If you have any enamel reducer, automotive type, that should work good. Turpentine and mineral spirits should work too. Any way you go, Noel, pour a little into a small metal or glass container and try mixing some first. I'm still just guessing since armor coat isn't clear on what type of paint it is, or how to mix it for spraying.
Our idiot parts man at work tested a paint/thinner mix on our work table in the repair shop a while back using a foam coffee cup. He then just left it sitting there, the cup melted, and you know the mess it made which he left for one of us to clean up. I went and told him to go clean up his mess and he said "one of you guys spilled it". He has never done anything wrong in his entire life and refused to do it. He is above me in the workers chain so I headed back to the shop but one of the other guys had cleaned it up when I got back. We watched this moron trying to change wipers on his company truck while they were running so that will tell you how his brain works!
Sorry, got off track!