bbuckler Tractorologist Member Jan 13, 2019 #81 It got way too much play on the steering. I can turn the steering almost all the way around before it starts turning
It got way too much play on the steering. I can turn the steering almost all the way around before it starts turning
Toomanytoys84 Aaron Member Jan 13, 2019 #82 The old john deere 110 we had and I just bought back had a lot of play in the steering. About 1/2 a full turn either direction. A little adjustment and all new ends fixed it down to maybe an 1/8 a turn. Not perfect but close enough.
The old john deere 110 we had and I just bought back had a lot of play in the steering. About 1/2 a full turn either direction. A little adjustment and all new ends fixed it down to maybe an 1/8 a turn. Not perfect but close enough.
bbuckler Tractorologist Member Jan 14, 2019 #83 I was afraid of it rusting before sanding priming so I painted it with cheap spray paint until I can get around to blasting and painting it
I was afraid of it rusting before sanding priming so I painted it with cheap spray paint until I can get around to blasting and painting it
bbuckler Tractorologist Member Jan 15, 2019 #84 Until better weather I'm going to put this on the back burner. Hoping by the end of next month or March I will be able to finish it
Until better weather I'm going to put this on the back burner. Hoping by the end of next month or March I will be able to finish it
bbuckler Tractorologist Member Jan 17, 2019 #85 Hoping to put it in the barn tomorrow and maybe go ahead pull the steering off of it