What are you currently working on??

Finished tagging the Cast Iron cookware this morning. Carolyn decided I needed to gat it all so her and/or the seller will have a better idea what it is. Started a few days ago and have all 52 pieces tagged plus a couple of my user pans that ae no tagged as yet. Got her new bird feeder up to this morning. Thye have a 1/4 in carriage bolt coming up through 2 of the top braces and out through a 1/4" hole in the top with a finial screwed on it. Real fun trying to hit that 1/4" hole with a 20" hexagon roof piece. Found a new funnel with a bit over 1/4" hole. Enlarged the hole in the roof and tapered it some, then force fit the funnel up into the hole from the inside. Cut the tip of the funnel off flush with the roof. Funnel guides the bolt right up through the hole now. Birds not sure they like that new thing on their post, but the old one is going to the burn pile.
You have been real busy too, Rog. Not reading any laziness there! Maybe a few of those surviving sparrows told the birds you want to attract to fly away! He has birdshot---LOL!

Insult to injury as to why I've never liked Ford vehicles. They used to have a punch line about "better ideas"....
Well they had their head up their azz when they came up with this one.
I have an 11, f250, 4wd on the lift at work.
6.2 gas.
1. Came in as a tow in, no start no crank.
I took a screwdriver underneath and jumped the starter. Cranked great no fire.
Pushed it out of the aisle til I had time to get into it. A couple of days later I had a chance to plug the scanner in, starting system malfunction the dash said, had codes for anti theft.
I asked if they had another key. Well yes they did right on same key ring. Next to the key in the ignition. Which operated the ignition.
I tried the other key on that key ring and guess what .. it started right up. $350 tow due to stupidity. Chargeable to the tax payers of this state.
complaint about engine dipstick rusted off.
It was, I could see the dipstick tube from under and I could see it from the top. It wasn't til I pulled the wheel well liner that I saw there was a section in the middle missing.
Well in order to replace it I had to get it up in the air, unbolt the motor mounts from the frame, remove the oil pan and drive out the remains, remove said motor mount and REMOVE THE EXHAUST MANIFOLD just to be able to snake a new dipstick tube in.. stupid design. I'm 2 days into replacing a dipstick tube. Lots time torching manifold studs to get them out intact... Would be more understandable if there was an actual problem with the exhaust manifold in the first place, but NOOO.. all of that just to replace a dipstick tube.
3. Trans cooler lines in the way, had to remove those to remove the pan. Ended up replacing those as they were crispy too.
4. Trans dipstick was seeping. It too twisted off just above the trans case instead of coming out, had to remove trans pan to drive that out from inside. Had to pound a socket on every transmission pan bolt to get them out, they were rounded. New trans pan and bolts.
For what they charge for trucks these days the pans, dipstick tubes, trans lines, brake lines, fuel lines should all be made of a high grade of stainless steel.especially if they want to route everything so stupidly.
What would it add in an assembly line situation, maybe $10 a truck over what it cost them in bulk for the cheap grade of pig metal that they end up with? 2 days into a dipstick tube replacement, it'll be 3 days on this thing by the time everything is back together..... All because of Ford's better idea on how to route them..... Stupidity.
I'd hate to think what the repair bill would be for one of us on our own truck for what is a single $20 ish part, because they had to route them in inaccessible places, in either a dealer or an indepenent shop ..
This truck was in another state garage for an annual inspection 6 weeks before and a whole 150 miles before I got stuck with it .. they did brakes, oil change, the inspection, and a long list of other things, but didn't see or say anything about this mess?
It started out as a phone call because it wouldn't start and turned into this
and Eric has a beautiful restoration coming together! Fun to see you all showing your work!

Sorry Dac, I hate to bust your bubble but in my opinion its not really a “restoration”. Thats on my 6 horse yellow Craftsman like this one that is getting the restoration, which I haven’t touched in about a year. I would call what I’m doing more like paint correction, I believe is the more correct term. I’m just trying to get all the orange peel out of the paint and make it a little shinier. I unfortunately did not end up polishing the left side of it yet like I planned to do the other night, but I hope and plan to do it and get it completely done tomorrow. Then its onto cleaning off the access compound and polish where its not supposed to be, after that its onto the headlight wiring as its hacked and butchered right now so the headlights don’t work.
Insult to injury as to why I've never liked Ford vehicles. They used to have a punch line about "better ideas"....
Well they had their head up their azz when they came up with this one.
I have an 11, f250, 4wd on the lift at work.
6.2 gas.
1. Came in as a tow in, no start no crank.
I took a screwdriver underneath and jumped the starter. Cranked great no fire.
Pushed it out of the aisle til I had time to get into it. A couple of days later I had a chance to plug the scanner in, starting system malfunction the dash said, had codes for anti theft.
I asked if they had another key. Well yes they did right on same key ring. Next to the key in the ignition. Which operated the ignition.
I tried the other key on that key ring and guess what .. it started right up. $350 tow due to stupidity. Chargeable to the tax payers of this state.
complaint about engine dipstick rusted off.
It was, I could see the dipstick tube from under and I could see it from the top. It wasn't til I pulled the wheel well liner that I saw there was a section in the middle missing.
Well in order to replace it I had to get it up in the air, unbolt the motor mounts from the frame, remove the oil pan and drive out the remains, remove said motor mount and REMOVE THE EXHAUST MANIFOLD just to be able to snake a new dipstick tube in.. stupid design. I'm 2 days into replacing a dipstick tube. Lots time torching manifold studs to get them out intact... Would be more understandable if there was an actual problem with the exhaust manifold in the first place, but NOOO.. all of that just to replace a dipstick tube.
3. Trans cooler lines in the way, had to remove those to remove the pan. Ended up replacing those as they were crispy too.
4. Trans dipstick was seeping. It too twisted off just above the trans case instead of coming out, had to remove trans pan to drive that out from inside. Had to pound a socket on every transmission pan bolt to get them out, they were rounded. New trans pan and bolts.
For what they charge for trucks these days the pans, dipstick tubes, trans lines, brake lines, fuel lines should all be made of a high grade of stainless steel.especially if they want to route everything so stupidly.
What would it add in an assembly line situation, maybe $10 a truck over what it cost them in bulk for the cheap grade of pig metal that they end up with? 2 days into a dipstick tube replacement, it'll be 3 days on this thing by the time everything is back together..... All because of Ford's better idea on how to route them..... Stupidity.
I'd hate to think what the repair bill would be for one of us on our own truck for what is a single $20 ish part, because they had to route them in inaccessible places, in either a dealer or an indepenent shop ..
This truck was in another state garage for an annual inspection 6 weeks before and a whole 150 miles before I got stuck with it .. they did brakes, oil change, the inspection, and a long list of other things, but didn't see or say anything about this mess?
It started out as a phone call because it wouldn't start and turned into this
I’m sorry to hear about your struggles about this, I hope you get it figured out. It sounds like bear to do and more work than there needs to be. Wow, you had to remove alot just for a transmission tube. I can’t believe that you would think a one day job, turns into 3 to 4 days. Honestly in my opinion, all the auto manufacturers have stupid designs and are going down the crapper. Don’t get me started on the cars that have turn signals on the bottom of the back bumpers, how much more stupid of a design can you get. I don’t know who thought THAT was a brilliant idea. Ain’t nothin like it used to be, most of it is (as I call it) cheap chinese crap. Not easy to work on, no chrome or real style. I hate to say it but Kholer too nowadays, on my stepdads power washer his engine says designed in the U.S. and made overseas somewhere. He hardly ever uses it, probably once a year tops… and the carburetor don’t wanna work half the time so it don’t wanna run so he needs a new one, and the pull cord broke too when he tried to start it. Remember that things are NOT made to last forever nowadays, only a certain amount of time such as maybe 10 to 20 years if your lucky, then get replaced. Its all about money with everyone now.
Yeah.... If you're lucky. I have the oil pan back on, when I get back from lunch break I'll be putting the exhaust manifold back in and then the AC compressor that had to come out to get at the studs that hold the exhaust manifold on.
BIG domino effect, this has to come off to get to that, and the other thing has to come off before any of that can come off ... Hopefully by 3:30 I can have the thing on the ground and refilling the oil and trans fluid at least.... Then recharge the AC, put the fan back on, etc will probably stretch into tomorrow....I'll keep my old "junk", thanks.
I'm about to start putting a truck back together for myself, gotta wait til winter is over and the dustless sandblast guys start back up as their process also uses water and they have everything drained down right now because of the cold. I got the bed, cab, and rest of the body off for paint.... Meanwhile I gotta get new leaf springs for it and put this pile of new front end parts on that frame while it's apart....
But somehow that is more fun....
I managed to fet the mounting brackets figured out. Tack welded everything under the tractor. Then pulled it out and welded it solid. Reinstalled and checked for function. Need to clean it up and get it painted. That might be awhile. Supposed to start snowing again.


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The Wheel Horse C141 seat is well used. Vinyl is split and taped together. Back needs paint. Padding is still complete.
I decided to put a seat cover on it. Ordered one off of amazon It came today. Cover has extra padding and handy pockets on the back that I will never use.


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I managed to fet the mounting brackets figured out. Tack welded everything under the tractor. Then pulled it out and welded it solid. Reinstalled and checked for function. Need to clean it up and get it painted. That might be awhile. Supposed to start snowing again.
Very very nice Rick..
Fabrication looks like it could be factory..
On the belly blade I fabricated a lever to allow me to turn the blade without leaving the seat. I can reach it with my left hand and push the blade with my foot.
Trial and error several times, then after making sure it works took it all apart . Ready for cleaning and painting.


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Had a contractor friend stop by and look over the North door to the house. Original and not insulated so time to make some changes. Since it is a manufactured home, it is odd sized. He said nothing wrong with the jamb so going to try and get a fiberglass door custom made to the right size. Carolyn wants a small window in it so that may cause an issue. Been cleaning up that old Coleman gas iron. Got the paint off the fuel tank and found the Sunshine of the Night logo faintly stamped in it. Got the wood varnished on an old wood plain. Too cold to do anything outside so will mess around in the basement again this morning. Chiefs play at noon today. Last home game or the regular season.
Was going to wait until after Christmas to do the painting. But couldn’t sleep and got out of bed early today.
Made some coffee and went to the shop.
End result is that everything is in the heated bathroom drying out.


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I found out earlier this week that John the owner of the farm where I have some of my junk stored passed away a couple of weeks ago.
He had a coworker at his last job that he talked to pretty often, and his sister found John's phone and looked at the call history, and called this other co worker to let him know.
As it turns out this other co worker is my son's uncle by marriage. So my son's "uncle in law" (is that the right way to put it) called my son to fill him in. I have a couple of tractors out there plus a gas powered compressor, plus some truck sheet metal and my son's (soon to be mine) rust free cab and bed and a few decks for the tractors.
My son was all ready to go out there today and load up at least all the truck stuff. I told him to hold on. The farmer around the corner is the guy who's rented John's ground for years and occasionally comes out to see what I'm doing when I'm working on one of my pieces of junk or an mowing out there, I went and seen him today.
He said John's sister would probably end up with the farmstead and that they were good to work with and not to worry. He gave me a phone number to one of John's 2 nephews who called me a little bit ago and we talked about what's mine out there and he was totally cool with it... And told me that I didn't have to get in a hurry.
He asked if I was being paid me to mow out there
, And I told him that I just did it because John didn't seem to be able to keep up and wouldn't take anything for me storing my junk so I did it as sort of a trade... It gave me a playground so to speak to play with my tractors.
John had 3 Cub cadets none anything to write home about, though one I had completely overhauled and he just had to have it, and years ago he told me that when he went those were mine... Whenever that would happen. I mentioned that to the nephew and said I would never ask for them, I didn't consider them mine and the nephew said they were now mine....

My son and I were just making plans over the past couple of weeks to get that truck blasted, painted and reassembled this coming spring. We're on hold til the dustless sandblast guys start back up after winter ends ...
We were talking about going out there today to load up his and my trailers and tarp them up out at his house for the winter. I told him to wait until I talked to John's family. Fortunately I don't have to be in any hurry now.
They asked if I'd want to continue storing my stuff there, And if is be willing to help them keep it mowed, since they live farther away than I do and I said I would die now. .
They know John bought a new 72" hustler zero turn a few years ago (already been almost 9 years since then) .. and I told them of the work I had to do to it to get it going since it had sat unused for so long (it's a 2016 and has less than 30 actual hours on it) these last 2 years.. and they said they'd leave that out there for me to use it whenever I wanted/need to....
Reassembled everything and mounted to the tractor.
Didn’t have time to take it outside for pictures.


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I have an itch to have a tractor with a crane on the rear. I have an old roper rolling chassis. No engine, pulleys, linkages, wiring or tins. I do have an engine. I also have most of the parts for a mobility scooter carrier. Today I managed to locate/align the engine. Find the right size belt, then fabricate the idler pulley. Once I get this running and driving I will start on the crane. I am leaving room on the front for the battery and gas tank. That will keep some weight on the front to counter balance the crane/load on the rear.
Some of you may remember my “homemade from spare parts tractor”. I dismantled it and am using the engine and a few parts from it.


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Had to work 10 hrs today during plant shutdown, us volunteers get to clean all the CNC lathes and mills.
It was nice outside when I got home so I decided to clean my sister's van headlights. She is in Vegas visiting a friend and I have her van, the headlights are pretty glazed. I started with 220 grit, worked up to 2500. Then I got out my cotton polishing pad with the white rouge for aluminum and did a final polish. Not the best and you can see tons of microcracks, but maybe she can see now


After sanding


All polished up, look foggy in pics, but they are clear now.
