My wife locked her keys in the car today. Fortunately our phones are set up with an app. through Ford that lets us unlock the car no matter where it's at. I used that to unlock it for her. She usually does it herself but this time her phone and keys were inside the car so I had to do it. Not all tech. is bad.
I agree Chris. Our SIL is always loosing his keys, he lays them down anywhere. He is a nurse at UK hospital in Lexington Ky. They live an hour or more north but still in Ky. Our daughter has had to unlock his door from home several times because he forgets and leaves his backpack in the car.
We had the GM "On Star" system for a couple years, but never renewed it when it expired. I don't know if her phone was locked in the car or not. Wouldn't have helped without the service. She called me from her office phone. We do have insurance that would have covered someone to come unlock it, but it was faster for me to go do it.
Yeah, Jim the magnets came from HF too. I just bought a couple of packs of ceramic magnets to glue on the lights. I didn't see any of the strip magnets this visit. They were out of a lot of stuff. I forgot to post this pic yesterday.That sure brightened up your work area, that’s a good idea. Doug did you get your magnets at HF too. I have a few of them strip magnets they sell for a project. They are very strong!

I have a big roll of flexible magnetic sheeting I probably could have glued to the back of the lights but thought spacing the lights away from the surface would be better since the sheeting is pretty thin. It has good grip though.

Fixed a non working exhaust fan in one of the bathrooms today, needed a little lube, but that was about all I got accomplished. Ordered a oil and air filter kit for the GT5000 plus a can of Permatex battery post protector this afternoon. Had to run the GT5000 out of the shop and let it get rained on as Loree got home from work early again and there was a threat of hail. Didn't want to get soaked trying to tarp it up. Still having thunderstorms passing through. That was about it for productivity!