What are you currently working on??

I have had a Slime tire pressure tester for years. It quit so thought I would just replace the batteries. Took the cover off and 2 batteries fell out along with a plate. Only instructions I could find was You Tube. Found it takes 4 batteries, 2 under the board and two above. Got the board back to the one half with 3 screws. Messed with the nose and tiny LED for about 1/2 hour and could not get them two to go togetgher and stay long enough to put the other half on. Removed the batteries and the the rest in the trash. Must have known it was not going to be a good project as I had picked up a new gauge on sale the same day I got the batteries. They need to label that stuff "Chinese fingers required".
Didn't do much today. Took my son to look at a truck, ended up buying it, 2008 Silverado with 59k on it, figured an older man owned it.
Then came home and decided to bust concrete of some old metal posts. I was using a chisel and 5# sledge to crack it. I was kneeling, glanced of chisel and hit my knee. Pretty much did me in the rest of the day. I did grab chainsaw, cut up some skid material and made a fire in stove to take chill off house.
When I was working construction the Boss and I were busting up an old barn foundation. He was holding the pointed chisle and i was swingin the 5 lb sledge. He would say hit it and I would. He said hit it, I started the swing and he said wait a minute and put his hand up over the end of the chisel. Needless to say the sledge hit the mark. His left hand was out of commission for about 3 week.
I was trying to get a broken bolt out of a cathead many years ago and a piece of the chisel flew and imbedded in my neck, finally disolved a few years ago. What is a cathead, it is like a cup the fits over the end of a poured mill roll with bolts to center it so the head of roll can be cut off.
I’ve got a chisel scar as well. Was trying to pry a door stop off the top of a door jam and the 1/2” chisel slipped and went into my right hand just below and in between where the pointer finger and middle finger join the hand. Blood was on the ceiling and all over the place. Lost the feeling in those 2 finger completely but I could still move them. They stitched me up and the Dr. said we would have to wait and see if the feeling came back. It did mostly come back but it took months for it to be anywhere near normal again. i still have the scar to remind me to be more careful with hand tools!
Went to a swap meet today, been to lots of car related ones over the years, but this was my 1st motorcycle related one. 95% Harley related, but not much there for a sportster.
I'm looking for a better seat for mine before the weather breaks, did find one that was a little different than the 3 I have now (and don't care for) gonna mount it up and see if it's any better.
The 3 I already had, have minimal padding, and are all "2-up" (one pc, meant for 2 people)
All appear to be stock oem Harley, but the main difference between them seems to be where the "ridge" is between the driver and the rider.
Of the 3, the one that was mounted when I got it seems best, I got a 2nd one with the bike, and a guy from work gave me the 3rd one. The original mounted seat seems like putting the seat in my truck about the middle of it's travel and the other 2 are like moving the seat forward, when I need the seat to be able to go back, instead..... The one I found today (seemed like only one in the house that was meant for a Sportster) definitely has better/thicker padding. Remains to be seen how far back it lets me sit on the bike.... I was thinking about getting a solo seat for it, but hate to try ordering one from some catalog, unless I've sat on one like what I'm ordering first.
Mine does have the forward controls/ which helps, some.
I'm hoping for a quick mild winter as I got to really liking the cheapness on gas compared to anything else I have, really apparent when gas was over $4/gallon.
I have had bikes before, but not until last year, since I acquired a 70 mile commute. As a late bloomer in getting into motorcycles, I ain't one to embrace riding in winter temps ....gonna wait till temps stay above 55ish to start riding to work again....
When I had my smaller ones 15-20 years ago, I only had a 20 mile commute or so and didn't ride much below 70* back then....
Went to a swap meet today, been to lots of car related ones over the years, but this was my 1st motorcycle related one. 95% Harley related, but not much there for a sportster.
I'm looking for a better seat for mine before the weather breaks, did find one that was a little different than the 3 I have now (and don't care for) gonna mount it up and see if it's any better.
The 3 I already had, have minimal padding, and are all "2-up" (one pc, meant for 2 people)
All appear to be stock oem Harley, but the main difference between them seems to be where the "ridge" is between the driver and the rider.
Of the 3, the one that was mounted when I got it seems best, I got a 2nd one with the bike, and a guy from work gave me the 3rd one. The original mounted seat seems like putting the seat in my truck about the middle of it's travel and the other 2 are like moving the seat forward, when I need the seat to be able to go back, instead..... The one I found today (seemed like only one in the house that was meant for a Sportster) definitely has better/thicker padding. Remains to be seen how far back it lets me sit on the bike.... I was thinking about getting a solo seat for it, but hate to try ordering one from some catalog, unless I've sat on one like what I'm ordering first.
Mine does have the forward controls/ which helps, some.
I'm hoping for a quick mild winter as I got to really liking the cheapness on gas compared to anything else I have, really apparent when gas was over $4/gallon.
I have had bikes before, but not until last year, since I acquired a 70 mile commute. As a late bloomer in getting into motorcycles, I ain't one to embrace riding in winter temps ....gonna wait till temps stay above 55ish to start riding to work again....
When I had my smaller ones 15-20 years ago, I only had a 20 mile commute or so and didn't ride much below 70* back then....
I have three seats here. a couple Corbins and a Mustang. If you want I'll post some pictures.
Corbin makes nice seats.

I refuse to ride below 50 or when the forecast calls for rain. I’m a fair weather rider.

I’m going to get my bike out more this summer. I didn’t ride it much at all last year. I missed it. Sure is a lot of fun. Plus I could ride to work 2 days on one gallon of gas. That would be a boon and keep miles off my Jeep.
Had to put air on the daughter's Jeep tires, those aluminum wheels suck when below 30*. I have to air them up once a week. I've had the beads cleaned before, guess they've corroded again causing air leaks when it cold.
Sunday after church I needed to fix my rock damage so county could install their sign back. Used the FF24 to drag one big rock back in place, got all that done and put wall back in place also.
Ive never mounted/dismounted tires and recently had to pay for 8 dismounts/4 mounts $160...so still had 4 more needing done so went to second hand store for some pry bars I could "dress" for tire spoons. $20 later all set. also made bead breaker..by the third tire I had the hang of it...
Each of the "spoons" I ground the edges to smooth and round so as not to damage bead


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Ive never mounted/dismounted tires and recently had to pay for 8 dismounts/4 mounts $160...so still had 4 more needing done so went to second hand store for some pry bars I could "dress" for tire spoons. $20 later all set. also made bead breaker..by the third tire I had the hang of it...
Each of the "spoons" I ground the edges to smooth and round so as not to damage bead
Nice work, Jazz! It is so expensive to have that done any more.

Ive never mounted/dismounted tires and recently had to pay for 8 dismounts/4 mounts $160...so still had 4 more needing done so went to second hand store for some pry bars I could "dress" for tire spoons. $20 later all set. also made bead breaker..by the third tire I had the hang of it...
Each of the "spoons" I ground the edges to smooth and round so as not to damage bead
We even picked up a liquid pump for the calcium filled tractor tires because of the cost. This was 20/30 years ago and we were paying $100 per rear calcium filled tire to pump it down, patch, and refill. The only tires I don't touch are the vehicle tires that have free flat repair with the purchase of the tires.
Got bored today and did the spring tune up on my mower. I bought this last summer from the original owner. It is a 2011 model but has very few hours on it, and looks like new. I'm not sure when it was last serviced and gave it the once over.
One thing really like about this Kubota is that the grill and side covers come off in one piece after removing 3 knob/bolts.
All 3 filters, both plugs and the drain are easily acessible. Only tools needed were a crescent wrench, pliers and plug socket/ratchet.
The blades appeared to be in good shape so I left them.


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Started working on a M.F.8 today
Some friends gave me a 1975 M.F.8 gear drive lawn tractor. they didn't give me much, but it is a start. No engine. no mower deck, a hole in the hood, a chunk missing from the left side of the grill, typical 50 years of grease and grime, and the lift lever has been cut off. That and it smells like the Turkey Barn it came out of! :(:(
The good news is that the plastic dash, and plastic nose of the grill are intact with no cracks or chips. :thumbs: It's not been good weather to be outside with the pressure washer. So I'll get it going and built to where I like it and do a tear down and cosmetics later.
I have a 6 h.p. Tecumseh that will find its way into this little tractor until or if I find something better. This engine used to be in my Executive and then in the Amigo. Its been quietly sitting on a shelf for almost a year now.


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I had an acquaintance stopped by wanting to sell me an MF7G a few years ago. It was in bad shape but everything there. I just couldn’t buy it with what I have going on with other tractors. I tried to encourage him to what he had for the right buyer it was by far not junk. After talking awhile he said you know what your a good friend so just take it, it’s yours. Honestly I only talked to him two times when we first moved out here and I let him hunt one day off his tailgate because he can’t walk much. I would love to restore it but Carol would be hurt because her MF12H has been in boxes for ten years SB and primed. Rick your post is encouraging. Out of all the old tractors out there I think the MF’s are in a class of their own. The colors, the quality of their build, the ruggedness, and rarity are hard to beat.