And more junk.

Nice fix on the car Doug. If you can’t have Mowing Mondays now, the nice thing is, you could do Mowing Tuesday’s. Hehe. Or any day. Have a great time Doug. I haven’t seen these last couple of pages of posts. I seem to miss stuff on here or I don’t know where to look. Any way. Happy retirement. Nice that all the people showed up for your party. And a great send off from your work.

Some of that stuff couldn't be made any thinner if they had to.:mad:
Seems like it doesn't "grip" like it used to either. Can't stretch it into the threads well, Chris. We had some brand that was blue at work that stayed put one a wrap was completed. Since I'm left handed I always got the thread wrapping chores as it is natural for me to wrap teflon tape---LOL!

Since you are retired take a nap for me. I been tired for about 20 years now.

Tired more than once is re-tired, so I guess you are almost there, Willie---LOL! I ain't a good napper. Every now and then but not very often.

Have you ever been tested for sleep apnea?
No, Chris. There is no way I could do the sleep study successfully. Just knowing I'm being watched much less wired up would keep me wide awake. My wife did it and wears a CPAP most nights. I feel like I sleep fine, just gotta get up for nature breaks a couple times through the night.

Nice fix on the car Doug. If you can’t have Mowing Mondays now, the nice thing is, you could do Mowing Tuesday’s. Hehe. Or any day. Have a great time Doug. I haven’t seen these last couple of pages of posts. I seem to miss stuff on here or I don’t know where to look. Any way. Happy retirement. Nice that all the people showed up for your party. And a great send off from your work.

Thanks, Noel! I don't get notifications for a lot of posts too. I rely on looking at the "unread posts" column and still miss some. Did have a great time at the retirement party at the bar. I did a memory count and looks like 40 folks showed up. We waited for you until 11:30 and gave up---LOL!

I hung up that GMC V-6 valve cover hat hanger today, and put 3 "vintage" hats from the 1980's on it! Yeah I hoard hats too---LOL!


I like that hat hook that’s clever. I’m a hat hoarder too Doug until recently. My son loves vintage stuff so I gave him a bunch and he sold most of them on eBay, used or not they are in demand. He kept some because he said he could remember me wearing them. My shop clock died a few weeks ago I’m thinking of an idea to make one.
I like that hat hook that’s clever. I’m a hat hoarder too Doug until recently. My son loves vintage stuff so I gave him a bunch and he sold most of them on eBay, used or not they are in demand. He kept some because he said he could remember me wearing them. My shop clock died a few weeks ago I’m thinking of an idea to make one.
Here’s an idea if you have a spare blower housing laying around. I have one from a blown engine and thought about making a clock out of it.
Here’s an idea if you have a spare blower housing laying around. I have one from a blown engine and thought about making a clock out of it.
View attachment 67886
That was my thought too. I have a couple of Tecumseh and one Briggs. You can still get some of the vintage decals. One of them was from a 12 hp. Tecumseh that was silver from my MF12. I think it might of had the Indian head decal on it.
Now the fun starts, I hope you enjoy retirement as much as I do.
Sorry I haven't been around, I got a new phone and it didn't download things correctly, I think I'm getting it back to normal!
Thanks HJim! I appreciate the thought. It's very hard to stay caught up on the forum. I hope once I get it together I can make time for some of the threads like Daniel's and Willie's. I can't do it on the phone at all. Got to make more time for the PC.

I like that hat hook that’s clever. I’m a hat hoarder too Doug until recently. My son loves vintage stuff so I gave him a bunch and he sold most of them on eBay, used or not they are in demand. He kept some because he said he could remember me wearing them. My shop clock died a few weeks ago I’m thinking of an idea to make one.
I have recently thrown away a bunch of used hats, SJim! Dang wouldn't you know it there's a market for them! Probably had a dozen in one of my lockers at work that went in the garbage when I retired a week ago. One of the guys at work built that valve cover. He saw something similar online somewhere.

Here’s an idea if you have a spare blower housing laying around. I have one from a blown engine and thought about making a clock out of it.
View attachment 67886
Pretty cool shop clock, Cub!

That was my thought too. I have a couple of Tecumseh and one Briggs. You can still get some of the vintage decals. One of them was from a 12 hp. Tecumseh that was silver from my MF12. I think it might of had the Indian head decal on it.
There is a "Vintage Tecumseh Engine" page on FB. I have read that they are getting the old decals, and it seems like in may be one of the restorers on there than makes some.

Opps, forgot to give a report on a couple of hours I got to work in the shop today. Did some tire work on the garden cart and the RF that keeps leaking down on the Craftsman GT5000. Very cold wind blowing so I went outside and took a wheel off the garden cart and brought it in. Thought I would have to order a tube, but I found a new 8" one here. Problem is I have 2-8" leakers! I got really lucky (I hope) on the garden cart tire. It was a loose valve core!


Then I got the wheel off the GT5000 and built my "tire machine". I clamp a piece of rod in a vice and since it's a little high then i stand on a steel milk crate to work. The tire has very few hours on it but there's weather cracks that are leaking. There's still tit's on the tread right down the middle. I don't think that tractor got used much before I got it, but it sat out in the weather for years.


Vacuumed out the inside of the tire, rubbed baby powder in it and on the new tube. Sure glad I found a couple of tire spoons in the scrap trailer at work a year or so ago. Makes this stuff much easier. Ready to roll the bead back in the wheel.

Grabbed the valve stem with some small needle nose vise grips, aired it up and deflated it several times first to seat the bead, then to let the tube find it's place. Hopefully it will still have air in it tomorrow!

Nice fix on the tires Doug the pipe in a vise sounds handy to hold the tire. Your Gt5000 does look like it wasn’t used much but weather can be just as bad sometimes. Compared to my Hoopdy and yours being a much nicer tractor and a GT I think you have a nice grass cutter.
Nice fix on the tires Doug the pipe in a vise sounds handy to hold the tire. Your Gt5000 does look like it wasn’t used much but weather can be just as bad sometimes. Compared to my Hoopdy and yours being a much nicer tractor and a GT I think you have a nice grass cutter.
When the P.O. gave me that tractor it was in a old garage, but soon as I rolled it out, it was obvious that it was outside the majority of it's life, Jim. then they told me their dogs were tied to it and the JD110 I bought and they both reeked of dog piss! I still think the GT5000 mowing quality won't hold a candle to the MF12G, but it will be good to have a couple GT's that can mow. My wife wants the GT5000 but her having time to mow is another story. There's a couple of LT's out back that can mow too but they have to sit outside all the time.

This morning had a long meeting with the local racing Hall of Fame. I am one of the nominating and voting members. To back peddle to late yesterday afternoon, I had ordered one of those little robotic vacuum cleaners from a Menard's on line sale. It was pretty cheap at about 70 bucks shipped so I gave it a shot. It did pretty well yesterday afternoon so I went to the shop while it was running. Loree said it got stuck under the couch and pulled it out, but she was in the middle of a conference call with work. I just put it back on the charging dock when I came in. When I got home this afternoon, I figured it was time to check it out again. and see how this thing works. Right away it seemed I got what I paid for. It was disoriented and couldn't get out of it's own way. I took the plunge and scanned that silly box thing to get the app on my phone. That was an adventure in itself trying to make the app, wifi and machine all talk to each other. Finally had some sucess. That vacuum cleaner responded from the app and tried to work but kept going in right hand circles. It announced "wheels stuck". Yeah it talks. Then a drive wheel error popped up on my phone. I could not see any obvious problem so I pressed down on the wheels and tried to spin them. One wouldn't turn well with the suspension compressed. Had to shine a light up into that wheel well and then I could see some yellow fuzz---a damm cat toy! It was jammed up in there so far I had to go to the shop and get a long pair of tweezers to pull it out---LOL! I had picked up everything that is obvious but sure can't see what is under the couch! Probably picked it up last night when my wife said it got stuck!

Loree named the vacuum cleaner as both of her sisters have theirs named. It is "Alice" after the name of the housekeeper on the "Brady Bunch"---LOL! I have to make a sticker for it now---LOL More honeydos!!

The yard cart and the GT5000 have thier wheels back on and the zirks got greased on both pieces of equipment too. It was still darn cold with the wind today, and that new shop next door has a woodburner that the NW wind blows the smoke right into our yard. It was choking bad today. Gawd it needs to warm up so he quits burning!


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I was on a job one time and they had one of them robot vacuums on each floor. I don’t remember the brand but what amazed me was when it got done it drove itself back to the loading dock to charge for next time. o_O
I was on a job one time and they had one of them robot vacuums on each floor. I don’t remember the brand but what amazed me was when it got done it drove itself back to the loading dock to charge for next time. o_O
This one is supposed to do that too, Jim. I don't know yet if it works. I do know if I push the "home" button on the remote, it did go home and start charging.

Daughter has one of them. Had to put it up for the Christmas holidays. I kept wanting to eat the spread she had under the tree. Her husband is an electronics nut and was the one who actually got it. He has cameras throughout the house and any motion sends an alarm to his and daughters phone.
Daughter has one of them. Had to put it up for the Christmas holidays. I kept wanting to eat the spread she had under the tree. Her husband is an electronics nut and was the one who actually got it. He has cameras throughout the house and any motion sends an alarm to his and daughters phone.
There are things that need to be picked up before that vacuum get to them, like as you said, Roger, loose cloth items, wires and as I found out, pet toys!

I am really glad I bought this thing after this morning! I turned it loose in our bedroom. We have a king size bed and it is very difficult to clean under it. The dust bunnies get the size of jackrabbits under there---LOL! Couple times a year I bring the shop vac in the house with the extensions, lay on the floor and clean them up. I got the notification on my phone that the cleaning was complete, and it was looking for the charging dock. I had the door closed to keep it in there. Went and got it and put it on the charger. Got a flashlight and looked under the bed. It did a better job than I could ever do with the shop vac! We don't have any junk stored under the bed, so it had full access.

I did some house chores, and about the time the race started, I got out to the shop. Fired up the GT5000, went out and hooked to the yard trailer and brought it in for a repair. The dump latch was rusted so it wouldn't release. Need to have some kind of lever on it too.


Sprayed some penetrant on it and got it moving well.

Found a 3/8" knob in a junk box, bent and cut a piece of 3/8" all thread and jam nutted it to the latch after drilling the hole out to 3/8". Can reach it from the seat if I need to dump and drive now. Added a new spring too.

Might have to have a Mowing Monday tomorrow after I get home anyway, Noel---LOL! Sounds like tomorrow will be the only day this week decent enough to be outside.

What? No valuables under the bed? And you call yourself a civil human being?
We just throw some dog treats under the bed. When they come out they look like polar bears but no dust bunnies left. ;)
:p Our bedroom is a no animal room, Chris. I got to have one room in the house where allergies don't bother me as much. When the cat croaks, no more pets. It's too hard to get stuff out from under a king size bed, so nothing under it.

With the twin heated blanket cords and several pair of shoes hard to say what the outcome would be if one of those got turned loose in our bedroom. Wonder how they would work in the shop on the dirt floor ? ?:mad:
I had to raise cords and my wife's cpap hoses up off the floor, took about 2 minutes, and it did good. Dirt floor? Doubt it would work well, Roger.

I went to fill the GT5000 with overpriced gas today. I had never filled it over 1/2 tank. It's a leaker right where the gas sight gauge is, just over half a tank. It looked badly weathered but I had hope. Hope was shattered---LOL! Ordered some Seal All for gas applications. Back in the day it was real good stuff but I haven't used any in years. I priced used tanks online, 250-300 bucks and could be buying the same problem.

In the meantime, I will just use it 1/2 tank or less.

The robot vacuum got a name today. Loree named it so I went and made a sticker. My photography is getting bad for some reason. That is the same font of the TV show logo.

The "Seal All" for gas came in today so I took the tank out of the GT 5000, cleaned it best I could and gave it a layer. I'll let it dry overnight and put another coat on it.


Hope it works!

The robot vacuum got a name today. Loree named it so I went and made a sticker. My photography is getting bad for some reason. That is the same font of the TV show logo.
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The "Seal All" for gas came in today so I took the tank out of the GT 5000, cleaned it best I could and gave it a layer. I'll let it dry overnight and put another coat on it.
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Hope it works!

That’s the same stuff that was included in the felt gasket kit I ordered to repair our clothes dryer awhile back. It was very tacky.