet wide. Wind normally coming from the NW, so I allways throw to the SE mostly. Just so I don’t get covered as much with snow. And it throws a little farther that way. Case thrower I have to move it two or three time to get it into the woods. John Deere once. And the Ford maybe once, depend on where I at in the driveway.

I feel the same way. I'd love to have one but how many times a year do I really NEED a loader?

That was what kept me from it. How often would I use it? Probably a couple times a year and that would be it.

My x570 services all my yard chores perfectly. The electric sleeve hitch let's me use enough stuff that I can be happy

Our weather this year has been a freak year. But we have NOTHING like Noel has. I could use that bucket to scrape the ice off my driveway. Broke my shovel today beating on it.
A little more snow Tuesday and Wednesday, maybe. So they say. But could be rain.

That's what it looked like on the weather channel this morning. Coming out of New England toward your direction!

The MF8E definitely is not going to handle that situation Noel. I've got room to push, and have low spots in the drifts, unlike your driveway. You have good equipment for your situation.

The banks on the sides are about 5’ or so tall now. If any garden tractor was right beside the bank, I doubt it would throw the over the bank. The Case throwers are short and don’t throw very well. So at the end of the drive way there was so much snow thrown on top of the bank that when you made a pass, the weight of the snow would avalanche down. Right on top of me and the tractor. Really need a sub compact or compact tractor and blower to move the snow away. So it doesn’t land on top of the bank. Need something that would throw at least 30’. Banks are so tall at the road you can’t see up or down the road to see if anything is coming. You have to get a 1/3 of the car out before you can see. So, I will have to shovel the top of the banks off to be able to see. Problem is the Plow drivers. They won’t push the snow back and won’t put the wing down. If they did I could see over the bank where the wing made the cut. But no, all the beepin people complain about the Plow drivers filling in there drive way. Well that’s to bad, that’s what their suppose to do, clean the road. Fill me in, I can deal with it.
There now, a small rant for today.

How would your Plow tractor handle this snow Doug.


Some pictures of what I mean about the road Plow not plowing me in. First two pictures you can see he has the wing down as he’s coming to my driveway. Then once he passes my driveway he puts the wing back down. Jumpins any way.
Next two pictures are what I shoveled off so I can sorta see up and down the road. Not great pictures. Hopefully you can see what I mean.



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You really got the piled up snow, Noel! Better you than me---LOL! Well sometimes it seems when a person is prepared for whatever situation might arise, the situation doesn't happen. Not the case with you this year! You got the tractors prepared and are sure getting plenty of (warmed) seat time!

Plow came along this morning a cut some of the banks at the road off. Can see up and down road better now. Had to go out and clean up what he put into the driveway. And that’s fine with me. Safer now to see if cars are coming.

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“Blowing” some water/slush today lol. Added a quick pipe to try over the grass. Works pretty good.


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