Yesterday I run the Stihl line trimmer around the tractor tires we used for raised Strawberry beds. Watered them for an hours after the trimming was done. This morning we put 50 replacement strawberry plants in. Hopefully these will do much better than the last 50 we got. Only about a dozen of them grew. Others never started, some grew up decent then died. Randomly in various tires so wasn't the soil or anything. All the same and watered the same, just bad plants. Got the Dyno back for the d600 in the cub. Bearings went out. Now the amp meter shows discharge all the time when the key is on. Dyno output is good. 12.4 V DC out of the regulator. Wiring all checks good through to the battery. Can't get at anything with the battery in so will have to hook up jumpers with the battery out to trace down where the issue is. Run for 2.5 hours mowing and still going strong so battery is good for sure.