Getting started on a new project

Hi all, thought I post some information on the old horse mower I used for this build.
Its a Milwaukee #5 built by the Milwaukee Harvester Company, the model 5 came out in 1895 and was produced thur 1902 when the Milwaukee company merged with several other companies to form International Harvester Company (IH) the #5 mower was built until approx 1920 but after 1902 it had IH cast into its parts. I did not see any IH symbols on this mower so I'm thinking its a premerger model which would make it at around 117 years old. I found that the steel was in very good condition for it being out in the weather all of its life, I'm amazed that the bolts used to attach the sickle guards are still available I had not seen this type of bolt before they are counter sunk with a notch (protrusion0 the fitting in to a notch in the hole to hole them, have found generic sickle guards that will bolt on here's a link with information on the Milwaukee #5 not much else out there that I've found
Stuhr Museum of the Prairie Pioneer's Antique Auto and Farm Machinery Exhibit: c. 1895-1902 Milwaukee Harvester Company "No. 5" Mower
Hi all, here's a you tube video of the mower posted to you tube by a friend
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Hi all, well today was test day got the sickle mower out and tried mowing with it at first the drive belt slipped but after adjusting the belt tightener it MOWED probably first time in 55 / 60 years that is cut grass/ hay, I happy with it. It could use a better sickle and guards which I'll upgrade in time.

Neat. Looks like it worked well Gary. Isn’t it fun to have attachments and fix them up and use them. Nice looking day there.
Thanks for the pictures.

That mower is doing a nice job.
Now you have to build yourself a small baler.
Looks awesome! I just skimmed through this thread and I am reminded of the times a few years ago when I always thought you did great work; however, I don’t remember you having more than one PK? Did you always have them or did the bug bite you?
Looks awesome! I just skimmed through this thread and I am reminded of the times a few years ago when I always thought you did great work; however, I don’t remember you having more than one PK? Did you always have them or did the bug bite you?
Hi Ryan, I think I'm badly infected with the bug have been adding to the group its now up to 7 three long hoods a 49 and a 50 and 2 plastic models
Neat. Looks like it worked well Gary. Isn’t it fun to have attachments and fix them up and use them. Nice looking day there.
Thanks for the pictures.

Hi Noel yes it was a great feeling when it was cutting as it should, in a coulpe of days I'll try to mow the township road shoulders, was a bit cool but a nice day
A little around 2:30 we got a 1/4 inch and it's about to start raining again.
They opened the road going west to the school so that will shorten the drive by 10 miles. The road north of us is still under water and will probably be a couple of weeks before it's open. The crops that got planted are doing real well and the corn might be knee high by the 4th.
How are you folks doing?
A little around 2:30 we got a 1/4 inch and it's about to start raining again.
They opened the road going west to the school so that will shorten the drive by 10 miles. The road north of us is still under water and will probably be a couple of weeks before it's open. The crops that got planted are doing real well and the corn might be knee high by the 4th.
How are you folks doing?
Hi Chris, I think most of the crops are in now the early corn is like wise looking good some is not very tall yet really have not seen any beans yet a lot less were planted around here this year hope the water dries up so your roads can be opened