And more junk.

That does happen out here, Chris---LOL! Spearfish, 45 miles NW, holds the world record for the fastest temp change ever. It was back in January, 1943. It was -4F and two minutes later it went to +45F. 49 degree change in two minutes! Mom was vacationing at home from her job at the Pentagon right when that happened. She said you could see the heat waves rolling in! It got up to 54* but within 2 hours the temp dropped right back down to -4!

I hope that spring is here for good!

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I'll bet people there with arthritis had ole Arther visiting with a vengeance!!
Had to have been painful, Daniel! The whole Black Hills area was affected with extreme temp changes that day, just Spearfish was most extreme.

Today was the last weekend day I will ever have to go in to work! 4 more working days until I'm unemployed---LOL!

Got home from work and did some chores. It was still chilly in the shop and the furnace fired up and ran like it did before the fiasco that started a week ago. Got the chill out and eventually was able to open the overhead and man doors to let some fresh spring air in.

Raked up gravel in the grass from plowing s-word last week where there wasn't ice on them. It wasn't real bad but more than I would like to see.

Took the tarp off of the freebie GT5000, put the battery in it and it fired right up. RF tire was flat so aired it up and drove it around the yard for awhile. Ran the deck for a few minutes although there is nothing to mow yet. Backed it in the shop. Will probably start mowing with this one to see how it works.


Doug we have this thing we call “a do nothing day” kind of like Daniel mentioned. It’s going to be a DND tomorrow lol.

I’m excited for you Doug. Remember the ole phrase of don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. When you retire that changes to if I can’t do it today it will be there tomorrow.
When you retire that changes to if I can’t do it today it will be there tomorrow.
Yah and if it doesn't get done this year there's always next year.
Your going to love retirement. People ask me "what do you do now that your retired?" and I tell them I use all the stuff I learned while working to make my retirement more enjoyable and I'm doing it for myself.
Or, It took me 40 years to learn what I'd need to know after I retired.
Have fun!!!!!!
People always ask me what I do now that I have been retired..
I tell them.
Anything I want....
When I want....
If I want....
Honestly I'm busy enough now that I don't know how I found the time to work...
Doug we have this thing we call “a do nothing day” kind of like Daniel mentioned. It’s going to be a DND tomorrow lol.

I’m excited for you Doug. Remember the ole phrase of don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. When you retire that changes to if I can’t do it today it will be there tomorrow.
And if it isn't here tomorrow it didn't need doing!~
Doug we have this thing we call “a do nothing day” kind of like Daniel mentioned. It’s going to be a DND tomorrow lol.

I’m excited for you Doug. Remember the ole phrase of don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. When you retire that changes to if I can’t do it today it will be there tomorrow.
Sounds like a good idea, Jim! It will be tough to do nothing, but I'm real used to just doing a little---LOL! Loree is still going to work a couple more years. She likes the new position that she has now much better than what she was doing the last 20 years.

Yah and if it doesn't get done this year there's always next year.
Your going to love retirement. People ask me "what do you do now that your retired?" and I tell them I use all the stuff I learned while working to make my retirement more enjoyable and I'm doing it for myself.
Or, It took me 40 years to learn what I'd need to know after I retired.
Have fun!!!!!!
I've got several things that got put off for years because of work, Chris! Use the knowledge and tools that I learned, and try to learn some more! Hope I'm in good enough shape to get stuff accomplished. Will have fun, Thanks!

People always ask me what I do now that I have been retired..
I tell them.
Anything I want....
When I want....
If I want....
Honestly I'm busy enough now that I don't know how I found the time to work...
Great philosophy, Bill! I do know a few folks that can't fathom retiring because they don't have any other interests besides their jobs! I'm sure I can be real busy too, long as my body holds out!

Big party this coming weekend, I can see. Have fun Doug.

Possibly, Noel! Loree did reserve an area in the closest bar a couple miles down the road for a "Happy Hour" Friday night. They call it a pub. Have real good burgers and now and then us guys from work go there for lunch. I know what I will have for supper that night! Some of the old guys from work and a few old friends along with a cousin and her husband sound like they will show up. Probably won't get on here that night!

And if it isn't here tomorrow it didn't need doing!~
That's the truth, Roger! Some things that at first seem really important to take care of one day, suddenly are unimportant a day or two later!

Shortly after I retired I had a neighbor ask me what my schedule was. My reply was I don't have one and I am not looking for one.
Perfect, Don! About the only schedule I have to do is go into town on Mondays and get my allergy shot and get the garbage out to the road Monday evening!

I sure don't understand those folks that don't retire because they don't know what else to do. Lots of them out there that can easily afford to but can't change the routine. I was always one of those guys that said for years that I would have to call in sick to work on the day of my funeral because I never managed to be very successful financial wise, but about two years ago I decided heck with it. We will make it or we won't. Probably should have hung it up right then.

Thanks for all the comments and helpful advice on how to adapt to being unemployed! I really appreciate all of your outlooks on this!

My dad would go back to work tomorrow if he was physically capable. Maybe that’s the difference. Being forced to retire because of health vs doing it because you are ready!

I plan to retire as soon as I can. 19.5 years I’ll be 59.5 and I can start pulling off my 401k. But that depends on a lot of different factors that are out of my control b
Possibly, Noel! Loree did reserve an area in the closest bar a couple miles down the road for a "Happy Hour" Friday night. They call it a pub. Have real good burgers and now and then us guys from work go there for lunch. I know what I will have for supper that night! Some of the old guys from work and a few old friends along with a cousin and her husband sound like they will show up. Probably won't get on here that night!

What time and where?
I'll talk to the wife and see if we can make it. :rolleyes:
Great days ahead Doug. No more on call !!!! Jumpins I hated that.
Mowing Mondays should be no trouble now, hehe.

Yeah that on call sucked but the money was pretty good. I didn't take the on call the last two times it came around. Gave it to another guy that wants the money worse than I did. Next Tuesday would be the on call rotation for me, too!

Grass is greening up fast! Might be a "Mowing Monday" coming up soon!

My dad would go back to work tomorrow if he was physically capable. Maybe that’s the difference. Being forced to retire because of health vs doing it because you are ready!

I plan to retire as soon as I can. 19.5 years I’ll be 59.5 and I can start pulling off my 401k. But that depends on a lot of different factors that are out of my control b
If I remember right, Aaron, your Dad is younger than me? I can't blame him for wishing he could work again when he couldn't retire on his own terms. What did your Dad do for a living if I might ask? Sounds like you have a great plan for your own retirement!

What time and where?
I'll talk to the wife and see if we can make it. :rolleyes:
LOL! Sally O'Mally's Pub at 5 o'clock, Rick! You still have plenty of time to make it---LOL!

After work tonight I took the tarp off of the MF1450, put the battery in and it fired off instantly too! Wiggled it out of the hole it was in and drove it around the yard for a while. Dropped the gravel drag off of the 3 point and backed it into the shop too.



I want to work on that spool valve so I can make the control cover fit that Daniel sent me!

Sorry! The wife says you are not high enough on her priority list to endure a 14 hour drive.:(
Don't take it personal. :confused:
I not very high on that list either. :oops:
Although I'm pretty high on another list.o_O
Jeez you didn't even let me answer Rick---LOL! Leave her at home and come out anyway----no don't. I don't want to cause family problems!
