Salvaging junked out LT's

Look near the bottom the console/steering tower for a little short lever you can lift up while the brake is applied, then while holding it up release the brake pedal and it should stay down. If this works just step on the brake again to release it. Maybe it has this and maybe not.
The wire to the float bowl is probably a normally closed solenoid that shuts off gas to the main jet when the ignition is turned off to prevent backfires.
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Look near the bottom the console/steering tower for a little short lever you can lift up while the brake is applied, then while holding it up release the brake pedal and it should stay down. If this works just step on the brake again to release it. Maybe it has this and maybe not.
The wire to the float bowl is probably a normally closed solenoid that shuts off gas to the main jet when the ignition is turned off to prevent backfires.

Thanks for the info! This lever has a park position on it. It does hold the pedal down far enough the brake engages but not far enough down for the starter to crank.


I put the battery in the JD and tried all the measures again to see if it would start with the ignition switch but no go. I'm going to focus on the Bolens first. Need to look and see how to pull the deck. I'm hoping the deck isn't full of rust holes since it looks like it's never been cleaned! All the wet clippings laying there for many years can't be good!

If only Noel would let me use his H@!$t---LOL!

Let me know when your coming Doug and I’ll have the, you know what , ready for you.

How 'bout Saturday----LOL! I should be able to get back home by 11:00 pm when my wife gets home from work!

Thanks to Kenny's info he sent I was able to determine that the B/S engine in the Bolens/MTD (I don't feel right just calling it a Bolens) is 28 C.I., and was built on April 28th 2005. I found what the missing choke rod looks like too. It shouldn't be too hard to build one.

Will try to get more done this weekend. Hopefully the carb gets here by then. The new Fleet Farm here has $45 low back tractor seats and that's a little better price than any I found on the 'net. The tractor has to run, drive and spin blades before I'm buying that though.

Got the carb and "tune up kit" today. Looks like pretty decent made stuff. The fuel filter fooled me for a minute. I looked in it and it appeared there was no element! I dropped a toothpic in it gently and there is a fine screen in there. I have no idea what the black part is with the pistol grip looking handle. I'll find out when I work on it this weekend. I might be past the point of no return---it's a $28 investment now---LOL!


Common type of filter Doug. Yep, got me fooled on the pistol lookin thing.

Yeah I've seen those filters before, Noel but never actually looked through one---LOL! I have always used those small paper element ones before this, or the built-in screen on the tank, like my 12G has now. It's like a little cartridge, unscrew it from the tank and blow the debris out. I have put a couple of new ones in the last 5 years too "just because"!

I did a little test fitting tonight after work, and the carb is an exact fit. Worked on fuel line routing. I want to use the fuel shutoff valve and incorporate the filter of course. I will probably have to build some brackets to mount the line solid so turning the shutoff valve doesn't twist the heck out of everything every time. Also, both butterfly shafts in the old carb are frozen tight in the open position. Not even worth tinkering with. Might take the bowl off the old one just to see how that electric fuel shutoff valve works though. Probably too crudded up to tell. If it works as it should, is a shutoff valve even needed?

I'll get a little deeper into it tomorrow after work.


Thanks for the comments guys! I had to work on truck stuff today, but still got a little time on this tractor. Got a choke rod built, I'll probably trim it some when final mounting happens.


I've got to do a little "porting" on this air filter elbow. The choke butterfly scrapes against it.

Scrounged up a big hose clamp to mount the gas tank. It had balin' wire before. Would have liked to center it but the steering column rubs it then.
Got no clue how it was mounted factory.
