And more junk.

We are outside a lot, but not in the high heat. Our AC is at 78° through the day till 3pm when it drops down to 76. Very comfortable 73° in the house this morning. 8 am it goes back up to 78°. Insulated curtains on the South and West windows help a lot to keep the heat out.
A window unit should be much more efficient at cooling the house than a portable. Your doing what you can and I don't blame at all.
With the humidity the way it is a fan wouldn't be much help.
Humidity isn't as big of a factor out at this end of the state, Chris. These hot days have been in the 15-30% range. Goes up at night of course but still not bad unless it is raining!

We are outside a lot, but not in the high heat. Our AC is at 78° through the day till 3pm when it drops down to 76. Very comfortable 73° in the house this morning. 8 am it goes back up to 78°. Insulated curtains on the South and West windows help a lot to keep the heat out.
We are keeping the house dark as possible and fortunately a brief rain went through last night that cooled the rest of the night off nicely. Pushing 100 again today and no relief in sight.

When I had my first house it did not have central AC. The little window unit in a bedroom did great for the 12x18 space. But a couple in the window did nothing for the big living room area. It was maybe 8,000btu each.

I bit the bullet and bought a 230V 30,000btu window unit. Was supposed to be good for 1500 sq feet. That sucker would cool it down pretty well. Some fans placed to move air around.

I gave it to a family friend after I sold that house.

our AC in this house doesn’t work great in the 2 upstairs bedrooms or the room where I keep my computers. We keep a window unit in those rooms.

I grew up in a house without AC. I don’t remember ever being that hot. I always kept a box fan in my window and kicked it on at night. Now I can’t sleep unless it’s cool in the bedroom.
When I had my first house it did not have central AC. The little window unit in a bedroom did great for the 12x18 space. But a couple in the window did nothing for the big living room area. It was maybe 8,000btu each.

I bit the bullet and bought a 230V 30,000btu window unit. Was supposed to be good for 1500 sq feet. That sucker would cool it down pretty well. Some fans placed to move air around.

I gave it to a family friend after I sold that house.

our AC in this house doesn’t work great in the 2 upstairs bedrooms or the room where I keep my computers. We keep a window unit in those rooms.

I grew up in a house without AC. I don’t remember ever being that hot. I always kept a box fan in my window and kicked it on at night. Now I can’t sleep unless it’s cool in the bedroom.
We lived without central air longer than we have lived with it, Aaron! Funny how a person gets acclimated to the comfort of such luxuries! Now it it a necessity! So far the house hasn't gotten hotter than 80 and the bedroom is staying nice, 70-75. I have a little desktop swamp cooler sitting here in my shop office.

We lived without central air longer than we have lived with it, Aaron! Funny how a person gets acclimated to the comfort of such luxuries! Now it it a necessity! So far the house hasn't gotten hotter than 80 and the bedroom is staying nice, 70-75. I have a little desktop swamp cooler sitting here in my shop office.


We get soft!

I always tease my dad, he got AC installed a month after I moved out. I said 18 years living in this house and the moment I leave you get AC!
When our air was struggling last year before we could get someone to replace it we had some moments of intense fellowship. Carol like most women can’t handle the heat like men can. I told her she grew up with no air so just relax. That was a big mistake telling a woman to relax so I blame that on the heat. Lol She then says she wasn’t 68 years old either. I then told her, her parents didn’t complain then our fellowship got even more intense. Lol
Not pointing a finger at your wife but a lot of people have their AC set way to cold. Same in stores. Brutal to go in a store when they have it 72° and have to go back out in 90° temps. Same in the house. 10°-12° cooler than it is outside is about right and a lot healthier and easier on the body. Getting the humidity out is the big thing. At least in the Midwest.
I'm the one that likes the 72* in the household. Got some relief from the heat today so thankful for that!

Went back to Spearfish this afternoon and got a couple of pics. Didn't haul home any more junk! This is the garage that has to be torn down.

It's still a solid little building so it's a shame it will get bulldozed.

This '47 Plymouth was in there for over 50 years too. It had lots of junk piled on it which is now all on the floor in the building.
We took the cover off of it to help my cousin get it started. but even though the battery was disconnected, it was too low to start. Put one of those modern boosters on it and I always hated using them at work. Just a couple of lights and pressure switches so you don't really even know if it is putting out anything. He dug around and found one with an actual amp gauge on it but then it started raining.


They had to put a different but correct engine in it as the original flathead had locked up while sitting in that garage.

That car has a long family history. 3 great aunts that lived together who had walked to their jobs all their lives, decided in 1947 to go together and get a car. They lived in Lead, SD where a lot of the streets are very steep. They had a small 2 stall garage, and tied pillows to the posts in the center in case the car scraped them. They drove the car until 1969 when they bought a 4 door '70 Chevelle. Sold it to my Uncle for 500 bucks. He drove it occasionally then put it in that little garage around 1972.

Cousins say the car runs great, we didn't have any luck starting it in the short amount of time we had to work with it today though. Told them I will try to run up there with some gas, ether and a few tools this week to get it fired up. The cousin that can work on things like this has back surgery coming in a week and he wants to get it exercised before that.

I then told her, her parents didn’t complain then our fellowship got even more intense. Lol
When my wife was pregnant with our second child and the house we were living in had no AC it was a hot summer and I knew my wife was miserable so I stopped at sears and bought the largest window unit they had. I think it was 18,000 btu. Installed it in the living room by our bedroom door and life was good. Our mother and father in-laws stopped in and decided that they really liked that so every evening we had company. Finally I told them if they bought one I would install it for them. They ended up with two and life was good again. My folks ended up with our window unit and it were still using it 3 years ago when they passed. 1975 to 2021 is a pretty good investment.
Would be fun to drive one of them again. good luck on getting it running.
Thanks, Roger. It should start and run well. 3 on the tree is fun to drive I always thought! We owned a couple of them through the years.

47 looks like it is in great shape

Pics make it look a little nicer than it is, John but somehow, there is no rust! Original paint but not in great shape on the more horizontal surfaces where junk got piled on it. If I had it, I would leave it as-is though. They did get the interior re done so it is nice inside!

Are you talking about keeping it dark inside? What is the benefit of that? You got me curious now.
Sun coming through the windows makes heat and having lights on also contributes to more heat. Evening we obviously turn on lights, Roger---LOL!

When my wife was pregnant with our second child and the house we were living in had no AC it was a hot summer and I knew my wife was miserable so I stopped at sears and bought the largest window unit they had. I think it was 18,000 btu. Installed it in the living room by our bedroom door and life was good. Our mother and father in-laws stopped in and decided that they really liked that so every evening we had company. Finally I told them if they bought one I would install it for them. They ended up with two and life was good again. My folks ended up with our window unit and it were still using it 3 years ago when they passed. 1975 to 2021 is a pretty good investment.
Wow that unit lasted a long time, Chris! I bet an 18,000 BTU unit was pretty dang heavy! Good move making the in-laws comfortable at home so you and your wife could live normally!

Got the house cooled down well last night as a thunderstorm came through and there was a brief cold front behind it! Opened all the windows and turned off the portable ac's. Hot again today but it stayed pretty nice in there. I opened the door between the lift bay and office in my shop and the office even cooled down to 68! Closed the door this morning to keep it cooler! Still only 75 in the office.

Did some work out in the lift bay on that old MTD 660 LT this afternoon. The northeast corner of the shop stays cooler than the south facing side, and there is a little workstation in that cooler area. Didn't need to put the noisy old window ac under the overhead door. A fan on low helped but that area didn't get over 79!

Cleaned up the outside of that carb. Had lots of years of greasy dirt crusted on it.

Sure hope I can find this breather tube new. That one is junk and may be part of the reason why some much oil got out behind the carb.

I got the engine serial number and will do some checking tomorrow.

The cleaned up parts.

I wanted that stull clean before I split the carb. Pulled the high speed and idle needle screws out then the bowl screws. It wasn't going to pull apart without prying. I figured that it was frozen together due to years of crud while not running.

About that time there was a rip and a fast loud scream that came from behind me along with some dust in the air! The LR tire decided to lose it's air in a hurry!


Glad I wasn't standing right beside it or I probably would have had to go in and change shorts---LOL! I had put 10 psi in it a few days ago when I brought it in the shop. Can't swap a wheel and tire from another LT to this thing with the 3 lugnut wheels. Will have to see if there is a pair of tires on another set of wheels that might work, unless I have one the same size. Didn't check that yet. Too hot to go outside and look at the junkers out back.

Anyway, when I finally got the carb worked apart I was shocked on how clean that thing is! It probably would have run fine as-is! Should have tried to start it first on gas but sitting nearly 20 years had me convinced it would be a mess. Oh well, good to know the condition!



I trashed that bowl gasket getting it apart. Will have to look for a carb kit too.

Doug, your right about the sun coming in through the windows. We put up insulated curtains several years ago. Also switched all the lights over to LED bulbs. No heat from them. Even use them in the outer buildings. Couple have those wing type LED lights that work great.
I'm the one that likes the 72* in the household. Got some relief from the heat today so thankful for that!

Went back to Spearfish this afternoon and got a couple of pics. Didn't haul home any more junk! This is the garage that has to be torn down.
View attachment 84111

It's still a solid little building so it's a shame it will get bulldozed.

This '47 Plymouth was in there for over 50 years too. It had lots of junk piled on it which is now all on the floor in the building.
We took the cover off of it to help my cousin get it started. but even though the battery was disconnected, it was too low to start. Put one of those modern boosters on it and I always hated using them at work. Just a couple of lights and pressure switches so you don't really even know if it is putting out anything. He dug around and found one with an actual amp gauge on it but then it started raining.
View attachment 84108

View attachment 84110

They had to put a different but correct engine in it as the original flathead had locked up while sitting in that garage.
View attachment 84109

That car has a long family history. 3 great aunts that lived together who had walked to their jobs all their lives, decided in 1947 to go together and get a car. They lived in Lead, SD where a lot of the streets are very steep. They had a small 2 stall garage, and tied pillows to the posts in the center in case the car scraped them. They drove the car until 1969 when they bought a 4 door '70 Chevelle. Sold it to my Uncle for 500 bucks. He drove it occasionally then put it in that little garage around 1972.

Cousins say the car runs great, we didn't have any luck starting it in the short amount of time we had to work with it today though. Told them I will try to run up there with some gas, ether and a few tools this week to get it fired up. The cousin that can work on things like this has back surgery coming in a week and he wants to get it exercised before that.

Well Doug if you get that 47 home.........With a little work of course..!
Doug, your right about the sun coming in through the windows. We put up insulated curtains several years ago. Also switched all the lights over to LED bulbs. No heat from them. Even use them in the outer buildings. Couple have those wing type LED lights that work great.
We have insulated curtains as well. I must be buying the wrong LED bulbs. The bulb doesn't get hot, but the base does. Not as hot as an incandescent for sure, but there is still heat. I hope someday that I can convert my shop to 4' LED ballast elimination type tubes. If I don't do it soon I won't be able to do the ladder work to change the wiring and install the tubes---LOL!

Well Doug if you get that 47 home.........With a little work of course..!
View attachment 84192

That's cool Bill, but if I got it would stay the way those little old ladies drove it! My great aunts would roll over in their graves---LOL!
My brother-in-law actually has a '47 Plymouth coupe hot rod. I'll be dammed if I can find a pic of it. It has a pretty major chopped top, completely dechromed and blacked out except wheels. Paint is black with purple ghost flames in it. BB Chevy with a turbo 400. I think it should have a MOPAR drive train rather than Chevy. I'm weird that way!

I ordered that vent tube Jim found today, and looked for a carb kit and air filter for that 8 HP B/S. By the time I buy a kit and air filter, I can buy the whole carb with air filter for only a couple bucks more. Just ordered the carb with filter. Will probably get a kit some day for that carb I took off since it looks to be in great shape but that will wait.

In 104* temps I went out in a shed and dug around and found a tire the right size to replace the one that blew out yesterday. I had in the back of my mind that there was one around here somewhere! Didn't do the swap yet. Debating on tubing or try tubeless. Tire looks ok but that may be different when there's 10 psi in it! Probably will be hard as a rock too---LOL!

Got one quote for the a/c replacement at about 5700 bucks. Don't sound as bad as I thought, but they never came out and looked at what they are dealing with far as installation. Doesn't include electrical hookup either. Will have another quote in two weeks. We are doing ok with those portables so far.

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