That is the way the daughter likes them also. Haven't got the granddaughter to try them with vinegar yet. She don't like onions period. She loves a dollar bill and I can get her to try different item by giving her a dollar just to try. She likes her cor or peas on top of her mashed potatoes like Grandpa to. Guess she has got some looks when she dumps the bowl of veggies on top of her mashed potatoes.
I find cucumber tastes best when I bust them in half and throw them to the chickens.

Drilled and tapped a broken bolt on the Purple Sears this morning.
The rest of the day was spent replacing all the trim, seals, and brick molding around a garage door for a friend/client. I was in the sun most of the day. Working in an air conditioned lab for the last 24 yrs sure made me soft