And more junk.

I don't think I could spend more than an hour in the little room. I spread a tarp outside and do it there. That's what I'll be doing tomorrow with some of June bugs parts. Thankfully it will be overcast. Knowing my luck it will probably rain when I'm about half done.
I usually line my utility trailer with plastic and use some cardboard about 3’ high to catch most of the media. I sit on a bucket then later sweep up what I can then do it again. I have a nice blast cabinet for small parts but I can’t get to it lol. It has parts of a CC 1250 and engine in front of it. I need to prioritize some day.
To bad you didn’t have my son’s sand blasting cabinet Doug. They would fit right in.

Yeah that's the size cabinet I would need, Noel!

Today I spent most of the day sorting, shredding and throwing away a mountain of paperwork that had accumulated during the transition into retirement. That's pretty time consuming trying to determine what should be kept in a file and what was garbage. Did my laundry while doing that too.

We got back from our overnight trip pretty late last night so nothing to report there.

Finally got out to the shop and cleaned up the coveralls, blasting hood and strained the reclaimed sand through window screen to get debris from the shed floor out of it. Never got into town yet so since I have a bunch of errands to run tomorrow so I'll stop by HF and get a new deadman valve and extra nozzles. Probably will try to start blasting again early Tuesday morning.

Might get back early enough tomorrow afternoon for "Mowing Monday" at least---LOL! We'll see how it goes!

I got the front half of the yard mowed today, but the GT5000 is having some fuel delivery issues. I may order a new fuel pump. Didn't get time to do much troubleshooting on it. Earlier in the day, I saw a generator on FB that was a good price for what it was. The guy messaged me that he was on his way home if I wanted to look at it. It's kind of a big one but for 200 bucks it was the cheapest and best shape one I had seen in a long time for sale. It came home with me.


We hooked it up to his camper and the 220 worked, and all four 110 outlets work. Never had a OHV Briggs before but it runs well. 9 years old and under 500 hours he estimated. Needs a good cleaning!

I was on the run most all day again today, going to a florist shop to order Mother's Day flowers, went to Sam's club, and several other piddly errands. Going to be occupied with retirement party stuff tomorrow too. 3 of us "old guys" have retired in less than a month. over 70 years of combined experience between the three of us. The youngest has the most time in at 33 years, and he is only 57 I think. His last day is tomorrow. I'm taking a couple dozen donuts in for morning break, then at noon they will be grilling hamburgers, so I will go back for that too. He is the guy I bought the '55 GMC from back in 2009 not runnable at the time.

Anyway tomorrow is pretty much all planned out so hopefully sandblasting can resume Thursday morning. It's supposed to be a lot cooler then too.

I was on the run most all day again today, going to a florist shop to order Mother's Day flowers, went to Sam's club, and several other piddly errands. Going to be occupied with retirement party stuff tomorrow too. 3 of us "old guys" have retired in less than a month. over 70 years of combined experience between the three of us. The youngest has the most time in at 33 years, and he is only 57 I think. His last day is tomorrow. I'm taking a couple dozen donuts in for morning break, then at noon they will be grilling hamburgers, so I will go back for that too. He is the guy I bought the '55 GMC from back in 2009 not runnable at the time.

Anyway tomorrow is pretty much all planned out so hopefully sandblasting can resume Thursday morning. It's supposed to be a lot cooler then too.

You going to stop by the dumpster on the way home lol. It sounds like a good event.
They’re turning out nice Doug. I like the setup and design your doing. I don’t want to sound creepy but when my son was still at home when we went to funerals we would check out the headstones looking at the dates and descriptions. In our area there is a lot of civil war history that is really interesting to see. Across from us is a 180 acre farm according to Google maps there is a what looks like a very large grave yard not far from the road but deep enough on the property you can’t see it from the road. I done a search of it and most dates are in the 1700 and a lot of babies and children buried there. It’s sad to see that. Sorry for the rant I think that’s a nice thing your doing and hopefully many folks will appreciate it for many years.
My cousin posted a picture of her mother and G uncle at the Messer cemetery and it shows the head stone of my Great Grandfather is of the same as in Arlington only he was in the CSA army and my liberal daughter got upset when I suggested that was possible.Messer cemetary.jpg
I can't help but wonder why some people get upset with the past actions of their ancestors. They have no idea what the circumstances were back then. Without that information their actions are totally uncalled for.
That's a neat photo. I wish I could read what's on the headstone.