What are you currently working on??

The MF7 is one of the favorite tractors in the collection. The original tecumseh was slowly dieing so it was replaced with an electric start Honda clone.

Grass looks like a golf course and pulls like a mule. I had the wagon hooked to it a couple years ago loaded with logs. I didn’t realize both tires were flat. I dragged that wagon a half mile down the road to my dads house before I looked back to back up to the burn pile and noticed the tires were flat as can be.
The MF7 is one of the favorite tractors in the collection.

Grass looks like a golf course and pulls like a mule. I had the wagon hooked to it a couple years ago loaded with logs. I didn’t realize both tires were flat. I dragged that wagon a half mile down the road to my dads house before I looked back to back up to the burn pile and noticed the tires were flat as can be.

They are a great tractor. They are great in the woods too. Lots of float in the front axle. A lot more that any other tractor I’ve seen. They can crawl over most stuff in the woods while pulling a small trailer loaded with rounds.

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Started working on a M.F.8 today
Some friends gave me a 1975 M.F.8 gear drive lawn tractor. they didn't give me much, but it is a start. No engine. no mower deck, a hole in the hood, a chunk missing from the left side of the grill, typical 50 years of grease and grime, and the lift lever has been cut off. That and it smells like the Turkey Barn it came out of! :(:(
The good news is that the plastic dash, and plastic nose of the grill are intact with no cracks or chips. :thumbs: It's not been good weather to be outside with the pressure washer. So I'll get it going and built to where I like it and do a tear down and cosmetics later.
I have a 6 h.p. Tecumseh that will find its way into this little tractor until or if I find something better. This engine used to be in my Executive and then in the Amigo. Its been quietly sitting on a shelf for almost a year now.
Nice score! As much as I love Cub Cadets, my MF7 is definitely one of my favorites. A little small, but it’s fun to drive. And like Aaron said, they cut great.
Tractor wise, I found out that both my winches for my snow plow mount work fine. Now I just gotta figure out where the breakdown is in wiring/solenoids/etc.

Most of my time is being spent on rebuilding the front end of my son's Heep Cherokee to get rid of death wobble, putting the new steering box in tonight.
I was having trouble with my HF remote not working. I went on YouTube and it’s common that the remote button needs reset. Once I done that it worked fine. I was thinking about installing a switch to override that remote to manual. A simple bad battery cell in the remote could also keep it from working.
Got to messing with the Massey7 again. Trying to keep the expense at a minimum so I'm using up what is on the shelves. Got the motor bolted in and a new belt installed, The belt cost was only $5. The shop where I bought it had some NOS parts that I sold on marketplace for them, so he gave me the belt at a big discount. A new idler pulley was used from my stash to replace the squeaky one on the tensioner.
The tires on this tractor were worthless so they got replaced with some from the storage rack. After replacing the 3 bolt rear hubs with 5 bolt ones from an old J.D. 110, I put on a set of 23x10:50-12 wheels/tires from a Cub Cadet1610 to replace the 8:50x8-16's. The front spindles were too short to mount the replacement rims/tires I have. So I fit up a pair of spindles from the Cub Cadet 1610 onto the Massey axle. They had too much negative camber and looked odd all tilted in. So out came the Massey axle and in went a Wheel Horse B112 axle and spindles. I first had to mill down the axle bosses from 3 1/2" to 3". Then replaced the 6:00x6-15's with a pair of 16x6:50-16 wheels/tires from the rack.
Took it all for a test drive and first thing I found out was it has no brakes! I rolled backwards into one of Edy's flower beds.
These pictures are before I switched to the Weel Horse axle.


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Just above the left rear axle is the disc for the brake. The two levers that pinch it had the linings worn almost completely off. They had a 1" diameter puck on them. I have some pucks from a go cart disc brake. After I reform them I'll try gluing them to the levers. I skimmed the levers in the mill to clean up the old material.
I just need to find out what is best to re-.adhere them with. I have some quick set J-B Weld and some super glue . I'll check the internet and find out.


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If JB Weld doesn't work, try Devcon Titanium putty.
Went to the shop this morning, and was going to J.B. weld the brake pucks. The temperature was at 40*. I didn't want to heat the whole shop just for that and the wife was gone so everything came in to the kitchen. I was done before she returned. She came home and spotted it right away, Called me by my full name and rolled her eyes. (I knew I was okay when she didn't use any extra adjectives.) It will sit until tomorrow.


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Went to the shop this morning, and was going to J.B. weld the brake pucks. The temperature was at 40*. I didn't want to heat the whole shop just for that and the wife was gone so everything came in to the kitchen. I was done before she returned. She came home and spotted it right away, Called me by my full name and rolled her eyes. (I knew I was okay when she didn't use any extra adjectives.) It will sit until tomorrow.
Those don't look like normal kitchen utensils!
Went to the shop this morning, and was going to J.B. weld the brake pucks. The temperature was at 40*. I didn't want to heat the whole shop just for that and the wife was gone so everything came in to the kitchen. I was done before she returned. She came home and spotted it right away, Called me by my full name and rolled her eyes. (I knew I was okay when she didn't use any extra adjectives.) It will sit until tomorrow.
I remember hearing the story about the guy talking on the phone. Suddenly he says "Got to go the wife just turned in the drive and my valve covers are still in the dish washer.
I’ve been cleaning parts for a few days. My wire wheel on my old direct drive bench grinder just about has had it. My dad always kept me supplied because their shop would wear them down a little then toss them.

I found a wire wheel brush but the mandrel hole was 3/4” instead of the 1/2” I need. I stacked a couple of 1/2” washers on the grinder then took my right angle grinder and ground them down to make a bushing.

I’ve got these parts wire brushed but will clean with some mineral spirits tomorrow. Some of these parts were painted black that was up under the frame. I’m going to paint them with Rust Oleum Rust Reformer with no top coat. I’ve not been able to find this paint local lately. I went online last night and found it on Amazon with a delivery for today on Sunday so it just came around 1:00 but don’t feel much like doing anything this evening.