A little bit yesterday and a bunch more today I ran that cub 1200 all over the place, just pulling the sweeper. As done as I'm gonna be for harvesting leaves this year, other than 100 times of set the ladder, scoop as far as I can reach in the gutters, climb down, move ladder 3' and repeat. I see that this gear drive cub is alot faster in high gear with the throttle at idle than my S16H Ariens is with everything at full tilt. I have to check out the trans linkage on the Ariens as it is a slug compared to my other ones just like it.
If I don't give it He11 the sweeper don't work very well, gotta go fast with it or it don't throw over the leading edge of the basket. So it don't go into the basket, but just gets plugged and puts the leaves back on to the ground and builds up in front of the sweeper, the wheels bind up and I wind up dragging the sweeper and plowing a wall of leaves ahead of it. Give it He11 and it'll dang near throw leaves up and over the back of the sweeper. Don't fare well for getting close to objects when you gotta run the thing so fast. It needs to be geared different to be effective, slower ground speed and faster broom speed. This is an Agri fab 38" sweeper, the brush seems in great shape. I still have a fire in the gravel at the end of the driveway, it smoldered all night, when I started adding leaves to the pile today I didn't even have to relight it.
At one point yesterday I had the bed of my truck headed to as high as I could reach, I added that to the fire after dinner, and it went all night. I added another 15 to 20 sweeper loads of additional leaves to the fire today.
1st thing this morning I ran a self propelled push mower over the yard to try and chop the leaves up, it did about 1/2 of them, spit the rest out around the deck whole. But it was enough to help the sweeper work better. And as much as I hate most newer big box stores LTs, I watched 2 neighbors across the street just mow and chop their leaves into Oblivion with no other work needed.
Gonna have to see what I can do to transform either a cub 44c or 50c into a leaf eater or else one of my Ariens decks by next leaf season. During the mowing season I mow often enough that I can mow and blow and usually not have a Hayfield. But every mower I have tried chopping leaves with here so far over the years, has just plowed leaves. Which is useless.so far
I have yet to find anything that works better
than the old hand rake onto a tarp and drag the tarp over to where I burn them. But that takes too long and in recent years has only made me ache