Went to a swap meet today, been to lots of car related ones over the years, but this was my 1st motorcycle related one. 95% Harley related, but not much there for a sportster.
I'm looking for a better seat for mine before the weather breaks, did find one that was a little different than the 3 I have now (and don't care for) gonna mount it up and see if it's any better.
The 3 I already had, have minimal padding, and are all "2-up" (one pc, meant for 2 people)
All appear to be stock oem Harley, but the main difference between them seems to be where the "ridge" is between the driver and the rider.
Of the 3, the one that was mounted when I got it seems best, I got a 2nd one with the bike, and a guy from work gave me the 3rd one. The original mounted seat seems like putting the seat in my truck about the middle of it's travel and the other 2 are like moving the seat forward, when I need the seat to be able to go back, instead..... The one I found today (seemed like only one in the house that was meant for a Sportster) definitely has better/thicker padding. Remains to be seen how far back it lets me sit on the bike.... I was thinking about getting a solo seat for it, but hate to try ordering one from some catalog, unless I've sat on one like what I'm ordering first.
Mine does have the forward controls/ which helps, some.
I'm hoping for a quick mild winter as I got to really liking the cheapness on gas compared to anything else I have, really apparent when gas was over $4/gallon.
I have had bikes before, but not until last year, since I acquired a 70 mile commute. As a late bloomer in getting into motorcycles, I ain't one to embrace riding in winter temps ....gonna wait till temps stay above 55ish to start riding to work again....
When I had my smaller ones 15-20 years ago, I only had a 20 mile commute or so and didn't ride much below 70* back then....