What are you currently working on??

Well I'm doing the same thing tonight! I only have to go to work 2 hours tomorrow so depending on what the wife needs to do maybe I will warm up the shop and get back to work on the tractor. My office in my shop is always kept about 68* so IO can work on the computer and not freeze while it's warming up.

Getting my ambition back. Too cold, still getting dark too early in the day, been blah and dreary around here. Not that I don't have things that really need to get done either. Wasted the day away between here on the forum and the couch watching shows on motor trend TV (used to be Velocity channel) last night I turned it on in the middle of an episode of Garage Squad to watch them putting a truck back together actually owned by a guy that I know, about 10 miles from me, his buddy who was also in the episode as the truck owner's best friend, is the son of a guy that I worked with for many years. That was weird to see and to just "happen to find" on there
International QA42 Snow Thrower. Broke the augur drive chain and lost a bout 4-6 links in a piece. Found out it is #40 and 51 links. so a trip to town to get a new chain. May finish up with the blade. Some ruts from the thaw before the refreeze and think I caought one with the augur. Not going through this again. Shoes won't go any lower either.
Got the new chain but the augur sproket is wore really bad. Not sure I can get any more use out of it. Seems that sprocket is part of the augur and NLA ?? What idiot would design a wear piece into a major component ? Or am I not seen the parts diagram right ?
Supposed to be warm the next two days so it's time to cut and split my firewood. Got some running to do this morning, then I'll work on that. I'll be using the 316 with the fork lift to carry the wood to stack. I can get a bunch on there!
Will be drilling and taping for a set screw for the PTO on the snow thrower, then get it mounted on the Bolens Hydro, not sure which one just yet. Trip after wood pellets first as it is 3° F out there.
Had the afternoon off to go to a funeral. Got home early enough that I took the '55 GMC to the gas station down the road a few miles and gave it a tank of premium no ethanol and filled my gas cans. Drove the '72 GMC a few miles too just to roll over the fluids. It's just been too darn cold and snowy to drive them much. I may tinker in the shop on the 8E for an hour or so yet tonight too.

Got the PTO fixed up and installed the thrower on the Bolens G12 that fired off after a quick prime after sitting since last fall. Started to clear some snow and the augur would stop as soon as I put it in the snow. Key sheared on the small chain drive gear. Up to the shop & found both set screws were siezed. Finally got the one out over the woodruff key. No new key that size except a Briggs aluminum & wore used one. Put the used one in and locked the set screw down. Worked for about 20 min and augur quit again. Time to quit for the day as my back is killing me from the bending over. In order to get the sprocket off to get the other set screw out have to start with the gear box. Not when the blue wrench still works. Will cut a hole in the side of the steel cover and slide the gear out through the hole where I can get at it. Trip to town to get a couple new keys, back together hopefully before the high winds come up tomorrow and blow everything back full again. Gosh I love winter __ NOT !!
It was nice out yesterday so I cut up the firewood I brought home last week. Used the 316 to bring the splitter up.

Then I put the rear fork lift on and used that to haul the wood to the shop & rack.

This last load had the front wheels pretty light. But the shop and rack are loaded. I like this Blackjack, warms the shop well.
Will get the Bolens snow thrower going this morning as it will be much quicker than taking the augur out of the InternationanQA42 unit. The Wisconsin in the G12 don't have the hang power the Diesel does but it gets the job done without a shovel.