Sawdust’s Garden 2023

We’re about 50/50 in the garden except for the heavy stuff like tilling and digging. Carol does most all of the seed starting and taking care of the seeds. She prizes her heirloom seeds some are from strands three generations back. It’s all still fun and we work well together.
We’ve had no rain for almost a month until the other night we got a little shower that moved through for about 3 hours. I planted our corn yesterday. I only planted 4-40’ rows unlike the 7 last year. We still have a lot of corn frozen and canned from last year. It won’t be “knee high by the 4th of July” this year. I hilled the potatoes for the second time and spread some wood ash because some are forming blooms already and a few areas are just now coming up.


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What was the wood ash for Jim ? I know you probably said what it was for last year. But, me and my memory, can’t remember.

It’s a natural form of phosphorus or potash that potatoes need for tuber growth. I use 10-10-10 when planting and a side dress then the phosphorus before blooming. I used more this year. We have some rain forecasted for Monday and Tuesday I’m hoping it washes down good.
It’s a natural form of phosphorus or potash that potatoes need for tuber growth. I use 10-10-10 when planting and a side dress then the phosphorus before blooming. I used more this year. We have some rain forecasted for Monday and Tuesday I’m hoping it washes down good.

Ahh. I think you had said last year the potatoes were small.

A commercial potatoe grow here told me to use triple 17 for potatoes when planting. And then again when hilling.

Ahh. I think you had said last year the potatoes were small.

A commercial potatoe grow here told me to use triple 17 for potatoes when planting. And then again when hilling.

Yeah the only triple fertilizer I can get is the 10-10-10 which is the same as the 17-17-17 I just have to use more. I could only get one bag of that last year.
Ahhh. I see Jim. Thanks. Out of my 17 seed I put in, 13 are up out of the ground about 2”. I expect the other 4 will come along. I planted, I think, 20 seeds over at my sons place. Have not checked it in the last few days. But when I looked, nothing was showing.
The one at the house that are up were planted about May 8 th. The ones at my sons were about a week and a half later.
So they should come along too.
Have a great day. Well wishes for Carols eye surgery.

Ahhh. I see Jim. Thanks. Out of my 17 seed I put in, 13 are up out of the ground about 2”. I expect the other 4 will come along. I planted, I think, 20 seeds over at my sons place. Have not checked it in the last few days. But when I looked, nothing was showing.
The one at the house that are up were planted about May 8 th. The ones at my sons were about a week and a half later.
So they should come along too.
Have a great day. Well wishes for Carols eye surgery.

Looking forward to seeing how your potatoes do. Remember I had some potatoes coming up in the compost bins just from the peelings from the kitchen. I accidentally pulled one up when mixing the compost and there were 12 little spuds as big as a marble. I’ll tell Carol what you said, thanks my friend.
Not having the best luck with the seed I planted this year. Just laid there in the ground for 2 weeks and did nothing. Replanted several but the volunteers are doing great. Rabbits got to the cauliflower and Broccoli and ate all the leves off. Didn't get the fence up in time. They might come back.
Just planted the second planting of sweetcorn. Potatoes are starting to poke through the ground which is nice to see. Been real dry so re-hilled the strawberries so I could keep the water near the plants. Seems to be working as the last time I stuck my finger in the ground it was still damp.
The corn is up so I had to put the predator fence up. This time last year the corn was over a foot high, we are about two weeks behind on that but ahead on most other stuff. Carrots in the raised beds didn’t come up so I’ll have to plant them again. Only one out of eight cabbages made it. I’m going to start some more cabbages for fall harvest they tend to do better then. Heirloom pole beans are going wild and the bush beans are doing well. Peas are climbing the fence now. What is suppose to be bush cucumbers have tentacles and are running some. We’ve never had these before so not sure. We have a lot of golf ball size tomatoes and the various peppers are doing well. I’m growing some poblanos this year I love these stuffed. Beets are about three inches high and full. Carol was considering selling canned beets this year but I’m against it. Our daughter is a nurse and her co workers are crazy of our eggs, apple butter, and beets. Once again Carol has put out way too many squash and zucchini plants and she likes the pumpkins running through all of them. They done very well last year but it was a jungle. The lettuce and onions are doing well. Carol fixed some wilted lettuce with hot bacon grease and green onions chopped up in it the other day was really good. Potatoes are blooming but I’m sure far from having anything big enough for new potatoes yet. The over 5 mile walk at almost 16,000 steps I done using the push mower to bag grass for mulch was rewarding. I covered the tomatoes and peppers. I’ll probably do it again one more time for the rest of the garden. It really prevents weeds and prevents the ground from drying up. Life is good and being blessed!


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Garden is not doing good at all. Los to stuff didn't come up first time and spotty the second planting. cucumbers never came up and didn't replant. Radish and leaf lettuce did well and are finished except for goat feed. Candy onions are doing great. Cabbage is looking good, Cauliflower is heading out good, egg plant is putting on with several 3-4" on each plant. Weeds are trying to take over but when you can't do the bending over, etc hard to keep a garden going. Haven't mowed in a month so no mulch there. Rabbits are thick and hard to keep those young one out even with 1" chicken wire. Have eliminated several from under the bird feeders. They made a meal for the Pyrenees outside dog. He hears the crack of the rifle and come on the run. Need to keep it with me on the garden trips.
Garden is not doing good at all. Los to stuff didn't come up first time and spotty the second planting. cucumbers never came up and didn't replant. Radish and leaf lettuce did well and are finished except for goat feed. Candy onions are doing great. Cabbage is looking good, Cauliflower is heading out good, egg plant is putting on with several 3-4" on each plant. Weeds are trying to take over but when you can't do the bending over, etc hard to keep a garden going. Haven't mowed in a month so no mulch there. Rabbits are thick and hard to keep those young one out even with 1" chicken wire. Have eliminated several from under the bird feeders. They made a meal for the Pyrenees outside dog. He hears the crack of the rifle and come on the run. Need to keep it with me on the garden trips.
Every time I leave the house I carry a pistol. I walked up on a bobcat 2 years ago scared the living crap out of me. He hissed for a second at me then ran away.
I was cutting the grass a few days ago and while passing the garden I seen a mid size rabbit hopping around inside. This has never happened before. I had my 40 cal in an outside belt holster. I went in and couldn’t find him. As fast as lightening he took off and leaped just high enough to pass through the larger mesh in the fence and into the woods. The only damage was two pea plants eaten down to the ground. Carol has been fussing at me about the small space under the gate being an opening for rabbits. About three hours later I looked out the living room window with some binoculars and seen this hairy image on the inside right next to the opening in the gate. I got my pistol and went out and like before he’s hid. He went through the pole beans and never came out. It’s hot and muggy now I’m chasing this same rabbit again. I walked around kind of guarding his exit like before but no rabbit. As I started walking near the beans here ran out the far end, through the fence again like before, across the yard, and ran up a hill and stopped like they usually do. I’m thinking crap I need my rifle this is not a pistol shot. He’s sitting broad side to me and I took aim like Elmer Fudd with a shotgun but I had my pistol. I bwasted that wabbit and to my surprise he fell over. By the way I fixed the gate. I’ve always heard a rabbit won’t enter the way they exit because of fear. They normally use a small opening like I had out of curiosity for entering.