And more junk.

It dawned on me where that chunk of steel came from that stabbed through the shoe and gouged the toe! I trimmed a half moon shaped piece off the fender pan of the MF1450 a couple months ago for transaxle dipstick clearance. I must not have gotten it swept up and somewhere along the way it poked into the shoe. May not have worked clear through until last week. Hard to say. That isn't orange paint on it, it's faded MF Red! Laid around a good bit of the day with a bare foot up on the coffee table watching the race. I figured it was about time it got some air.

I thought about that being a faded MF red because I don’t remember you having anything orange. Glad you’re doing better and taking it easy.
I thought about that being a faded MF red because I don’t remember you having anything orange. Glad you’re doing better and taking it easy.
Made the most sense for sure, Jim. I have a lot of used painted metal around here that gets cut up for stuff so it took awhile to sink in!

Had a bunch of running around to do this morning into early afternoon. Did a couple chores and sorted a little more hardware.

Made a trip to the City to Menard's today. About hour and 15 min to get there. Picked up a few things including a new toilet. Checked out a junk shop. Ended up costing me as I picked up a chicken fryer with lid. Hard to come by the fryers with lids.
Loree and I have backed off going to the junk shops quite a bit, Roger. Come home with too much junk---LOL!

Loree and I have backed off going to the junk shops quite a bit, Roger. Come home with too much junk---LOL!

To many auctions for me this week. Bought not one but three above range microwaves. Only wanted one for the daughters apartment but only paid $32.50 for all. All like new.
Plus I ended up with 28 different car posters (I'll post some pictures later) of various early advertising of 50-early 60's Ford, Chevy, car,truck ect.. Now just to get them sold
To many auctions for me this week. Bought not one but three above range microwaves. Only wanted one for the daughters apartment but only paid $32.50 for all. All like new.
Plus I ended up with 28 different car posters (I'll post some pictures later) of various early advertising of 50-early 60's Ford, Chevy, car,truck ect.. Now just to get them sold
Are the microwaves and posters something you’re going to flip, I remember you doing this before. My son does this a lot and does very well. He’s trying to get me into it along with watching YouTube videos on what sells and things to look for. Carol has done this buying at yard sales and done well.
The pain doc says burning nerves in my spine will be next. Problem is I have 3 vertebrae that have worn out discs and medicare will only cover two the first time. Nothing scheduled yet.

Yeah ol' Bill the master-flipper scores again! I'm one of those guys that buys stuff expensive and sells it cheap---LOL! I do have a lot of junk around here to try to sell, and my sisters want me to sell some of their junk too and says I can keep the money. Need to figure out doing it.

After I got back home this afternoon, got out to the shop, lowered the lift and both tractors fired right off since it was nice enough to have the overhead door open! The MF1450 ran out of gas after a couple of minutes and my gas cans are empty! Better go fill them tomorrow.
Dang they need a good washing!

Sorted more useless junk out of that "clusterbucket" today. Getting close to the bottom now but I'm still on the fence anout throwing a lot of it in the garbage. Probably the most useless stuff is a bunch of 5/15" and 7/16" brass nuts.




More junk sorting tomorrow, and maybe some outside work.

The pain doc says burning nerves in my spine will be next. Problem is I have 3 vertebrae that have worn out discs and medicare will only cover two the first time. Nothing scheduled yet.
I go in on Monday for the first consultation on getting my bionic pain controller. I don't expect anything to happen for awhile as I have to see a head doctor after I visit with the doctor to see if I'm a candidate. I guess they don't want to stick these things in just anyone. At least the process is getting started.
Are the microwaves and posters something you’re going to flip, I remember you doing this before. My son does this a lot and does very well. He’s trying to get me into it along with watching YouTube videos on what sells and things to look for. Carol has done this buying at yard sales and done well.
Yea Jim two of the microwaves I'll sell. One I wanted.
The car posters are being sold also.
I got into buying and selling a little after I retired. Made for something to do and made a little blow money. Believe me I ain't getting rich and buying a vacation home anytime soon. More for fun but can turn into work depending on what you want to flip. As sad as it was the few covid years were great for turning stuff around. Couldn't find anything and people were nuts. For example I couldn't keep bicycles on hand. Selling used from $50-$100 in heart beat. Now you can't give them away.
I go in on Monday for the first consultation on getting my bionic pain controller. I don't expect anything to happen for awhile as I have to see a head doctor after I visit with the doctor to see if I'm a candidate. I guess they don't want to stick these things in just anyone. At least the process is getting started.
I have been through all of that and was set to have the stimulator installed as the trial. Then that spot on my rib showed up and put everything 8 months behind. Back to getting the appointment set up again once the pain clinic gets the paperwork from the VA. Don't look for that to happen till April some time. Computer technology sure slowed things down at times. Carolyn had circulation test done yesterday before a ingrown nail can be removed from her big toe. Said it would be 3-4 weeks before they heard back?
I go in on Monday for the first consultation on getting my bionic pain controller. I don't expect anything to happen for awhile as I have to see a head doctor after I visit with the doctor to see if I'm a candidate. I guess they don't want to stick these things in just anyone. At least the process is getting started.
Hopefully you will be the "bionic man" soon, Chris!

Yea Jim two of the microwaves I'll sell. One I wanted.
The car posters are being sold also.
I got into buying and selling a little after I retired. Made for something to do and made a little blow money. Believe me I ain't getting rich and buying a vacation home anytime soon. More for fun but can turn into work depending on what you want to flip. As sad as it was the few covid years were great for turning stuff around. Couldn't find anything and people were nuts. For example I couldn't keep bicycles on hand. Selling used from $50-$100 in heart beat. Now you can't give them away.
It used to pi$$ me off when I would drive the tanker to the dump back when I was working. Had to drive right by the scrap metal piles. Hundreds of what appeared to be nice kid's bicycles and even some adult fat tire mountain bikes. Even saw a few vintage sting rays. Insane what people throw away. The dump didn't allow anyone to take stuff out of the scrap and while I was there, I had to follow dump rules.

I have been through all of that and was set to have the stimulator installed as the trial. Then that spot on my rib showed up and put everything 8 months behind. Back to getting the appointment set up again once the pain clinic gets the paperwork from the VA. Don't look for that to happen till April some time. Computer technology sure slowed things down at times. Carolyn had circulation test done yesterday before a ingrown nail can be removed from her big toe. Said it would be 3-4 weeks before they heard back?
Sure seems to be a lot of delays in health care any more, and big cities are the worst. My oldest sister in Denver has been waiting over a year for hiatal hernia surgery. Still nothing scheduled. I read a report that the Denver hospitals are putting homeless and even illegals as priority over insured folks.

Got gas cans filled and the clusterbucket is empty. still plenty to do getting everything into the bin and drawer cabinets. Got a lot of stuff taken off the lift I had put on it with the tractors for winter storage. Plan is when the weather gets good enough, the '55 is going on the lift for a bunch of work it needs to do some cruising at the local cruise nights that will be happening. I would need to be able to run the tractors out and let them be outside while working on the truck then raise the truck and run the tractors back in when done.

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Good luck with the truck project. Hope you don't run into any money pits.
Thanks, Chris. I already have the stuff I'm going to work on. Truck itself is running and driving fine. It needs a new headlight switch, and amp gauge. Then new door gaskets and rubber floormat will be getting installed. Getting the seat out and back in will be the hardest part.

Removing a bench seat is not much fun by yourself - especially as one grows younger. A suggestion if you have an engine stand - you may be able to attach a 2x4 or 2x6 vertically to the head so you can use the engine stand as a type of light duty fork lift. With the upright piece of wood attached to the head you can then attach a 6 ft 2x4 at the appropriate height to slide in over the top of the seat - leave the vertical piece of wood high enough that you can use a piece of rope or light chain attached to the far end of the horizontal 2x4 for support. Then use a couple of ratchet straps around the 2x4 and the seat to raise the seat up so it will slide out over the floor. May be snug with the doors on but it might work - just a thought.
Removing a bench seat is not much fun by yourself - especially as one grows younger. A suggestion if you have an engine stand - you may be able to attach a 2x4 or 2x6 vertically to the head so you can use the engine stand as a type of light duty fork lift. With the upright piece of wood attached to the head you can then attach a 6 ft 2x4 at the appropriate height to slide in over the top of the seat - leave the vertical piece of wood high enough that you can use a piece of rope or light chain attached to the far end of the horizontal 2x4 for support. Then use a couple of ratchet straps around the 2x4 and the seat to raise the seat up so it will slide out over the floor. May be snug with the doors on but it might work - just a thought.
Yeah they are big and awkward. Obviously it is a bench seat too. After reading your comment, Stew, I don't think I will put it on the lift. Then I might be able to stick the cherry picker in there and lift the seat! Thanks for waking me up---LOL!

Steering wheel always gets it the way when removing a seat.
I'm planning on backing it in to take it out the passenger side as I can make room for the cherry picker on that side. Steering wheel comes off easy anyway in this truck. Now that I think about it, there should be guts to get the horn working around here somewhere that I never installed. They were gone in this truck but I found them in a truck at a scrapyard. I might pull the steering wheel anyway to make pulling the gauge clusters out easier.

Got another table or desktop in this case almost cleaned up today. There is some junk that can't go in the bolt bin and if I was thinking rationally, they should just go in the garbage! More crap I hauled home years ago from the scrap trailer at my former job.


This is an "antique" voltmeter with no leads. Never tried to use it.

This says it's an "insulation tester". No clue about that gizmo. Has a nice leather case and leads in nice shape. I can use the leads but the tester itself is useless. It has a hand crank on the side that must have a small DC generator in it before ohm meters had batteries.DSCN6115.JPG

Then there's an 8" grinding wheel but it is too wide for my 8" bench grinder. Never been used. And yeah, that desk even came out of that scrap trailer along with the bench to the right that those meters are on in the pic---LOL!

Speaking of the scrap trailer at my former job, I went over there to buy eggs form our supplier today. Got 3 dozen and when leaving there was a garden trailer sticking out of the scrap trailer. I asked the former co-worker about it and he said "come get it. I'm the one that threw it in there". Didn't get a pic but not bent up and it even has air in the tires! If the weather is good enough tomorrow at lunch I'll take one of the pickups over there and load it up! Another score---LOL!

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