Well , the 446 Case is broke again.

Well looked at it again today. Took a single cylinder Kohler coil with me, to try. Rigged up a one into two wire to operate the spark plugs. Hehe. So hooked that up. And no spark. Hooked up a separate condenser. No spark. No spark in the points when turning over. Could both coils be no good, I thought. But I knew the single coil was good because it was on the John Deere. And it ran. I changed coils on the JD because of trouble and that’s another long long story. Any way, got to movin wires. Noticed spark at the points wire. Seems like the connector attached to the wire had a bad connection. Thightened that. Now had spark at the points. Some popping out the carb. No start. Checked a plug wire. Had spark, no start, still popping. Figured, great, jumped timing, ???? But how could that be, but not knowing Onans, I was not sure. So cleaned the points. Still had spark. No start, still popping, some times. So figured maybe my temporary coil would not produce enough spark for two plugs ???? So rehooked the old coil and condenser. Made sure all screws and nuts where tight and tried it again. Fired right up, let run for two or three seconds, shut it off and went home. I’ll finish putting every thing back together tomorrow. So I believe I will still have the hunting for fuel trouble at full throttle yet. So we will see tomorrow. I and going to take a set of feeler gauges to set the points tomorrow. Or should I do that ????? :rolleyes:



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If it's a coil issue, look up the cross reference for a harley davidson coil, which are supposed to interchange with onan and are cheaper. Onan stuff is pricey. I was educated years ago if it has an onan, run! My experience is limited with them. A friend of mine used to redo/sell alot of gravely stuff, if it had a onan running or not it got pulled out and junked, he had some adapter kit where he was installing a honda repower, then he would resell the gravely
Does any body know how to set the timing on this Onan b43m engine ? I saw one video on it, but it doesn’t make any sense to me. Set flywheel mark in between the 20 and 25 degree mark on timing cover. Set points so they are just touching each other. Then turn flywheel until points are fully open and set to 0.021. Something dosent seem right there. Or I gotta go back and look at video again. Maybe I didn’t take it right. Any way, any ideas.

Well, hehe. Set the points and had it running, seemed not to bad. Adjusted mixture screws. Starts right up, on idle as soon as you turn the key, revs up good, from idle to full throttle, no hesitation. Not hunting for fuel now at full throttle. All seems reasonable. Put points cover, air cleaner and what ever else. Had some dinner, then figured I’d start it up again before I went home.

No start. Tried starting on idle, full throttle, choke, no choke, and every thing in between. No start. So I went home.

Thats the kind of luck I have.

does it have the combination fuel pump/carb.... those pumps wont self prime if/when they leak back towards the fuel tank... and carb kits are about $400. I had one doing that so I removed the internal diaphragms from the stock pump and added an electric fuel pump.
Valves? What brand plugs?

Well didn’t get into that, yet, but it was working fine a few weeks ago. Only put 11 hours on it since last October or so.
Hehe. When I bought it, it worked fine. The plugs were even loose in the holes, at that time. So I just thightened them in.

Should be enough fuel in the carb though Lance to at least make it start. Then quit. Today’s episode was all with in a 1/2 hour. It should of restarted. No kick out of it at all.

Well I might have found the trouble. Its running now. Still not convinced yet, but its a step in the right direction. Found the wires from the condenser and coil, where they connect to the points with the screw, was touching the points cover. My guess is, that over time with people taking the cover on and off squeezed the cover down causing the trouble. So I pounded it, lightly, back out some. Then put a small piece of cardboard, same as a business card, in there to stop shorting. Any way, it starts now, will see what happens tomorrow or when ever I go back. Is there suppose to be something in the points cover from factory to stop the shorting ?
