What are you currently working on??

I posted about the upcoming eye surgeries earlier. That don't actually happen until May. Should have done my back or got hearing aids first in hindsight.

Thank-you guys for the thoughts!

You know Doug I can't laugh much...
1-Had back surgery 30+ years ago when I was around 36
2-Had a cataract removed in my left eye about 5 years ago due from getting hit in the eye with a bungy cord in my younger day.
3- Got hearing aids 3 years ago which by the way the warranty is running out...
So been kinda overhauled already.. But definitely due for a tune up...
The parking brake adjuster broke on the Dodge 2500 during the winter, rusted clean in half.....I know, shocker right- a Dodge rusting?:rolleyes:
Anyway, I had order the adjuster a couple months back, cold, wet, etc and I could not get brake cable apart. I found some guy on YouTube who showed how to make a tool from a cheap pair of channel locks. One jaw goes over cable, other finger on jaw goes in between the tube clamp thingy. Made my own pair tonight and got it swapped out.

The parking brake adjuster broke on the Dodge 2500 during the winter, rusted clean in half.....I know, shocker right- a Dodge rusting?:rolleyes:
Anyway, I had order the adjuster a couple months back, cold, wet, etc and I could not get brake cable apart. I found some guy on YouTube who showed how to make a tool from a cheap pair of channel locks. One jaw goes over cable, other finger on jaw goes in between the tube clamp thingy. Made my own pair tonight and got it swapped out.

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Good fix Marty. YouTube at our service once again.
Lol....Ernest T Bass...
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The Jinx guy I believe was on only one episode that I recall. So yea you got to watch ALOT of the shows so you don't miss it..Letting my secrets out aren't I ?
I can relate to Ernest sometimes! I don't think he was on many episodes either.

That show is by far better than most if not all tv programming nowadays, Bill!

Mowed my yard, wasn't too bad outside then.
I took the carb off the Briggs powered lawn boy, since it stated so hard when I tried to get it going a couple of weeks ago (engine is a transplant off a swivel front wheel Deere that my kid dropped out of a tractor bucket and busted the deck) and I cracked the top off the throttle shaft. Damn... $17 for a plastic throttle shaft. Found one on feebay for $7 but gotta wait for it...
Yet my other lawn boy with the Tecumseh started on the 2nd pull after sitting as long as the Briggs one. I've always had better luck with Tecumseh.
Then I took my wife to work and went out to John's farmhouse where I store my junk, his hustler needed some grinding on the starter to come to life. At least I didn't have to rebuild the carburetor like I had to last year. 8 yo mower with 20 original hours run time on it from new.
I had to rebuild the carburetor at 11 hours.
But with the 72" deck I ain't letting it sit while I tear up my stuff out there any more. I have to spend so much less time out there mowing with that machine. I used it 2-3 times last year.

I had my newest to me Ariens gt16 home for some maintenance, and to swap the deck for the tiller, got the maintenance done and took it back as long as I was going there anyway as I was gonna stash the deck there since it's too big for my yard and bring just the tractor back to mount the tiller. I used the Ariens for the ditch work and the banked driveway sides, and said screw it. I was already frozen to the bone.
Got the hustler going and started mowing. Had to get behind the Seat of my truck for the heavier flannel, hat and gloves to continue mowing.
About 1/3 of the way done and I noticed one of the front caster wheels was off the bead. They're a pretty stiff sidewalled tire so I finished with the front yard and said screw it im done for today. According to the dash on my truck it was down to 43* when I gave up for the day, the wind doesn't help bout there in the middle of nowhere.
parked the hustler mower and pulled the caster wheels, left one of my old spare jeep wheels under the front of the deck as a prop. Brought the casters home hopefully I just gotta reseat them on the bead. The one that isn't off the bead is pretty soft.
I took the stuff with me for an oil change on the hustler, but didn't feel like freezing any longer.
I got the hood painted. It is set up in the bathroom with the heat turned up a little.
The decals are on order except one. I will draw it out and have it custom made. It will look like the top grill of an IH 560.
I acquired a pair of lights and repainted them also. They will mount on the side of the hood.
May have the hood mounted tomorrow.


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Yesterday I put a radiator in my 94 Ford Ranger. I was desperate and couldn’t wait to get one online. I didn’t want to patronize the local Napa store because of his cocky attitude three years ago about me returning a bad mass air flo sensor. I got a radiator there the next day for $238. Once I removed the radiator I seen my cooling fan had cracks almost between every blade. I called down to Napa and his counter guy had no listing for a 10 blade fan just a 9 and a 12. He wanted to order the 12 because it had the same plate mounting holes as mine and said it wouldn’t make a difference. He said he would send me pics of the 9 & 12 so I could compare it to my old one. I told him to wait until I get my old one off and I would let him know. I called two other local places KOI and Auto Zone but they only had the 9 blade. These three places are in town within a rock throwing distance from each other and 15 minutes from home. I called O Reilly’s about 25 minutes away and they could get me a 10 blade exactly what I need the next day. I was happy and told her to get me a serpentine belt also. I called Napa back and the jerk owner answered and immediately said my fan will be in first thing in the morning. I explained to him I never ordered one so we went back and forth for a few minutes and he still tried to convince me to pick it up. I hope he trips over it because it’s his. Everything went well except the lower transmission cooling line was a little stubborn going back in. Another thing I might add the 12 blade fan at Napa was $73. and the 10 blade at O Reilly’s that I got was $36. No more Napa for me.


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yup. I hate the fact that shopping at NAPA is mandatory for all my parts at work. Much of what they sell is exactly what Advance or oreillys has but with just a different label on the box. and a higher price.
My truck has been running a little warmer than usual lately too, warms up on the gauge while sitting at traffic lights, and takes longer to cool down and "normalize" (come back down to normal" once underway again// compared to 2-1/2 years ago when I got it. It isn't getting what Id call "dangerously hot" but warmer than it used to run, and takes longer to come down. and we haven't even gotten to the warm weather months plus I pull a camper with it.
I found a few places on Ebay that have 3 row all aluminum (no chincey plastic tanks) and narrowed down to 1. Some still epoxy the tanks to the core even if all aluminum. This one is TIG welded and has the longest warranty of any I have found for my application. Most like it are 1 year.
Only $172 shipped, $183 with tax. so I ordered one. My truck is a '12, Ive changed alot of radiators "younger" than that at work. Mine ain't leaking but I think it may be getting a little plugged. I also ordered a new water pump, thermostat belt and hoses from Rock auto. That stuff is here already. Tracking says my radiator is in Chicago and will be here tomorrow. we'll see what this thing looks like when it gets here.

Here lately I have been buying alot between Rock Auto and Ebay, I cant afford local any more. Its amost like going back to the days of ordering from (like) the Sears catalog..... but like the last blower motor I needed everyone i topwn was within a penny of each other at $143. Online for exactly the same brand was $43 to my door.
Brake rotors; $100 ea for my durango locally, I got 2 EBC ones plus pads for $129 to my door online.
Shocks; Cheapest locally were $80 ea, I got them for $112/ all 4 again to my door. That means i didnt have to go out and burn gas to even go get them.
I dont buy local no more unless Im in a bind. And on common wear/ maintenance parts I stock up when I can when I find a deal.
I'm tired of $14 for a damn oil filter at O'wrongleys when I can get the same one for $5. some from Rock auto/ and since Im mot ordering "just that" shipping is diluted thru the whole order.
I am putting some closed chamber heads on my Fury when I do the cam swap. (nothing crazy) RA had MARINE head gaskets on clearance for my 318 for $17/ea.... found them for 3x the price many places. Do I need that grade of parts? No. but for the price I couldnt turn them down. Intake manifold gaskets $9/set....
Screw Napa.
Today I had to go finish the yard work at my storage place. I went to air up the front caster wheels at home, the one that popped off the bead seated up easy enough here at home, but had cracks and a leak in the sidewall from having sat flat in the barn for several years. As I aired it up I was getting air in my face from them.... I went to Tractor Supply for a couple tubes, regular ones were $17 ea, I bought the ones with Slime in them for $22 ea. Talk about local shopping ripoff.... they had new tires as well for $60 ea. Found em online for $50 for a pair, shipped. 4 ply just like what's on there. Even Farm and Fleet where my wife works was only $40/ea for same thing that TSC wanted $60, for. But it aint my machine, I got it going with tubes til I can talk to John.... (he's still in the retirement home, which was why that Hustler has such low use from new)
13x6.50-6 smooth (no tread) on a machine that just yesterday hit 20 original hours of use from new.... I changed oil on it today first time since it left the factory.