well yesterday, I got about 1/2 the leaves burned.... wind picked up, and switched, blowing right towards my front door... crap. That usually doesnt happen. Go spread the pile as thin as I could, trying to get it to go out for now..... usually I leave em smolder all night and by morning nothing but a pile of ash,.,,,, not this time. Had to carry water from inside the house and put it out since I have the outside water shut off for the season........even though this was yesterday, it still smells like burnt leaves in the house today.
just got done taking an online test I was supposed to do at work on the clock.... We're a "private" lane for DOT truck inspections/ we can only do "our own" (state owned) but it was renewal time. Last year (just before covid scamdemic, no less) they did it different/ I wish they'd have done it this year the same way. Last year to renew, the rep came out, and I had to have a truck heavy enough to have air brakes in the shop and run thru an inspection, while I explained to the rep, what I was looking for as I went along...... the written testing is strict/ as in you can't miss more than 10% and pass. Flunk, and go thru the whole process again as a brand new inspector would have to do, when first signing up to become a certified tester..... and being I'm the only one there, the shop couldn't do any inspections, til I went thru the "F.N.G." process again. I have trucks from 6 IDOT yards that I have to test, whenever they come due. so I had a window of 5 questions I could miss.... no wiggle room.
Boss came out in the shop and asked if I'd done mine yet, has to be done by last day of month. Our supervisor-rep had called, cuz he didn't see my name pop up as having done it yet. Let it run out, and have to go thru the newbie crap again..... and he proceeded to tell my boss that he had had several flunk that were previously certified, in his territory.. great sense of confidence.
Its open book but many answers have to be assumed as in, well, if it's not in the book, it doesn't apply. I had the biggest hassle with administrative parts that really do not pertain to me. and the fact that I might have to look in the book on page 59 for one question, then back to page 8 for the next, and page 27-ish for the next, then page 64 then page 5, etc....no "flow" on the questions that made any sense.
One of the questions pertained to when the last weeks truck testing results, have to be turned in by...... I don't deal with that, the boss does.
and another on filling in blank number so and so, when dealing with interstate trucks (ones that drive out of state and back) I don't deal with any of those, either. I don't know how they can count those sort of questions against me..... they don't pertain to me. or why they were even included on the test.
also, I started the test and got thru question 16 or so of the 50..... then while I looked in the book for the next answer (worded funny, had to look for "their" terminology) my screen went blank, and back to square one. It said something about a "training mode" (practice test? I dunno what they meant by that-- definitely not a "study guide") when I first started.
only about half the questions I had answered in the 1st go round, were within the 1st 16, on the 2nd go round. there's 2-1/2 hours I won't get paid back for..... I tried for an hour today at work to do it there/ and the link they sent me kept coming up as "404... not found" on work's computer.... like they gave me a bad link....... boss wasn't there this afternoon and wanted me to do this test while I was there and he wasn't.... I had talked to him about such questions that hung me up this time because they were similar to questions thet screwed me up in the past and he said to ask him or we'd "call the rep" but he wasn't there to either ask him what he thought, or to get me the rep's number...... lotta good that did me while at work, anyhow. I got thru it with missing 3. One was "question 42", which I was really stumped on, (the one about when last week's test results, had to be turned in by) and I'd left it blank, thinking I would come back to it.....,well I got to question #50 I forgot about it and the computer let me know it was blank and it wouldn't take my results, until I answered it somehow...... it was a true/false and I got it wrong.