Just had to do it.

With a couple days of rain showers I got away from haying and installed the overflow tube. I guess now I should pressure wash the rad and give it a quick shot of black paint.


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Now, where was I ? Installed the radiator/shroud, drain pipe, the generator, and the distributor this afternoon. I need to install the new water temp gauge and then it should be time to fill the cooling system. Shot some rattle can on the radiator cap and the generator tension bracket.


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Since this has been sitting on a concrete floor for a while, its showing me the next items to address. The rear axle seals are both leaking. I guess I better check the bearings for play before placing an order for seals, felts, and gaskets.


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Pulled one side of the battery box off so I could remove the battery for access to the back water temp gauge. Installed the new gauge and routed the capillary tube through all of the mounting clips and threaded it into the thermostat housing.


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I filled the radiator yesterday and after about 5 minutes I saw a small leak on one tube. Its right in front for easy access so I will try to solder it up today. Also noticed a few drips of oil from the front steering housing. Appears to be leaking around the bearing cage bolts. I don't remember putting any thread sealer on them so I will have to drain it, clean up the bolts and threads, and put some thread sealer on them. Hard to get anywhere when you make one step forward and 2 steps back.

My brother and I spent a couple hours yesterday checking half a dozen tractors that haven't been run in years. Wanted to check and see if any were stuck. All were good except one. Its also the only one that I have a piece of roofing metal over it to keep any water from getting in it. I shot some ATF/Acetone mix in it and will try it again in a week or two.
only one that I have a piece of roofing metal over it to keep any water from getting in it.
Talk about water in an engine. The other day I went to start a Predator engine on the pull behind tiller and it wouldn't start. This is kept in the pole shed out of the weather. Checked the gas and made sure the switch was on. Normally this starts on the first or second pull but not even a pop this time. Finally pulled the plug out and it was wet with water. Pulled the engine over and some water shot out of the plug hole. Dried the plug and tried again and it fired up. I have never had that happen in an engine that is inside and run every 3 or 4 weeks and it was running fine when last used. Got me!
Talk about water in an engine. The other day I went to start a Predator engine on the pull behind tiller and it wouldn't start. This is kept in the pole shed out of the weather. Checked the gas and made sure the switch was on. Normally this starts on the first or second pull but not even a pop this time. Finally pulled the plug out and it was wet with water. Pulled the engine over and some water shot out of the plug hole. Dried the plug and tried again and it fired up. I have never had that happen in an engine that is inside and run every 3 or 4 weeks and it was running fine when last used. Got me!
So there is some truth to the old saying..."ran when parked"..? ;)
My brother and I spent a couple hours yesterday checking half a dozen tractors that haven't been run in years. Wanted to check and see if any were stuck. All were good except one. Its also the only one that I have a piece of roofing metal over it to keep any water from getting in it. I shot some ATF/Acetone mix in it and will try it again in a week or two.
My brother stopped in again today and we decided to open up the tractor with the stuck engine and see how bad it is. The tractor is a Minneapolis Moline ZA and they can be opened up pretty easily. Pulled the side cover off of the crankcase and things look pretty good. I used my bore scope to look up at the bottoms of each bore. Found 2 that have just a couple rust streaks. Then check the top of the bores thru the spark plug hole. Again just a couple of small surface rust areas around the top of a couple pistons. I think if I let it soak for a few weeks we might be able to bump it loose. It looks like this was caused from condensation. Here are a few pics.


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Made an attempt at soldering the radiator and sealed the cage bolts in the steering housing. Filled the housing with gear lube so we will see if this fixed it. I'll fill the rad with water tomorrow and see if it still leaks.


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Put the sheet metal back on and drove it around for a bit. Looks like my brand new temp gauge doesn't work. Guess I have to contact the seller about a replacement. So far everything else looks fine. May take a bit for any leaks to show up.


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