MF 1450

Back to the drawing board. Yesterday I drained the oil that was used in break-in. The engine broke in too much---crapload of metal in the oil. This thing is going to drive me to the funny farm before potato bugs drive Noel there! Don't know when I will be able to pull it out and look to see what the he!! I did wrong in assembly.

Train wreck continuing at work too!

Was there any major noise from it Doug when it was running. Can you still turn it over easily by hand. Maybe with plug out. Should move easy between during exhaust stroke to intake stroke. Disconnect the battery before trying that.

So Doug. I want to know what you say before you take it apart.

Hey, Noel, thanks for your patience. As you know I just can't get on the 'net until later afternoon, which is probably near your bedtime clear out there at PEI!

Yeah it seems normal turning the engine by hand with the plug out. My sore hand can only turn until up against compression with the plug in. Color of the plug looked good at least---LOL!

There was an intermittent "rattle" I heard a couple times, but the tractor itself is a rattle trap so I didn't think much of it. Not really a knock.

The metal in the oil is magnetic.

If you have a local buddy with a metal lathe, one could turn an adapter easy enough. I've made them to adapt to Onan before.
The guy at work who built the driveshaft for this tractor could probably handle it, but it would still have to be an engine that has some sort of provision on the flywheel wouldn't it?

Some V Twins would be my guess but like you said too expensive. I got that Bolens G11XL just for the repowered V Twin Vanguard for my Bolens H16 but the darn thing ran so good and I liked it so well I’m leaving it like it is. Sometimes the V Twins are out there reasonable but hard to find. I’m sorry for your problem I can only imagine how frustrating this is.
When something like this happens one tends to think the worst when it could easily be something simple. Maybe it has something to do with the oil pan you installed. Is there a chance the governor or something could be touching it?
I'm hoping for the best and looking forward to the next installment of "As the stomach turns"
Good luck.
Ok Doug. This is what I would do. Now, I’m no expert , but, my experience is most kohlers have a funny noise in them. I have come to accept that that’s the way it is. You’d think they were going to have trouble but they don’t, it seems.
So, don’t get to excited yet, this is what I would, and that’s just me. I might get kicked off the site here for saying this , I would refill with oil and try it again. What ever put the stuff in the oil could just be normal for break in or something is wrong. If some thing is wrong, it’s already no good. Doing a second test is not going to change that much. But after the second run and then check the oil and if it’s the same or it’s better. If it’s better, that’s good. If not, well I might try it one more time. If then it’s no better. It’s come a part time. That’s what I would do Doug. Again that’s just me. Shoot me if you want, hehe. Just my opinion. We all have one. Good luck with it Doug.

I once bought a new 10hp Tecumseh for a portable vacuum pump at work. The first time I changed the oil I was sick about the amount of metal in the oil. Thought what the heck and changed the oil and used it for many hours after that with no problems. So maybe Noel's idea is worth considering.