And more junk.

Got a steroid shot in the back today. Doesn't seem to be helping. Sorted more bolts washers and misc junk for a couple hours this afternoon. Some stuff got sorted to the garbage can even, believe it or not---LOL!

Huh? Got a steroid shot in the back and now you have bolts, washers and more just all loose in the back?
No wonder it's not helping.
When at the doctors today I was told about an electronic device that can be implanted in the back and wires are attached to the spine. Somewhat like a heart pacer. After the surgery you are given something similar to the fob that unlocks and starts your car. With that you control the implanted device that blocks the pain signals from reaching your brain. I'm being referred to the doctor who does this procedure to see if it's something that would help me.
I'll probably start a new topic so as to not cause problems here.
When the batteries run down the surgery is repeated.
You have to shut the device off when driving
See more here. It might be something that could help one or more of you.
I was set up to get one similar last July but several other things showed up that had to be delt with first. The one I was to get, and still will down the road, was a temporary set up with the remote controller for a short period of time. The unit would then be removed and all the activity from it would be programed into the permanent unit which would be put in the back after 30 days. Mine was from a Boston company, don't have the paperwork on it right off to get the name of it. I think there are a few different ones out there that have been approved already. Good luck with yours Chris. Will be watching for your progress.
Sometimes it takes a while for those shot to work if they are going to. My first one worked great for about 6 months. Second ones didn't last a long may be 3 months. The last ones did basically nothing.
I THINK there was some relief today, Roger. Hoping so.

When at the doctors today I was told about an electronic device that can be implanted in the back and wires are attached to the spine. Somewhat like a heart pacer. After the surgery you are given something similar to the fob that unlocks and starts your car. With that you control the implanted device that blocks the pain signals from reaching your brain. I'm being referred to the doctor who does this procedure to see if it's something that would help me.
I'll probably start a new topic so as to not cause problems here.
When the batteries run down the surgery is repeated.
You have to shut the device off when driving
See more here. It might be something that could help one or more of you.
I was set up to get one similar last July but several other things showed up that had to be delt with first. The one I was to get, and still will down the road, was a temporary set up with the remote controller for a short period of time. The unit would then be removed and all the activity from it would be programed into the permanent unit which would be put in the back after 30 days. Mine was from a Boston company, don't have the paperwork on it right off to get the name of it. I think there are a few different ones out there that have been approved already. Good luck with yours Chris. Will be watching for your progress.
There are posters about gadgets like that hanging in the exam rooms I go into. We have not discussed them yet. My dad used one that had wires going to a controller he wore on his belt.

Might have to get some Brett. I'm thinking you might be younger than us? Of course I am younger than Roger and Chris too. Their and your experiences along with your knowledge are very valuable!

More time to be spent on doctors coming. I have cataracts. I meet with the surgeon a month from today. Also have "corneal dystrophy". Sounds like it is a swelling of the eyeball. I have to get some expensive ointment tomorrow to rub under the lower eyelid. Didn't feel like stopping this afternoon with dilated eyes. They can't do surgery with the swelling. No sense ordering new glasses!

Got home and opened myself up another can of worms. Rolled in the bolt bin that was laying outside. The other one is in a shed loaded with useless junk. Maybe it will force me to figure out somewhere to put it since it is now in my way. Each row is a separate shelf bolted together so I don't have to use the whole thing. I have some of those cardboard bins to put in it too that I got out of the garbage at my former job one time. Sorted some more smalls and filed more stuff into the garbage can.


Leaves---LOL, Chris! There are some dead crickets though! Would like to have pressure washed it first but not a good time to do that. I'll wipe it out best I can. Haven't had mice around here for several years now, knock on wood!

Might have to get some Brett. I'm thinking you might be younger than us? Of course I am younger than Roger and Chris too. Their and your experiences along with your knowledge are very valuable!

I'm not up there yet, nor too young either. I'm the very tail end literally of the baby boomers. Almost to the day on the calendar too for it. The following week people are called Gen-X for their birth year.
Those bins are nice Doug, and the cardboard trays. Sorry to hear about your eyes. Is the cream applied to your eye something you have to do all the time or just bring the swelling down for surgery. I had a pressure problem they were concerned about and I had to take a special drop for that until my final follow up. I was thankful that it was fine because the drops were around $282. I’m sure my insurance would cover most but still an aggravation and an expense that I don’t need. Keep us updated on your doc visits.
I'm not up there yet, nor too young either. I'm the very tail end literally of the baby boomers. Almost to the day on the calendar too for it. The following week people are called Gen-X for their birth year.
I don't know the years of that stuff, Brett, but I'm guessing your a good 10 years younger than me---LOL! I'm very solidly in the baby boomer era obviously!

Those bins are nice Doug, and the cardboard trays. Sorry to hear about your eyes. Is the cream applied to your eye something you have to do all the time or just bring the swelling down for surgery. I had a pressure problem they were concerned about and I had to take a special drop for that until my final follow up. I was thankful that it was fine because the drops were around $282. I’m sure my insurance would cover most but still an aggravation and an expense that I don’t need. Keep us updated on your doc visits.
I'm not sure they are bolt bins even, Jim but that's the job this one will have now. Probably mail shelves or something more lighter than hardware. Think it will work though.

The cream is pre surgery to reduce the swelling far as I have been told so far. About 40 bucks over the counter for a tube about the size of those little tubes of super glue. I am burned out thinking about doc stuff so I didn't go into town today to go get it. Back wasn't as good today as yesterday but it was bearable. The eye doc gave me a little bottle of drops I'm supposed to use 4 times a day also.

Did a couple chores in the house then got out to the shop mid afternoon. Took that shelf back outside and sprayed it off with the garden hose. Still pretty dirty but the thick stuff and leaves are gone at least. While it was drying I decided that the burned out 4' tubes in the lift bay needed changed. Getting too dark in places. I have a 4x8 table against the north wall where 7 of the 8 tubes that needed replaced are at. Have to use the 4' step ladder to get up on the table, then set up the 8' step ladder on the table to reach the fixtures. Got that done and my wife will never know! She gets terrified when I do that. Hard to take a good pic. I had already taken the ladders down but the white table top is visible as well as the 2 fixtures.

The other tube was in a fixture above the welding table and just the 8 foot stepladder reaches it fine. I had to move the windmill to position the ladder this time and the furnace got it spinning.

Found a place I can slide the bolt bin into but needed to remove one row of shelves. They are not held together with bolts! They are riveted. I had to build a tool to drive the pin out of the rivet then they would pry out using an automotive interior trim pry bar.




Taking the one section off made it where it could slide in under the TV shelf. I keep the welder and wooden roller tool cabinet there. Still room for both, just the welder sticks out a bit more when stored.


Guess I'll clean it up some more and start cramming junk into it! My camera ain't working worth a crap anymore!

There may be some tarnish or oxidation on the battery contacts if the camera uses a removal battery (rechargeable or throw away). I have encountered where the camera would still work but pictures seemed a bit fuzzy with my old Kodak that used two AA batteries. The battery gauge still showed an acceptable level but I think the contacts were not clean enough to allow the necessary current to flow when a picture was being taken - especially if using a flash - as this is when the current demand is the greatest. Cleaned up the contacts with an eraser and put in new batteries and the pictures were not fuzzy anymore as long as my hands were steady enough to hold the camera still. Just a suggestion to check.
There may be some tarnish or oxidation on the battery contacts if the camera uses a removal battery (rechargeable or throw away). I have encountered where the camera would still work but pictures seemed a bit fuzzy with my old Kodak that used two AA batteries. The battery gauge still showed an acceptable level but I think the contacts were not clean enough to allow the necessary current to flow when a picture was being taken - especially if using a flash - as this is when the current demand is the greatest. Cleaned up the contacts with an eraser and put in new batteries and the pictures were not fuzzy anymore as long as my hands were steady enough to hold the camera still. Just a suggestion to check.
I will check that out Stew, thank-you for the input! The camera, a Canon Coolpix L310 is getting old I suppose. Probably 10-12 years old now. It has other issues too. The Macro setting won't work any more, and the flash is stuck in auto, even when I select flash. Most of those fuzzy pics are when I want flash but can't get it to work.

Got on the 8' ladder again and hung those signs I took down cleaning off that workbench the other day. Added an old B/S sign that has been laying around here for a very long time. Probably about 40 years! Had it long before the shop was built!

Then I put the soon to be bolt bin up on some sawhorses and cleaned best I could without turning it into a career. Was able to remove 3 more rivets that had pulled through one layer and replace them with bolts. It has rust too but it's not getting repainted in my lifetime.


I wanted flash in that second pic but it wouldn't work Tried 4 times. Worked fine in the first pic.

The racecar parts got picked up this afternoon by Ron and Janet and they were happy with them.

I will check that out Stew, thank-you for the input! The camera, a Canon Coolpix L310 is getting old I suppose. Probably 10-12 years old now. It has other issues too. The Macro setting won't work any more, and the flash is stuck in auto, even when I select flash. Most of those fuzzy pics are when I want flash but can't get it to work.

You could also check to see if there are any firmware upgrades available for the camera - I looked online but could not find any information on a Canon L310. I own a Nikon Coolpix that I purchased about 5 years ago and about 2 years ago the camera started to turn itself on and off randomly. I had recently dropped it so I just figured it had something internally broken so I sent it away to Nikon for a repair. Cost me about $150.00 (100.00 plus shipping and taxes) to learn that there was a firmware update for it that I could have done that appears to have fixed the problem - at least it is still working ok so far after Nikon did that as they said they could not find anything else wrong with it. Live and learn they say - again just a suggestion to check out.
You could also check to see if there are any firmware upgrades available for the camera - I looked online but could not find any information on a Canon L310. I own a Nikon Coolpix that I purchased about 5 years ago and about 2 years ago the camera started to turn itself on and off randomly. I had recently dropped it so I just figured it had something internally broken so I sent it away to Nikon for a repair. Cost me about $150.00 (100.00 plus shipping and taxes) to learn that there was a firmware update for it that I could have done that appears to have fixed the problem - at least it is still working ok so far after Nikon did that as they said they could not find anything else wrong with it. Live and learn they say - again just a suggestion to check out.
I'll look in to an update if the camera survives long enough! I about smashed it on the floor this evening---LOL! I was trying to make the flash work and even taping over the "eye" didn't fool it into flashing. Then I took a couple pics in the office and the flash worked! The flash would not work out in the lift bay no matter what I tried. Even turned all the lights off and no flash! Cleaned the contacts before that too.

This morning I started fitting boxes and taping them with some clear shipping tape to make then sturdier. Also taped a white piece of cardboard over the old labels on ones that needed it. Son was here for the afternoon so we had supper and talked for awhile. When he went home I came back out to the shop. There are several of those boxes that are too wide. Decided to cut them down using one of the 4" boxes for a pattern. Looks like that will work ok. Yeah I know, should go buy some more but I'm a cheapskate. Using up what I have.

2 of the narrow ones fit in the bins or one 4". Have some 6" ones to cut down.

Flash refused to work for this pic.

Flash worked for these pics.

The one on the right is a cut down one.

I don't think I have enough bolts to fill these things but I guess that's an excuse to buy more.

First, Stew @29 Chev, I had a major senior moment again. This camera is indeed a NIKON! The one that we had quite a long time ago was a Canon! Sorry! Didn't get to look for updates yet.

Finished the boxes and started putting junk into it. Also screwed it to the post behind it. Still have more 3/8" bolts to put in it but got the ones that I have the most of. 1-1/2" bolts, nylocks, nuts, splits and flat washers. Also have a bunch of 1" flat washers that found a home here along with a few 3/4" bolts.

