And more junk.

My cousin posted a picture of her mother and G uncle at the Messer cemetery and it shows the head stone of my Great Grandfather is of the same as in Arlington only he was in the CSA army and my liberal daughter got upset when I suggested that was possible.View attachment 68695
Nice picture, Rad! Great looking couple there too! Glad to see your Great Grandfather survived the war.

Our kids tend to be liberal too but so far they haven't had any issues with my Dad's side of the family from Georgia. My aunt was a Confederate historian and the first curator of "The Museum of the Confederacy" at A.H. Stephens State Park in Crawfordville. Stephens was the Vice-President of the Confederacy, and the museum is on the grounds of his home place. Her Mother, my Grandmother, was Claudia Davis Crawford. There was a distant connection in her lineage to Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy. Stephens and Davis didn't get along well at all.

I can't help but wonder why some people get upset with the past actions of their ancestors. They have no idea what the circumstances were back then. Without that information their actions are totally uncalled for.
That's a neat photo. I wish I could read what's on the headstone.
I cropped the pictures of the headstones, Chris, hope you can read them now.

Messer cemetary (rad)1.jpg Messer cemetary (rad)2.jpg

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They’re turning out nice Doug. I like the setup and design your doing. I don’t want to sound creepy but when my son was still at home when we went to funerals we would check out the headstones looking at the dates and descriptions. In our area there is a lot of civil war history that is really interesting to see. Across from us is a 180 acre farm according to Google maps there is a what looks like a very large grave yard not far from the road but deep enough on the property you can’t see it from the road. I done a search of it and most dates are in the 1700 and a lot of babies and children buried there. It’s sad to see that. Sorry for the rant I think that’s a nice thing your doing and hopefully many folks will appreciate it for many years.
Loree and I used to check out some of the cemeteries around the Black Hills without needing a funeral to be there. Lots of history in them. There were epidemics in the Black Hills several times between 1876 to 1900 that claimed mostly children and even a couple before 1920 in the twentieth century.

Glad you like the stones, Jim. Loree's Great Grandmother Jennie was a bit of a legend herself moving up here alone from Kansas to homestead on her own. Her uncle, Elmer Perviance was a cattle driver and talked her in to coming up here on her own. Elmer didn't have a homestead, he went with the cattle drives.

This picture is where I got the silhouette of her on the horse for her headstone. Perviance is the man in the pic. Picture taken 1913-1914.
G Jim and Pevine002resized.jpg

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I don't know how you did that but thanks. I can read them fine. Whenever I try that the photos get all blurry.

Did she ever marry?
I saved Rad's picture file to "My Pictures" then I could crop the sections with the headstones in the Windows 10 photo editing program, Chris. Then just post them like any other pic saved in my pictures. I keep all my pictures in an external hard drive but it still works the same. Took only a couple of minutes.

Yes she married about a year after this pic was taken after she "proved up" on her homestead. She married Fred Connell, the other headstone I'm making. He owned an adjoining homestead. They ended up selling a few years after they combined their land and moved around a lot.

My G G Uncle Alex, My G Grandfather's brother was tied into the murder of 3 McCoy boys of the Hatfield/McCoy feud. That is the notoriety of the Messer family.
Is the Messer family going to be on that new "Hatfield's and McCoy's" TV show I've seen a couple of commercials about? Maybe you can make a pile of money being a TV star, Rad---LOL!

I think the letters will need painted white just to gain some contrast. I sprayed a little water on the part I peeled the sandblast mask off of and the blasted areas turned the same color as the polished surface. My wife was hoping for the natural grain of the granite to be exposed. Painting the letters is very common on headstones. Will show her tomorrow. Didn't get a picture of it damp.


I saved Rad's picture file to "My Pictures" then I could crop the sections with the headstones in the Windows 10 photo editing program, Chris. Then just post them like any other pic saved in my pictures. I keep all my pictures in an external hard drive but it still works the same. Took only a couple of minutes.

Yes she married about a year after this pic was taken after she "proved up" on her homestead. She married Fred Connell, the other headstone I'm making. He owned an adjoining homestead. They ended up selling a few years after they combined their land and moved around a lot.

Is the Messer family going to be on that new "Hatfield's and McCoy's" TV show I've seen a couple of commercials about? Maybe you can make a pile of money being a TV star, Rad---LOL!

I think the letters will need painted white just to gain some contrast. I sprayed a little water on the part I peeled the sandblast mask off of and the blasted areas turned the same color as the polished surface. My wife was hoping for the natural grain of the granite to be exposed. Painting the letters is very common on headstones. Will show her tomorrow. Didn't get a picture of it damp.

View attachment 68776

When ever I laid stone tiles I always sealed them with a stone sealer. The sealer gives the stone kind of a wet look which makes the stone brighter. Maybe SB a piece of scrap or the back if it doesn’t show and try it on that.
Doug I haven't heard of a movie but there was documentary a few years ago that my son watched is where he learned about Uncle Alex and then I looked it up on ancestry and there was a explanatory note on his page.
That movie is good it’s been out awhile you should be able to watch it in its entirety somewhere. I bought the DVD I liked it so good.
When ever I laid stone tiles I always sealed them with a stone sealer. The sealer gives the stone kind of a wet look which makes the stone brighter. Maybe SB a piece of scrap or the back if it doesn’t show and try it on that.
Do you have a brand you would recommend, Jim?

Doug I haven't heard of a movie but there was documentary a few years ago that my son watched is where he learned about Uncle Alex and then I looked it up on ancestry and there was a explanatory note on his page.
I am talking about a new "reality" show, Rad. Looks like it is on a streaming network that you have to buy though.

I remember a miniseries back in 2012. Don't think I saw a documentary or movie though. This new one is supposed to be real modern day family members.

I am friends with a McCoy that lives in Defiance. He is a good friend my wife's best friend's husband. I asked if he was related to the feuding family and then I told him about my uncle. We have a big camp out in Defiance at July 4th with a big cookout and fireworks.
DAC That looks great. The letters painted white will look great.

After my mother passed one of the hardest decisions made was the color of headstone. My dad went with a light pink color with black lettering. He due to the water spots from the irrigation water the cemetery used to keep the grass green.
DAC That looks great. The letters painted white will look great.

After my mother passed one of the hardest decisions made was the color of headstone. My dad went with a light pink color with black lettering. He due to the water spots from the irrigation water the cemetery used to keep the grass green.
Thank you, Ted! The mask will stay on to make the painting easier. A few letters on Fred's are unmasked but still won't be hard to paint. Going to use 1-Shot lettering enamel with some automotive hardener added.

My wife's uncle supplied the granite slabs so the color was up to him. That sure makes sense the choice your Dad made going with the lighter color when water spotting is a factor. I don't think the prairie cemetery these go in has any watering.

Today was kind of a waste of time! About 10 this morning Loree called and told me that a new couch she bought was going to be delivered today. The old couch was till in the way so i had to scramble to get it moved. She said they would help carry it outside but I still had to move it and clean under it before a new on gets put in it's place. Surprisingly, a couple weeks ago I had turned "Alice" the robot vacuum cleaner loose in that room, and it was pretty clean under it. The robot did get stuck under it once so I figured it didn't do a good job. Got all that ready, had lunch and a severe thunderstorm warning came on the weather channel. It was dumping hard rain in town but not much out here. I waited for them to show up, but finally about 3pm she called and said they had to reschedule due to the rain. Still hadn't rained much out here in the valley. No word on when they might be coming back.

Finally got out to the shop and mixed some paint and did a color test on the sample piece of granite I had. It was a failed attempt at approaching the sandblast mask with a different method. Anyway, will know tomorrow if the plan is going to be ok.



Wow those really look good and the paint made your work pop out. :thumbs:
I like those Doug looks very professional. As the youngins say those letters pop! Fantastic job and fun to follow.
Thank-you, for the comments, Chris and Jim! Guess I still remember something from all the years I spent in the sign biz---LOL!

The new couch finally got here today. The delivery guys were really good! They hauled the old couch out to the shop and installed and assembled the new one. We have never had a recliner before! Very comfortable. We are going to take the old one to the Boys Club thrift store and see if they want it, and if not it will go to the dump. Hope they take it as the dump will probably hook me for 10-20 bucks to dump it. Still clean and in decent shape. It's one of those "pillow couches".
IMG_0918.jpg IMG_0919.jpg

Then I went back out to the shop and did some arranging, lowered the lift and took the stuff off of it. Parked the MF8E and MF12G outside for awhile, and took the tractor platforms out. I need to use the '72 GMC to haul the couch but it is overdue for an oil change so the lift got it's first workout with a truck on it!

There is still junk in the box from my last haul from the scrap trailer from work---LOL! I'll go unload it around back after the old truck gets serviced.

Raised it up but there was no problem with the ceiling fan. If I raised it higher, I can't reach the area I need to get to on the truck. I have to duck to get under the truck but then can stand straight up to work on it.

Poor old truck just keeps going, but has some leaks, engine transmission and differential. The short block has been in this truck since 1986! It got fresh heads, cam and lifters and new headers and exhaust in 2015. Dropped the oil and pulled the filter. Will let it drip overnight.

Ran the tractors back in and was done for the day.

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