John Deere AN project

Installed the pulley again after my repair. Put all of the guts back in and painted the clutch handle and rod. When they dried I installed them also. On my first attempt at adjusting the clutch I found it was either to tight or to loose. Once I figured out the pulley brake was causing my problem I backed it off and everything worked as it should. It makes a nice crisp snap as it engages. The bonus is my weld appears to be holding.

I moved on to checking the ignition system next. I hooked up a battery, turned on the switch, and ran the point by hand. Looks like good spark. While the battery was hooked up I tried the starter and got nothing. It looks like a new/rebuilt starter, but the contact switch is making contact. I need to play with it a little to see if I can slot some holes enough to make contact. It looks like the lug in the case is worn down to much that's causing the problem.100_0215 (Medium).JPG100_0213 (Medium).JPG100_0219 (Medium).JPG100_0218 (Medium).JPG100_0220 (Medium).JPG100_0221 (Medium).JPG
I've been listening all night and didn't hear a thing! I then looked on the site and saw that you got it put back together and it worked. Good for you!
Can I finally go to bed now!
Looks like it should be running by tomorrow. I hope the tires are in good enough shape to do some work!
I got the starter switch making contact and found another connection at the copper strap was corroded badly. With that cleaned up I put the starter back in to see how it cranked. It seems to crank slow. I should have checked the brushes while it was out, but I didn't. Might have to drop it back out tomorrow for a look see.

I moved on to carb assembly. When I pulled it down I found someone had done their best to destroy the choke plate bending it in several directions to the point that I needed to bend it back just to pull it apart. I was able to put it in the press between to steel blocks and got it straightened out so it will work. Still need to install the float assy, bolt the bowl on, and set the float level.

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We had a good down pour going this morning so I bungeed the tarp to form a tent to keep me dry. I dropped the starter back out and checked the brushes. All looks good. I then did a load test on the battery that I was using. Turns out it is getting tired. Put another almost new battery in and it is cranking good.

Next was to drain about 1.5 gallons of old gas out of the tank, clean the sediment bowl, and pour in some fresh fuel. I found some split rubber fuel line that needs to be replaced. I really need to make a new fuel line for this, but for now I will run what's there.

Back to the carb. The float that came with it had some damage so I thought I should check for leaks. When I submerged it in hot water it blew bubble's like a small child play with a straw in some milk. I thought about trying to solder it up, but then remembered we had another DLTX carb out in the shop. Dug it out and found 2 floats. One still had some gas in it and the other had already been repaired. I spent this evening finishing the assembly of the carb so its ready to install tomorrow.

I kept thinking the float damage was kinda strange and was wondering what happened to it. I looked at the kinks and thought about the fuel bowl. When I set the bowl on the float it lines up perfectly . Makes me wonder if the PO had the parts sitting on a bench with the bowl resting on the float and something got dropped on it.

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Bolted the carb on and hooked up the fuel line and throttle linkage. Found the linkage needed some adjustment to get the throttle to close all the way. I was getting ready to try a startup and then the rains came again and I didn't want the video camera to get soaked so I will wait for better weather. Its getting close and now I am nervous about finding something major wrong. Thought I would throw in a couple pics of my tarp tent.

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The sun came out again so I pulled the tarp and tried for the first startup. Amazingly it cranked a couple times and came to life. Sounds pretty good and has good oil pressure. I'm going back out now to do the first test drive to see what the clutch and trans act like. The video is uploading.
The vid is 4.5 minutes long and has been uploading for about 3.5 hours now and its only at 50% done. I sure wish I had "real" high speed Internet.

Tomorrow I will have both the first startup and first test drive up on youtube.