Nice picture, Rad! Great looking couple there too! Glad to see your Great Grandfather survived the war.My cousin posted a picture of her mother and G uncle at the Messer cemetery and it shows the head stone of my Great Grandfather is of the same as in Arlington only he was in the CSA army and my liberal daughter got upset when I suggested that was possible.View attachment 68695
Our kids tend to be liberal too but so far they haven't had any issues with my Dad's side of the family from Georgia. My aunt was a Confederate historian and the first curator of "The Museum of the Confederacy" at A.H. Stephens State Park in Crawfordville. Stephens was the Vice-President of the Confederacy, and the museum is on the grounds of his home place. Her Mother, my Grandmother, was Claudia Davis Crawford. There was a distant connection in her lineage to Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy. Stephens and Davis didn't get along well at all.
I cropped the pictures of the headstones, Chris, hope you can read them now.I can't help but wonder why some people get upset with the past actions of their ancestors. They have no idea what the circumstances were back then. Without that information their actions are totally uncalled for.
That's a neat photo. I wish I could read what's on the headstone.

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