And more junk.

My wife locked her keys in the car today. Fortunately our phones are set up with an app. through Ford that lets us unlock the car no matter where it's at. I used that to unlock it for her. She usually does it herself but this time her phone and keys were inside the car so I had to do it. Not all tech. is bad.
I agree Chris. Our SIL is always loosing his keys, he lays them down anywhere. He is a nurse at UK hospital in Lexington Ky. They live an hour or more north but still in Ky. Our daughter has had to unlock his door from home several times because he forgets and leaves his backpack in the car.

We had the GM "On Star" system for a couple years, but never renewed it when it expired. I don't know if her phone was locked in the car or not. Wouldn't have helped without the service. She called me from her office phone. We do have insurance that would have covered someone to come unlock it, but it was faster for me to go do it.

That sure brightened up your work area, that’s a good idea. Doug did you get your magnets at HF too. I have a few of them strip magnets they sell for a project. They are very strong!
Yeah, Jim the magnets came from HF too. I just bought a couple of packs of ceramic magnets to glue on the lights. I didn't see any of the strip magnets this visit. They were out of a lot of stuff. I forgot to post this pic yesterday.

I have a big roll of flexible magnetic sheeting I probably could have glued to the back of the lights but thought spacing the lights away from the surface would be better since the sheeting is pretty thin. It has good grip though.

Fixed a non working exhaust fan in one of the bathrooms today, needed a little lube, but that was about all I got accomplished. Ordered a oil and air filter kit for the GT5000 plus a can of Permatex battery post protector this afternoon. Had to run the GT5000 out of the shop and let it get rained on as Loree got home from work early again and there was a threat of hail. Didn't want to get soaked trying to tarp it up. Still having thunderstorms passing through. That was about it for productivity!

Maybe a little car port for her car would help with the hail problem Doug. You seem to get a lot of that. She could drive right in.
But you’d have to keep your stuff out of it. Hehe.

Good idea, Noel, but it would have to have walls on the north and west side. Hail comes down at an angle or even sideways here. Pretty much looking at a garage then. I am looking at the possibility of a full awning along most of the north side of the house, including where she parks. It would be nice to sit outside in the shade sometimes. It would have to be tough enough to withstand the 70 mph wind we get several times a year, then the sideways hail issue still exists!

Good idea, Noel, but it would have to have walls on the north and west side. Hail comes down at an angle or even sideways here. Pretty much looking at a garage then. I am looking at the possibility of a full awning along most of the north side of the house, including where she parks. It would be nice to sit outside in the shade sometimes. It would have to be tough enough to withstand the 70 mph wind we get several times a year, then the sideways hail issue still exists!


Ya, not always that easy. But sounds like you have a plan.

I can’t remember who posted the air mattress joke but I think that’s a good idea. Put pigtails on all four corners and maybe a few down the sides and you’re done. A lot of places on the car to tie them off. Any type of shed or awning is going to get the same damage if it don’t blow away. YouTube has a ton of diy ways of protecting your car.
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My theory on air in air out just got blew out of the water. Put up a popup turkey blind couple weeks ago in a "protected" area. 4 corners of the blind staked down and 4 "hi wind" tie off from each upper corner staked down. Found the blind folded flat, undamaged, in a grass area in a creek bend on high ground this morning 1/3 mile from where I placed it. Left all 3 windows and screens open and the door 1/2 open thinking the wind would blow through. Guess it needed an opening in the top also.
I can’t remember who posted the air mattress joke but I think that’s a good idea. Put pigtails on all four corners and maybe a few down the sides and you’re done. A lot of places on the car to tie them off. Any type of shed or awning is going to get the same damage if it don’t blow away. YouTube has a ton of diy ways of protecting your car.
That was our friend Noel that posted the air mattress thread, Jim---LOL! I saw one on FB the other day of someone making a "blanket" out of "pool noodles". I bet when golf ball size hailstones ricochet off those things it picks up speed and shoots off at crazy angles!

My theory on air in air out just got blew out of the water. Put up a popup turkey blind couple weeks ago in a "protected" area. 4 corners of the blind staked down and 4 "hi wind" tie off from each upper corner staked down. Found the blind folded flat, undamaged, in a grass area in a creek bend on high ground this morning 1/3 mile from where I placed it. Left all 3 windows and screens open and the door 1/2 open thinking the wind would blow through. Guess it needed an opening in the top also.
Dang, Roger, glad you found the blind undamaged! It's a miracle you found it at all! My friend that has the racecar has a 160 acre ranch. His land is pretty much surrounded by other ranches. During one windstorm a couple years ago, a full-size trampoline ended up near one of his barns wadded up in a fence line. No clue where it came from! No neighbors were missing one.

I thought I was lucky also for finding it in good condition. It is not a new blind by any means and has a blt of duct tape on it Need different stakes to tie it down with. The1/8" round with a hook on the end don't have enough ground resistance.
Hopefully you will find some good stakes, Roger. Maybe you can build or find something like these. My sister gave me a box of them a couple years ago. Looks like whoever made them used #3 rebar. Long leg is 13" long.

This might explain the trampoline.
Dang it's a national problem---LOL! Guess it's not funny when one of them damages your property or hurts someone, Jim. They figured it probably blew at least 5 miles before it got caught in a pasture fence.

Loree is still healing up from her cold but is much better. She napped this afternoon and I got to the shop during the race. Did a sit down job in the office. This neon sign will go in Loree's pool table room in the house. Never been cleaned since it was made in 1991. Date tag is still on it.
Although neon glass is very strong it was still a pain to clean. Just used fingers, paper towels and glass cleaner. Looks much better now.
The word "Pizza" has been cleaned. The other glass should look like that.

It's a 4 color sign so looks nice lit up.

No other progress on anything today. Rained all day.

Going on the hunt for some of the 3/8' rebar electric fence post. Those are usually 3' long, cut into 3 pieces, weld a chain link on with on loop cut out. Need 4 for the bling corners. Will use some of the better-quality round post with the spade for the higher line anchors. Leave them the 4' length so they are easier to see. Drive them in at an angle. Anyway, that is the plan.

I have seen stakes like you have in the box only much lighter weight. Used to hold matting in place till one gets the mulch down. Those would definitely work good for the blind corners.
Going on the hunt for some of the 3/8' rebar electric fence post. Those are usually 3' long, cut into 3 pieces, weld a chain link on with on loop cut out. Need 4 for the bling corners. Will use some of the better-quality round post with the spade for the higher line anchors. Leave them the 4' length so they are easier to see. Drive them in at an angle. Anyway, that is the plan.

I have seen stakes like you have in the box only much lighter weight. Used to hold matting in place till one gets the mulch down. Those would definitely work good for the blind corners.
Should be able to go to a construction site that is pouring concrete and get some rebar scraps, Roger. My sister ordered a box of those stakes somewhere, can't remember where, and they sent her two boxes. She has a bunch of crazy looking wind spinners in her back yard and she anchors some of them down with those in the pic. I already cut up most of them to make the yard tool racks for the garden trailer awhile back.

Started working on some more junk I hauled home from the scrap trailer at my former job. This electrical cabinet is very heavy gauge steel, 2'x3'x9" deep. Planning on making a spray bomb cabinet. Can put 3 shelves in it with spacing for the taller cans.


Wrestled that heavy thing up on to sawhorses to remove the screen and plan shelf mounting. Used a floor jack to raise it up a ways to tip on to one horse lifted it off the jack then used a foot to slide another one under it! Don't know if I will have to cut those welded in studs out yet. Looks like a useable piece of steel screen too.

Made a hole on the east wall near the bolt bin that might work to hang it on. Might have to cut in another outlet for the TV power to do away with a power strip.

Thought of a way to cover the big hole drilled in the door with a sticker from one of our friends here on the site! I stuck it on some magnetic material first.

I could have hauled home many cabinets like this of various sizes but resisted most of the time! Don't know if I will get it hung before the first cataract surgery in a week, but will give it a shot!

Started working on some more junk I hauled home from the scrap trailer at my former job. This electrical cabinet is very heavy gauge steel, 2'x3'x9" deep. Planning on making a spray bomb cabinet. Can put 3 shelves in it with spacing for the taller cans.
View attachment 81129

View attachment 81125

Wrestled that heavy thing up on to sawhorses to remove the screen and plan shelf mounting. Used a floor jack to raise it up a ways to tip on to one horse lifted it off the jack then used a foot to slide another one under it! Don't know if I will have to cut those welded in studs out yet. Looks like a useable piece of steel screen too.
View attachment 81127

Made a hole on the east wall near the bolt bin that might work to hang it on. Might have to cut in another outlet for the TV power to do away with a power strip.
View attachment 81126

Thought of a way to cover the big hole drilled in the door with a sticker from one of our friends here on the site! I stuck it on some magnetic material first.
View attachment 81130

I could have hauled home many cabinets like this of various sizes but resisted most of the time! Don't know if I will get it hung before the first cataract surgery in a week, but will give it a shot!

We used many of that type of panel in the line of work I use to do. Many many of them of various sizes. Some the size of a shoe box and some you could stand up in...kinda miss it..........

Thought a little bit......Nope.....
We use many of that type of panel in the line of work I use to do. Many many of them of various sizes. Some the size of a shoe box and some you could stand up in...kinda miss it..........

Thought a little bit......Nope.....
Yup that was the size variation we had at work too, Bill. Lots of electronic controls all over the plant. Controls seemed to get outdated faster than you could change your mind.

What line of work do you not miss?

Yup that was the size variation we had at work too, Bill. Lots of electronic controls all over the plant. Controls seemed to get outdated faster than you could change your mind.

What line of work do you not miss?

I got into the ATC (automated temperature control) business in the early /mid 90's. Offered/worked though Philadelphia 420 steam fitters. But was with the same company for 23 years. Rarely did pipe fitting. All work was electronic / pneumatic controls. Pneumatic control which was my forte was big back in the day in schools, hospitals places like that but has since became a dinosaur.
Controls do evolve quickly. Remember changing out controls systems 2-3 times over 20 years to update to newer systems or platforms. Everything and I mean everything is computerized today. Isn't much you can't check or even fix from a work station or phone now. Anyway the last 5 years I worked a different guy bought the company and literally ran the place in the ground. That shit gets tiring and I seen where it was going. They closed the doors one day , told us not to come in the next. Great !
So at 59 years old at the time go start looking for a new
job...LOL..The union offered early retirement and I took it.
That was 6 years ago . Took pride in what I did and was a little tough at first. But I got over it.. Can't say I miss it now
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My friend that is a hoarder has dozens of them panels all laying outside rusting away. I use to have a large wall cabinet inside the shop for spray bombs. I got tired of bringing them all in the basement in the winter time so I keep them stored there now year round. Doug I would probably have to have three of them to store mine. :eek:

That’s interesting Bill bad the way you had to leave on such a short notice. I had ten years as a hard candy maker for the Kroger Company but got terminated along with close to 1300 others because of plant shutdown. It was a union thing. Like you I took a lot of pride in my job and miss it sometimes, I think missing the people is the biggest thing. We had a lot of good times working together.
Even though other than my 56 years as a dairy farmer, I worked just 2 years off the farm at our Hodgenville Southern States Co-op before my surgeon said STOP! I sure miss it to this day, 7 years later. Loved my job, my boss, and all the guys I worked with!
Now for your upcoming cataract wife Teresa no longer needs eye glasses and she's needed them since barely a teenager! Hoping you experience the same! She certainly loves not wearing eye glasses, but took getting used to!