I have the same issue besides being shaky, Marty. I haven't gotten any "cheater lenses" yet but I do take off my regular glasses and put on readers. I think Daniel and a couple other guys on here use cheaters. I got a Viking helmet a couple years ago that made a huge difference in visibility. Welds are still ugly but at least I can see the mess as I'm making it instead of a surprise after I lift the hood---LOL!They would have worked for that.
Rick, my biggest issue is eyesight, I'm very near sighted and need bifocals, I have to be in a position to see well and be able to move.
I started being over the top of the gun and moving it straight backwards, but then switched to having it angled to one side so I could see the side of the gun and not over top. This also helped me move it easier and make a longer pass before stopping. I made it in 2- 1/2 length passes around versus starting at 3 to 4- 1/4 length passes