Keep sneaking up on it!Well I snuck up on it today and it Started. Woo hoo. Maybe I got it. Still not quite convinced yet. But at least it started, amazing. Hehe.
Put the for sale sign on it
Sooner or later the bugs will be worked out, Noel! Hope it doesn't cost much more though! That's what I'm afraid of with that MF1450.Hehe, hard to believe, but I've got almost $1000.00 in to it all ready, that including the price of the tractor. I'd never get a $1000.00 for it if I sold it.
Sounds like a good idea on the wheels, Noel. You must have snuck up on it just right again!Hehe. It started again today. So on to other things. Would like to get an extra set of wheels to put the ag tires on. Kinda like to keep the original turf tires useable if I wanted to use them.
My one of favorite cars...I always said I'll have one before I die lol.Snuck up on it again today. Jumpins, !!!!! It started, hehe. Any way, now I need a battery. It won’t keep a charge and I’ve been using a booster pack thing to start it. Had charger on it today, but I know it won’t last. If it was started every day, if battery is up, it may start. But that ain’t gunna happen. So I’ll start lookin for a 340 cold cranking amp battery or better. Another $100.00 bucks. Talking with a fella today who knows his buddy is restoring a 1970 Chevelle. Top to bottom, front to back. Numbers matching car. 454 cu in. Up to 450 hp. Can you imagine what that’s gunna cost. Jumpins.
Dang, wish I would have thought of that sooner, Noel---LOL!Your should try the sneaking up on it Doug, on your MF 1450. Hehe.
Glue a penny on its good and it will never be broke again.My son had it out this afternoon and off comes the belt for the snowthrower again.! Three separate times now. Thought we had it fixed, the first repair, then the second repair, but I guess not. Any way. That’s the way it is. Son says, sell all the garden tractors and buy a compact tractor with heated cab. Hehe.
He had the 1951 Ferguson and pull behind V snowblower out today too. Worked great he said.
Glue a penny on its good and it will never be broke again.