If you are like me you will enjoy retirement. Do something when you feel like iy and do nothing too. I was unemployed when I was 50 and it was no fun and I was going to be unemployed when I hit 62 so went in and told them "I quit".
I have the time but no funds to come out to the party.
Be great to meet you someday, Rad, but western South Dakota is so far away from everyone on this forum! I've never met any of the folks face to face so it isn't like we really know each other. I appreciate the thought very much though! I waited until I am 66 to call it quits. Should have done it sooner.
He turns 63 this year but he had to retire in 2012 due to health, back and neck issues. Fortunately for he was incredibly smart with his money! He had zero debt when he had to stop working.
He worked for a company that repaired mine lighting systems, and sold industrial supplies. He started as a truck driver, then did repairs, then ran the warehouse, and his last 10 years he was inside sales. He started there in 1984 3 months after I was born.
I have a solid plan but way too much of it depends on way too much that is out of my control! My 401k hasn’t been doing very well. I’ve put 10% to 15% of my pay check into it since 2003 with a dollar for dollar match from my employer up to 10%. It’s up and down. I’ve never truly lost money that I put in. But there for awhile it was growing; that growth comes and goes though.
He's 3 years younger. Pretty much opposite here, never made very good money and was never good with handling it---LOL! Main thing is, maybe he can't work, but you said he still mows and does chores, so he should not feel useless! He did his duty by being so responsible and prepared for such a thing as forced retirement, even being so young when it happened to him! You are only 2 years older than our eldest kid and we waited 8 years after marriage to have kids!
Your plan will work out, Aaron, way better than you might think right now. I know the future looks insane but you and yours will be all right!
The plant had a retirement lunch for me today. I didn't know anything about it until an hour before lunch. Everybody always gives me grief because I bring a sandwich to work every day. So the theme was sandwiches---Jimmy John's and Oreo sandwich cookies. They had a cake and ice cream too.

That picture printed on the cake was when I was first hired in 2004! Heck of a lot more grey now! the cards from management staff (green) and the work crew (yellow) had cash in them. Much more in the crew card. No I never put the dumb hat on---LOL!
Then after the meal expenses a couple of co-workers said there was 250 bucks left in the "retirement fund" so they told them to go get some stuff for my shop. The parts man was told to get a 75' 3/8" retractable hose reel to replace my 25 year old hand crank one, a set of Knipex pliers and a set of orange dead blow hammers. This is what I ended up with---LOL! Don't get me wrong, I appreciate all of these great gifts, but this is a running problem with the parts man at work. Very rarely do we get what we actually need! The hammers were the only thing close to what they told him to get. 3 sizes and the color really didn't matter. All the ones at work are orange so that's how they were ordered.
This is my old hose reel.
Guess it really is setting in that I'm darn near done! Definitely looking forward to it! Gonna take off at noon Friday.
Thanks for the support here folks!