not much GT related today, or in the past few days... Been working on painting inside the house, thought I was gonna pull the tape from the ceiling in the john today, put tape on the wall side of the corners, and paint the ceiling.... I messed up last nite and went to use up the last little bit in the paint tray, should have used it up on any of the other 3 walls//// either the one with the door, or the one across from it with the window, or the wall that will be hidden by the toilet and sink base cabinet, rather than the 1 wall that has none of the above, like I did.... got a 2nd (or was it 3rd?) coat on 1/2 the wall and in the right light/// once dry, you could tell right where I left off and ran out of paint in the tray...... so I put another coat on all the walls today instead,, tomorrow will be the ceiling......
I have said for years, that I'd hire out mud/tape work on drywall, the next time I got into it// I have a neighbor that I "traded work" with, I worked on his Yukon, he laid my ceramic tile (which came out great, something I've never done) and did my mud/tape job... I ain't good at it, don't mind the rest of that sort of work besides mud/tape; (which I hate, and struggle with) seams are a whole lot more obvious/visible than they ever have been for me, now that it's painted...... they "felt" smooth when sanded and looked good under just primer..... not so much now, under paint.
I did mow before dark..... munched up the start of the fallen leaves, I'd bet I haven't yet lost 2% of them off the trees yet.... and now have a better surface for the Billy goat leaf sucker machine to do its work, once I get the call that my new bag has come in at the local small engine place...
when we were camping last week, they were falling like crazy at the campground.... a couple of other campers had brought their leaf blowers.... something I would not have thought of adding to my camping gear.... but these other campers had electric ones, I sure won't go buy one just for that, for the 1 campout a year where they "could" be an issue//// usually they aren't yet, for this particular campout.... next year I'll just bring the gas powered Stihl one........ that was 2-1/2 hours SE from here, usually we start changing color and losing leaves before they do.... I think this year will be a mass "dump all at once" around here...... the fallen leaves there, stuffed in the fire pit among the logs, made great fire starter.......
In the process of mowing, I did run 2 of my push mowers dry on gas for the season, 1 was already there, 1 to go..... I got a feeling I got at least 1 more mowing to go this year....... also once that bag for the Billy goat comes I would like to run the Power rake and run it dry too, when I can suck up all that the power rake dredges up...... usually when I power rake I like to have that done around Labor day....
this weekend will be either putting the 1/2-john back together, or painting the living room so I can put it back together.....