And more junk.

Was telling my wife that there hasn’t been hardly any Black Birds this year. Usually around corn harvest the sky is full of them.
Now that you mentioned it, I've not seen the hoards of black birds yet this year either!
That's because they are all out here! Thick as flies!

I got the cameras relocated outside. Front yard one no extension cord was needed. Attached the camera to a fake shutter screw.

Had to use an 8' cord on the back yard camera. It has a pretty strong magnet in the base so I sat it on top the heat meter. No screws anywhere near and didn't want to drill in the vinyl siding. Tested the motion detector a couple of times.


Put the trap out in the ditch by our driveway culvert with some fresh tuna in it. I can tell some kind of critter has been going in and out of the west end of it. I never got the leaves raked away from it, so it made it easy to read sign. Don't smell like a skunk so that's a plus!

On the run all day. Had to move the Heep, the '55 and the Denali to make room for the septic truck to back in. Then soon as they left I put vehicles back and the roofing guy showed up to discuss the project cost. Loree got off work for awhile for that. Got that scheduled for March, but I think it might still be too cold then. They won't do it until it starts acting like spring. The weather is obviously the big factor. Then I had to go into town and make some payments and grabbed lunch. Some idiot ran a red light and turned right in front of me out on the highway going into town. I had to slam the brakes and barely missed him. Sure glad I had the 3rd row seat clamped into it's mount as I think it would have hit the back of the front seats! I did get to gesture that he was #1 at least!

Got back home and put fresh food in the trap just in time because the wind started blasting just before sunset. Critters will stay sheltered tonight! Then a former co-worker stopped by to barrow a pickle fork. He retired about a month after I did. He had 33 years in and was only 56 when he retired. Had to shoot the bull with him for awhile.

Then our daughter messaged me. She is putting up a $300 reward for anyone that finds the cat. Started making a rider to put on the sign out front. I'm tired. Will finish the sign in the morning. Got the lettering cut and the panel made.

Doug this made me laugh..
"I did get to gesture that he was #1 at least!"
Hopefully he wasn't that stupid that he thought he was..!

And do hope your cat is found. But with every passing day (well you know)...
Good luck my friend..
Your cat problem is turning into a real project for you.
Yeah more of a project than I want to deal with, Chris! Pressure from outside sources---LOL!

Doug this made me laugh..
"I did get to gesture that he was #1 at least!"
Hopefully he wasn't that stupid that he thought he was..!

And do hope your cat is found. But with every passing day (well you know)...
Good luck my friend..
That guy probably was dumb enough to take it as a compliment, Bill!

Yup I know what you mean. 10 days now I think. She probably didn't have the "street smarts" to survive.

I have been under the weather since Thursday. Just now starting to feel human. The "Heep" sold today, One less headache out of the way! The guy that bought it knows them well and plans on rebuilding it for his daughter to drive when she is old enough.

Got the panel cut and edges sanded. Dug out a couple of 1980's tools to do the job---LOL!
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Then it was time to mount the old plexiglass sign and paper drawing onto the cut shape. The drawing has a piece of clear lexan over it. Added a small pic of the actual car too.
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Didn't put a hanger on it yet. Think a framing cable or wire might be best since it's an awkward shape and the balance point may not be exactly center. I'll sleep on that. Picked up tools and swept the floor.

I think I still have that same jig saw Doug, it’s a tank!
Thanks again, Stew! Hope I never need major parts but got the links on file!

Still had some paint drying out in the shop bay so did some work in the shop office today after running errands in town this morning. I've had this old Apple desktop laying around here for a couple years so decided to fire it up and see if it works. Keyboard batteries still tested good, but the mouse needed charged. It seems to work well, even though not connected to the net. Cleared a spot on my computer desk and transferred some pictures from my external hard drive to it. Plan is to use it for photo editing. Our daughter usus one extensively in her video editing business so hope to get some pointers from her and maybe even an old copy of photoshop. It seems to work quite smooth but that little keyboard and mouse will take some getting used to!
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Doug do you have a designated desk area in your shop. I’ve been wanting to to do this. I have a nice desk top with an awesome sound system upstairs which I never use. I would use it mostly for shop info rather than sitting in my shop using my phone all the time. My only concern would be the cold weather.
Doug do you have a designated desk area in your shop. I’ve been wanting to to do this. I have a nice desk top with an awesome sound system upstairs which I never use. I would use it mostly for shop info rather than sitting in my shop using my phone all the time. My only concern would be the cold weather.
Yes Jim I have an office in the shop where my computers are at. It usually doesn't get under 50* degrees. Since I still cut a lot of vinyl stickers, the office still earns it's keep a bit. It's a gigantic mess though.


Yes Chris, the original tower is salvageable. The lattice structure is surprisingly pretty good. The platform below the head will need quite a bit of work though. I will try to get it into the shop tomorrow to evaluate what needs to be done so wind like we are having today doesn't flatten it!

Didn't get anything done today. Was my birthday so lunch with several cousins. Loree took the afternoon off work so we did more Christmas decorating in the house.

Happy belated birthday Doug
I was going to end the soap opera about the cat, but our daughter reviewed security camera footage this morning from last night. The little rascal is still around! About 12:15 this morning she showed up to get a bite to eat! You can see her coming up the steps. She is still out there somewhere but I guess the search can continue since we know she is still alive and nearby. Evidently the 14F temps don't bother her!

Marge 12-17-23.jpg

Did my laundry and packaged Christmas presents to send to my sisters this afternoon. Loree's car goes in the body shop for hail damage repair tomorrow.

I was going to end the soap opera about the cat, but our daughter reviewed security camera footage this morning from last night. The little rascal is still around! About 12:15 this morning she showed up to get a bite to eat! You can see her coming up the steps. She is still out there somewhere but I guess the search can continue since we know she is still alive and nearby. Evidently the 14F temps don't bother her!

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Did my laundry and packaged Christmas presents to send to my sisters this afternoon. Loree's car goes in the body shop for hail damage repair tomorrow.

Kind of surprised she don't hang out by your door more..?