What did you do with your tractor today?

I’ve always liked coconut. My mom use to get them and we would share the milk and I would help her peel them. Nobody else liked them but us. Carol buys a lot of the fractionated coconut oil for her essential oils to mix.
One of the best prices for un-refined organic coconut oil is Aldi's. Hard to find a better deal for the size of the jar. Yes, for EO, fractionated works well. For body deodorant to put on as a pit-paste, the Adli's brand for the base works well. Then as it's at body temp, it softens and applies smoothly. Add in a dash of gar-gum, it stays together without becoming slimy. The gar gum works so much better than roll-ons from the store using anti-freeze. If people only read what they put on their bodies, they would understand why cancers show up.
I love the smell of coconut oil.

Back in 2019, I watched a documentary on Alzheimer's and Dementia. One of the breakthru events was found in the late 1970s. Coconut oil is one of the very few substances know to man to fuel the brain other than the chemicals the body makes to fuel the brain. As we age, the body makes LESS. So in the 3 studies the documentary reviewed, along with the people in the studies, people demonstrated how well short-term and long term memory rebounded. All it takes is 1-teaspoon in the morning and one at night. More doesn't mean the brain will function better, only going number 2 happens sooner. LOL

I don't need #2 to happen faster either! In 2010 they cut nearly two feet of colon out of me so something that slows it down is better for my guts---LOL! Looks like I am doomed for Alzheimer's. I just can't do that stuff.

People who are allergic to nuts need to use caution to test if a reaction to coconut is possible. It's a 50-50 ordeal.
I just did food allergy testing along with environmental. Insurance won't cover food allergy tests, but we did it anyway. For some reason I am badly allergic to cod fish. No other seafood. I passed the "nuts" test allergy wise but sometimes I feel like I'm going nuts---LOL!

I just did food allergy testing along with environmental. Insurance won't cover food allergy tests, but we did it anyway. For some reason I am badly allergic to cod fish. No other seafood. I passed the "nuts" test allergy wise but sometimes I feel like I'm going nuts---LOL!

Grandma gave you too much cod liver oil as a kid. lol
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Saturday I put the plow and chains on my SS/16. Sunday we had a few inches so I had to try it out. I have had it almost 3 years and never plowed snow with this one yet, it did good. Only about 4 inches, but it was wet and heavy. Not a huge fan of the plow itself, but I like the tractor. Even without any extra weight, it never spun the tires. It’s ready to go for Thursday, I want to get 2 other ones ready tonight.
The headlights do not currently work, so I had to improvise with a magnetic light. :D
Saturday I put the plow and chains on my SS/16. Sunday we had a few inches so I had to try it out. I have had it almost 3 years and never plowed snow with this one yet, it did good. Only about 4 inches, but it was wet and heavy. Not a huge fan of the plow itself, but I like the tractor. Even without any extra weight, it never spun the tires. It’s ready to go for Thursday, I want to get 2 other ones ready tonight.
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The headlights do not currently work, so I had to improvise with a magnetic light. :D
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Those manual lifts on the Sears are a bit of work sometimes. I have one on my SS15.
Those manual lifts on the Sears are a bit of work sometimes. I have one on my SS15.
The manual lift doesn’t bother me, the blade just doesn’t lift high enough, and when you hit a high spot it locks in the up position. I tried it again last night, made one pass down the driveway and put it back in the garage and got the 882 out. The snow was pretty heavy, and the blade would just float up over the snow instead of dig in. The 882 did a good job, and it at least has one working headlight lol. Maybe I would be better off with a snowblower for the Sears.
It does a good job, Cub! Looks like the same blade that is on my MF8E. All I know it it had an International sticker on it for many years before it fell off. Once I knew a little about other tractors, I assumed it was off a Cub Cadet. It works real well for a homemade setup.


The manual lift doesn’t bother me, the blade just doesn’t lift high enough, and when you hit a high spot it locks in the up position. I tried it again last night, made one pass down the driveway and put it back in the garage and got the 882 out. The snow was pretty heavy, and the blade would just float up over the snow instead of dig in. The 882 did a good job, and it at least has one working headlight lol. Maybe I would be better off with a snowblower for the Sears.
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My SS15 lifts high and digs well. I’ve moved mostly dirt with it and very happy but having to manually lift is what I don’t like. I have noticed a lot of the Sears plows have different linkages and some are attached differently.
My SS15 lifts high and digs well. I’ve moved mostly dirt with it and very happy but having to manually lift is what I don’t like. I have noticed a lot of the Sears plows have different linkages and some are attached differently.
Any way to put a spring assist for lifting the front plow? Bolens had a set up for the tube frames for lifting the turning plow that worked great.