Yep, that's how my mtd yard machines is, mine will go down the road in the spring(I bought it to resell)Big black plastic zip tie, I would say. Looks familiar to my yard works tractor.
Hey Noel my issue with that is I would have to loosen the engine mount bolts quite a ways to get the swing to tighten the elbow up. I'm going to use my 12 volt oil pump for now. It works great on the MF12G. This engine holds 40 oz of oil so I know how much should come out. When I use it on the Honda clone engine it pulls just a hair less that one quart and that's what I put in.Maybe a shorter nipple into the engine then a 45 degree elbow, then another nipple and cap might work Doug.
Thanks for the comment! The spring is there but a bit loose. I thought tightening it up helped as it ran smoother when I started it this afternoon. Once it warmed up the hunting started again. I will get into what went on after starting it again in the next post!Just have a short hyd hose made up for the oil drain. The hunting could be caused by the lack of a spring that hooks up to the carb throttle arm and runs parallel to the gov link to connect with the gov arm. It's to eliminate any slack in the linkage which will cause the hunting.
Thanks for that link, Adam! I think I'll order a couple of them! Probably put one on that MF8E and maybe this thing if I ever need to lift the engine!Try one of these, just add a piece of hose when changing oil.
I just thought the odds of the newest one running would be the easiest and cheapest route! Thanks, Aaron! I'm not giving up completely on the JD, just doing the easiest first. My wife actually likes the JD best and was a little bummed when I told her I was focusing on this one first!Seems like you picked a winner!
Thanks, John! Not done spending yet but it should be a pretty cheap mower when ready to go!Doug, it looks like you got a good one there without a whole lot of $$$ into it.
It's not from the valve cover though, Noel. It's deeper behind the housing shield underneath. I didn't check the clearance when I had the valve cover off but it looked like new in there. That compression noise is still leading me to think the head gasket is weak, and could also spray a little oil out the blown spot, especially since it;'s on the bottom side. Will have to do those valve adjustments anyway if I pull the head.I think those engines leaked oil from the valve cover. Wouldn’t hurt to check the valve clearance and put a new gasket on. Sounds like a good mower Doug.