What are you currently working on??

I feel like Uncle Willie lately. yard looks like Fred Sanford's or worse.
I typically haul 2-3 pickup loads of scrap a year at most, but the last couple of days I've hauled a whole lot more than that, home
Much of it is usable, but much of it is half a snow blower (x3), window screen frames, most of an Apache camper(x2) which is all aluminum, a few ac condensers (just the finned part not whole housings or anything) a real nice toro 2 stage snowblower- probably 40 years old but looks like it might have been used twice... A newer lawn boy that has a Kohler engine and still has tags on it.. one of those "never need to change oil" deals/ I haven't looked under it yet to see if it has a drain plug..... I thought that was a late model Briggs thing?
Plus about a dozen old 6-8" thick Briggs Tecumseh and lawn boy service manuals and parts manuals, several boxes of misc small engine parts some still new, not sure what all is still stashed in the back of my 8' truck bed
I got home with all the small engine stuff (that load wasn't free, I got most of the books loaded and the guy said "before we get much farther what are you paying". I hadn't thought about that since he's PM 'd me on another forum about coming back for this stuff since I was there to buy a cam and lifter set he had advertised on that forum. I thought I was going up there to do him a favor.... That's alright, I'll get it back, but I wish he'd of said something in all the PM 's wed sent back n forth. He was "only" an hour and a half one way from here, took longer to get home because I went thru town as I didn't want to be in I55 at those speeds in case something got loose on me....
The apache camper stuff was mine that I've been trying to sell this summer and couldn't get a response within 3 States, and with shipping the way it is that wouldn't have been worth it...
I got home with the small engine and window stuff, unloaded the trailer, unhooked the 1/2 ton, bed still heaped, hooked the Dakota to the now empty trailer and went to my storage barn and loaded up all the aluminum camper stuff. Plus a few 10 speed bikes that the weather has destroyed. Even being in a barn.
I get to unload all of that and head up to my mom's for another run today. Taking the Dakota since I have some cut down evergreens to pull out with a chain and want the 4wd to help... Don't know if I'll need it but I have it ...
Tomorrow I'm staying in town after work (35 miles the other way from home) as the big boy 4014 train is going to be there an hour after I get off work, so I want to see that....
Bet my neighbors are loving me right now with what's in my truck and yard... If I ever move I don't ever want to live on a corner lot again.
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Had to work on Carolyns mower before mowing yesterday. It was running real crappy last time out. When I drove it over to the shop it smoothed right out. Figured out she was not getting the choke pushed all the way in.. Plugs were black so changed them out. blew all the grass out from under the engine covers. Added about 1/2 pint of oil to top it off. Blades were good yet. She went to mow and showed her how the chile had to bea ll the way in. Sounded much better. Got every thing mowed up good, probably for the last time this year unless the weeds come back.
MFDAC... If I were closer I'd loan you a few more Coleman's .... Only have 20 of them, 13 of which (maybe 14)
Thanks for the thought, DT! I only want the one around here. I recently acquired 2 more, a white gas and propane but Roger now owns them.

I have a can of Coleman fuel never opened I think I paid about $3. for it the last time I used their gas. I had to buy new lanterns in the 80’s because our old ones got stolen. They use unleaded gas. Can’t you convert a couple that you use often to unleaded gas by changing the generators.
I would bet that can of fuel is still good, Jim! They didn't make that stuff to go bad like modern gasoline. I have a can that probably dates back 30 years and it still burns in the lantern and stove fine.

Tomorrow I'm staying in town after work (35 miles the other way from home) as the big boy 4014 train is going to be there an hour after I get off work, so I want to see that....

Hope you take pictures of that great locomotive, DT! I've seen it before in Cheyenne. They didn't do that big loop tour with it last year. Glad to hear it is out on the rails again this year! I was afraid the UP was going to phase out that novelty event.

got the scrap sorted and all the steel and mixed is on my trailer, gonna head over to dump that and get paid then come home and load aluminum....
I've never had a pile of aluminum this big at one time before.... that will go away Wednesday. good thing there's a scrap yard ~2 miles west of here.... I generally don't haul enough to worry about who's paying what... just go close so I have less chance of spreading the load between here and there along the road haha... there's another yard 6 miles east and a 3rd about 7 miles mostly north from me... at one time or another over the years Ive dealt with all of them....
I have an old freon tank from an AC recycler.... the machine crapped out on me right after transferring a 30 lb keg of 134 to it... so I hung onto that bottle til I could use it up and got rid of the machine 4-5 years ago.
I took the valves out of it, so theres 3 bare threaded holes in top.... the last time my kid went he had that tank in his load but they refused it, they want it cut in half or at least a big hole cut in the side... I have that well buried in this load.... hopefully I can toss that off before someone has a chance to b*tch... I mean cmon there's 3 holes in it already.
Thanks for the thought, DT! I only want the one around here. I recently acquired 2 more, a white gas and propane but Roger now owns them.

I would bet that can of fuel is still good, Jim! They didn't make that stuff to go bad like modern gasoline. I have a can that probably dates back 30 years and it still burns in the lantern and stove fine.

When I had that apache camper I had to work on the ABS plastic upper walls one year... fix some cracks, etc. It got dark on me before I could finish, I had 8-10 of those Coleman lanterns all lit at once, and each on their own shepherds hooks in my backyard, to light up the area I was working in/
I did have about a dozen lit and lined up all once, in the front yard along the flower bed a few years ago...
You guys talking about the Colman Lanterns made me remember that I have an off brand white gas lantern around here somewhere too. I was going to convert it to an electric outdoor light at one time and forgot---LOL! Used it camping for many years along with the Colman one but it seems like it didn't pump up well the last time we used it. I have no clue where it might be. Probably up in the loft in the shop somewhere with tons of other junk!

Worked.on the FF24 a bit, got the intake, carb and exhaust back on with new gaskets. I also found the little wire choke linkage was missing. I took pics before disassembling and it's missing in the pics. I'm thinking that may have been some of my running issues, butterfly would randomly close. Made a new one so should be all good.

Well I'm out of the scrap business for hopefully a good long while.
Not because of this but what they gave me credit for as " irony aluminum" should have been less than 10 lbs ... There were about 6 hand crank gearcase halves among my camper parts that I didn't pop the needle bearings out of....
They lumped in all my cast aluminum with that...
Said I had about 6 lb of cast aluminum, should have been more like 75.... Cast aluminum pays more than the other....in 2 consecutive days of scrap runs I totalled within 50¢ of $300.
1700 lb of steel yesterday, I forgot the total weight of aluminum today as it was more split up in different categories than yesterday's load
I quit doing that kind of scrapping several years ago. The work and time isn't worth what it pays. It all goes in the garbage now unless it's too big. A friend that works where I retired from lets me in to throw bigger stuff in their scrap trailer. Crushed and saved aluminum cans for a long time but that wasn't worth it either.

We recycle most of they items that they will take. Don't want the cans crushed. Plastics, cardboard, magazines, all go to the recycler.
The garbage gets sorted at the dump. Garbage trucks back into a building, they dump it into a pit and the debris is scooped up by a loader and the garbage gets sorted into appropriate directions from conveyer belts. They used to have work-release prisoners do the sorting but that came to a halt because it was cruel and unusual punishment, even though they were getting paid for it! The minimum-security prison is adjacent to the dump. Of course, hiring people off the street is tough, even starting at over 20 bucks an hour. We have no recycling bins on our local garbage route.

I wanted to work on the FF24, buuutt....i.hate green beans. There was still some good ones left and my sister whom usually picks hasn't been able to come out. I just pulled and picked, did 1 row and started on 2nd. Got a 1/2 bucket of good beans, 1/3 bucket of seed beans. Guess I'll finish tomorrow.

The garbage gets sorted at the dump. Garbage trucks back into a building, they dump it into a pit and the debris is scooped up by a loader and the garbage gets sorted into appropriate directions from conveyer belts. They used to have work-release prisoners do the sorting but that came to a halt because it was cruel and unusual punishment, even though they were getting paid for it! The minimum-security prison is adjacent to the dump. Of course, hiring people off the street is tough, even starting at over 20 bucks an hour. We have no recycling bins on our local garbage route.

Pierre kinda had the same setup when I was there.
Had breakfast at a restaurant in town with the guys that retired from the $h!t plant this morning. It was good to see them again. Got home and decided to go check the well and give it a little clorox shock. Pump was running. Couldn't get the cap off the hose that's plumbed in for adding clorox occasionally, so went to the shop and got some pliers. Pump still running when I got back. Sumthin' aint right. No reason for it to be running. Went and checked for any running water in the house, all ok. Pump still running, pressure gauge says just barely under 60psi, the shtuoff point. Don't think the gauge is right anymore. Pump motor is staying cool enough to lay my hand on it and leave it there at least. Unplugged the pump and filed the pressure switch contacts and manually worked it off and on for awhile. Must have helped as when I plugged it in it shut off about a minute later. Activated the switch manually a few times and it cycles as it should. Don't know how long it had been running! The pump is around 30 years old so I better be checking it more often. We might go ahead and bite the bullet and have the water system dug to the house.

Then I got on the mobility scooter LT and sprayed weeds for another hour and a half. Been losing the battle with the weeds as it's been too hot or windy or both. Beautiful day today!

weed spraying 3.jpg

weed spraying1.jpg

weed spraying2.jpg

Mostly run errands yesterday. Had to get goat pellets first off. Back home hooked up the trailer and strapped down an old vinyl siding box and headed for the lumber yard. Got several odd and end pieces to do the roof edge & siding repair from the storm damage. Now to get the contractor out here to do it. Half day job for one guy. I know they will want to tear off all the old and put on all new, but we are not playing that game. Has to all come off to replace the J channel but no reason the precut cannot be put right back in place again. Sold wood backing so if one slot is broke move to the next one. Don't have to find studs.
Had breakfast at a restaurant in town with the guys that retired from the $h!t plant this morning. It was good to see them again. Got home and decided to go check the well and give it a little clorox shock. Pump was running. Couldn't get the cap off the hose that's plumbed in for adding clorox occasionally, so went to the shop and got some pliers. Pump still running when I got back. Sumthin' aint right. No reason for it to be running. Went and checked for any running water in the house, all ok. Pump still running, pressure gauge says just barely under 60psi, the shtuoff point. Don't think the gauge is right anymore. Pump motor is staying cool enough to lay my hand on it and leave it there at least. Unplugged the pump and filed the pressure switch contacts and manually worked it off and on for awhile. Must have helped as when I plugged it in it shut off about a minute later. Activated the switch manually a few times and it cycles as it should. Don't know how long it had been running! The pump is around 30 years old so I better be checking it more often. We might go ahead and bite the bullet and have the water system dug to the house.

Then I got on the mobility scooter LT and sprayed weeds for another hour and a half. Been losing the battle with the weeds as it's been too hot or windy or both. Beautiful day today!

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Glad you figured that out Doug. A few years ago I woke up to go to the bathroom and our pump for the cistern which is in the basement was running. I went down and water everywhere. The tank seal had broke loose. I replaced it a couple of days later.

Your security camera takes very good pics. No hurry but when you get a chance good you post your brand and model number.
Glad you figured that out Doug. A few years ago I woke up to go to the bathroom and our pump for the cistern which is in the basement was running. I went down and water everywhere. The tank seal had broke loose. I replaced it a couple of days later.

Your security camera takes very good pics. No hurry but when you get a chance good you post your brand and model number.
Thanks Jim. I'm not sure if our cameras are the best deal out there or not, but this link is similar to what they are. Ours don't have the color night vision feature. Just black and white.

We didn't buy them. Our daughter brought out a box of their older ones they replaced for one reason or another. They can use a mini SD card. Got them in 3 of them. Paid a $6 a month subscription for two of them for better quality replays but will probably cancel that. I don't have time to fast forward though several hours of video. Just the events is enough to know what is going on.

I like ones that can screw into the porchlight that eliminates having to plug the camera in somewhere, but this company doesn't seem to have anything like that yet. Using what we got!

worked on the FF24 last night. Install a new grommet and fitting on tank, ran new fuel line and got new fuel pump installed (Amazon special). Pump started immediately pumping and once carb fill, it fired right up. I don't think it's ran that good since I bought it. Did some fine tuning, has a slight miss when throttling up hard, but it's always had it so no biggy.

Hopefully this pump will last time will tell.
