And more junk.

How in the world do those people keep their pipes from freezing under that house?
Just a single woman a year or two older than me lives there, Chris. The same plumber that did my under house work when we went to the water system in December was under her house heat taping everything a year or two ago. We have told her we will give her water if her pipes freeze but she has never asked. I have mowed her front yard for her many times, but I won't go thaw pipes for her!

Those floor frames are built up side down. Water lines run through the floor joist, then the insulation is laid and the heavy mat is pulled tight over that to hold it all in place. Then the floor is turned over and the walls etc. added and is set down on the trailer frame. I put a basement under out double wide 6 years ago. Had to remove all that insulation and mat or it would be falling in the basement all the time once it was penetrated. Talks about a mess.
We used to have an issue with mice getting in the house. Put the basement in and that problem went away. When building the home, the cut a 4" round hole to put 2 - 1/2" water lines through. No elbows, shut off or any of those necessities. Perfect place for the mice to get in.
Anyone who has had to crawl under a mobile home on a cold windy day to thaw water pipes knows where your coming from. I don't blame you one bit. As soon as I saw that picture I thought it looked like a disaster. :eek:
Back around 1989 we took Mom to Denver to have Christmas with her daughters. Bad storm came up with -20'sF and 50-60mph wind and of course s-word. We had propane then and the stack froze up. Brother in law called us and said the furnace is out. Had to hurry back home but by the time we got back the damage was done. The icicles on the furnace stack stuck out horizontal pointing SE. Water lines broken, well pump burned up because it pumped the well dry. No water damage in the old trailer house but it was a frozen mess underneath. That was no fun laying under that thing replacing all the water lines.

Those floor frames are built up side down. Water lines run through the floor joist, then the insulation is laid and the heavy mat is pulled tight over that to hold it all in place. Then the floor is turned over and the walls etc. added and is set down on the trailer frame. I put a basement under out double wide 6 years ago. Had to remove all that insulation and mat or it would be falling in the basement all the time once it was penetrated. Talks about a mess.
Best solution ever. Rats, raccoons, cats, and mice love to get up on top of that insulation and then the fun starts.
We used to have an issue with mice getting in the house. Put the basement in and that problem went away. When building the home, the cut a 4" round hole to put 2 - 1/2" water lines through. No elbows, shut off or any of those necessities. Perfect place for the mice to get in.
Water table is too high here for a basement, so we had block laid up to look like a foundation to help keep critters and weather out from under the new house in 2006. Never plugged in the heat tape on the exposed part coming out of the ground to the house supply line. In December we hooked up to the water system and the exposed supply line is about 26' long. The plumber wrapped it with heat tape and I told him to plug it in. May not have needed to but I don't want to crawl under trailer houses any more. Had a couple of mice when the place was new but none since. I think they rode from Minnesota where the trailer was built as it's been 18 years since the last time I got one in a glue trap. The cat would let us know if there was a mouse under the kitchen sink cabinet. Only got 2 then no more since.

Looks like you didn’t get to mow it late last year lol. Even with an insulated floor that has got to be cold open like that. I use to work on my BIL’s trailer he kept me busy in his crawl space.
That part of her yard is to the west. I won't mow it because I don't know what is hidden in the weeds, same with her back yard and west yard. Front yard faces south. Not going to break blades or cause sparks that could start a fire.

I put up new smoke detectors on the house today. Only a couple of the old ones that I put up in 2011 still worked. The original ones from 2006 were hard wired, but only lasted 5 years. I forgot the house had 5, bought 4 so I put one of the old ones that still worked in an old bedroom that Loree is turning into an office.

Of course, even though they have all been Kidde brand, the mounts are different, and screw holes in the new mount wouldn't fit into the holes in the ceiling box. Had to drill new holes. Working over my head is one of the things that hurt shoulders, neck and back anymore. Done at least!

Loree just got home. She came into the shop right when I was looking at some Valentines Day ideas. Don't think she saw what I was doing. She said there is some kind of alarm going off outside. Thought one of the security cameras might make some kind of noise if they are having a problem. Nope. It dawned on me that I had thrown 3 old smoke detectors in the garbage can. Opened it then I could hear it plain as day---LOL! Found the offending smoke detector box I had put them in and brought it into the shop. Not standing out in the cold dark to mess with it!

I pushed the buttons on it and got the alarm to stop. Then there was an irritating click sound coming from it every few seconds. Couldn't get that to stop so I got out a BFH and fixed it! Garbage doesn't get picked up until next Tuesday and I didn't want any more noise coming from the garbage can---LOL! Date on that one was Oct. 2011.

Well crap! I spotted a crack in the heat exchanger in my shop furnace. Lucky it is on an outer tube. What really sucks is below zero F weather is back again too.

I have it shut down now and the lift bay is too cold to work in. I'm thinking about just buying a new furnace as a heat exchanger will cost at least half of just getting a whole new unit. That is if I buy another Mr. Heater 80,000 btu. I can get one locally again like I did in 2018 but at only 7 years old I'm not sure I want another Mr. Heater. I already replaced the mother board once also. Worst part is, in January of 2018 when I bought this one it was 350 bucks. Now they are nearly 700. Price has doubled.

I have to have heat so I need to make up my mind soon!

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That furnace and fireplace cement in the tube works good as a band aid to give you some working time. Have used it the fireplace flue and the bricks a couple time in the last 10 years. CO2 detector is right next to the fireplace so no nasty stuff leaking out into the house.
That furnace and fireplace cement in the tube works good as a band aid to give you some working time. Have used it the fireplace flue and the bricks a couple time in the last 10 years. CO2 detector is right next to the fireplace so no nasty stuff leaking out into the house.
I did do a patch on it to try to buy some time. Got some 1000F JB weld paste. This was considerably bigger than a crack! The hole is about 1/4"x 1/2"! Looks like a cutting torch blew the hole from the inside.
I am thinking the furnace might be running lean. When I checked the temp at the area of the hole yesterday it was about 660F. Sure don't seem hot enough to burn a hole to me but what do I know.

This stuff says it is good to fill holes and even recommends that if it is a crack to enlarge it with a grinder or drill to at least 1/8".


Since it is so damm cold out there I set up a hair dryer to blow some heat at it for a few hours.

The manual says the heat exchanger has a 10 year warranty. I will call the number tomorrow. Of course, I can't find the receipt, thought I had stapled it to the manual. It says they need the purchase date, and I do know it was January of 2018, but couldn't say exactly what day!

If they will send a new heat exchanger, I hope I can keep it above freezing out there until it gets here. I think it would be easiest to disconnect the vent, gas line and thermostat wires and bring it down on a workbench rather that doing the job on a ladder. Could bring in a section of scaffolding I suppose but that may be more work that just bringing it down.

Never got over 6F today!

I’m thinking they will prorate you a new one. That’s a pretty big hole to patch. I didn’t know JB weld made any hi temp stuff. Speaking of warranties I found three broken Dewalt tape measures that have a life time warranty. Problem is I have no idea where my receipt would be.
Who keep receipts, and if they do where do they get put for those smaller items. They way they code things on the receipt hard to tell what it was for to begin with.

Just tell them it was January, something , 2018. Cn read the day but it wasa1? something I think. Hopefully they won't want the receipt or a copy of it.

Where did you find the Hi Temp JB Weld paste? I have looked for it for cannot find it down here.
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I’m thinking they will prorate you a new one. That’s a pretty big hole to patch. I didn’t know JB weld made any hi temp stuff. Speaking of warranties I found three broken Dewalt tape measures that have a life time warranty. Problem is I have no idea where my receipt would be.
Who keep receipts, and if they do where do they get put for those smaller items. They way they code things on the receipt hard to tell what it was for to begin with.

Just tell them it was January, something , 2018. Cn read the day but it wasa1? something I think. Hopefully they won't want the receipt or a copy of it.

Where did you find the Hi Temp JB Weld paste? I have looked for it for cannot find it down here.

I'm usually pretty good about keeping receipts, Jim and Rog, but blew it when I bought the furnace back in 2018. Smaller things like Jim's tape measures, I probably wouldn't have. A person would think that a Dewalt tape measure could be returned to any dealer without a receipt. Will update on the furnace below.

I found the Hi- Temp JB Weld on Amazon. TSC has it a couple of dollars more.

Not heard of thos hi-temp JB either!
I got that Hi-temp JB at Ace Hardware. It was 10 bucks for that small container. The clerk that told me where to look was wrong. It wasn't with the glues, sealants and fillers. It was in the automotive section.

The filler was hard as a rock this morning, good thing since it had gotten down to 31F out in the lift bay.
The patch looks a lot better cured than it did wet.

It's been running about 4 hours now and it's up to 45F out there now. Tall ceiling and lots of junk to warm back up.

Called Mr. Heater. I was on hold for about 45 minutes before someone was free to talk to me. I think the guy was stoned but we got through it. He mumbled a lot and sang to himself while looking stuff up. My phone doesn't work in the shop. He asked me what the serial number was, and I told him the sticker that says serial number was blank under it. After a couple minutes of me trying to understand I finally understood where he said to get the number from. Had to ask him to hold while I went to the shop and wrote it down I needed to have a neck like an owl to try to read it and owl eyes wouldn't have hurt either. The little sticker does not say it is the serial number. I took the pic after being on the phone as I had to leave the phone in the house. Gotta clean up some cobwebs!

Fortunately I had written it down correctly! He looked it up and never asked about a date of purchase. He said it was still under warranty. Then after I listened to him sing and hum some more, he asked my name and address. Gave him that info and he gave me an order number that I had to repeat back to him as I wasn't sure what the he!! he said---LOL! Then he told me if the new heat exchanger is not there by 12 working days from tomorrow to call back and use that order number. Maybe I will get lucky and not have to use the number and the weather will be a little warmer to bring the furnace down and repair it! It pretty much has to be gutted to put the new one in.

Oh, I do think the guy was American but high as a kite! Then he was quiet so I asked if we were done it was like he didn't want to hang up although he wasn't very talkative---LOL! Should be here by March 3rd from what I figure. Hope the repair makes it that long. I will shut the furnace down during the night until it is repaired.

All my receipts for anything farm/work related automatically go in my income tax folder. Warranties are in a drawer in the desk.
You folks know what's coming next? Paperless receipts and how in the world are we going to keep those? I'm guessing we will have to go home and print them on a much larger piece of paper.
If something comes in a box I usually right the purchase date on it and put the receipt goes inside. Large items like refrigerators are the exception and we have a place for the manuals and the receipts are with those. At least that way we will know it's been 2 days since the warranty ran out when it breaks down.
All my receipts for anything farm/work related automatically go in my income tax folder. Warranties are in a drawer in the desk.
You folks know what's coming next? Paperless receipts and how in the world are we going to keep those? I'm guessing we will have to go home and print them on a much larger piece of paper.
If something comes in a box I usually right the purchase date on it and put the receipt goes inside. Large items like refrigerators are the exception and we have a place for the manuals and the receipts are with those. At least that way we will know it's been 2 days since the warranty ran out when it breaks down.
I have a file cabinet in the shop that actually holds files! The other 3 have tools in them. Anyway there is a section for manuals for larger more expensive items, and it's broken down to vehicles and sub folders for each one. Appliances and tools in another section. I generally staple the receipt right to the manual. Blew it this time.
