Three things have help with severe arthritis that are not pills. Oh my, yes, its cayenne pepper! Devil’s Claw, and the other is Arnica Montana.
Before Ben-Gay or other athletic creams were available, a cayenne salve or Arnica Montana salve were used. Aloe or coconut oil as a base for the salve was typical back in the day. Many people still use these salves today vs. pills or other creams that have side effects or causing dry skin eczema.
Why coconut oil as a base for salvs and creams? It has Magnesium stearate.
Magnesium Stearate | Remedium Health
Contributes to the rapid penetration of active ingredients in-depth, which makes it a very suitable ingredient for gels in physiotherapy procedures. In this way, your body absorbs the active ingredients in the right area. Without magnesium stearate, it would be difficult to predict the outcome, quality, and consistency of the drug.
Only use Arnica Montana. The other Arnica related plants have limited health benefits.
Arnica Montana for Joint Pain, and Arthritis. | Remedium Health
Devil’s Claw.
Devil's Claw for Joint Pain and Arthritis | Remedium Health
An early study published in the journal Joint Bone Spine reported that devil’s claw extract was able to relieve pain, improve mobility and reduce the need for additional medications. The study was conducted in 61 people with arthritis of the knee or hip.
I was developing sever arthritis in my hands at a young age. The connection was soft drinks and eating a crappy fast food diet. Took 8 years to rid the crap out of my system. Cayenne was a huge help taking internally and as a salve to get the hands back to normal in weeks. I'm now on a 'modern' keto diet. It's more flexible vs. the strict type. My health has rebounded way better than being in my 30s.
Devil's Claw is very powerful. I don't take on a daily or weekly basis. Only in high pain conditions where other things just don't work. Sciatica pain is one of them. When the lower back goes out, this is my 1st go to. No if-and-buts about it. It's 100X more effective than Motrin. It has similar pain relief like Morphine. And like Morphine, Devil's Claw does have an analgesic effect. Less side effects than Morphine and you don't become addicted to it. People with sever joint pain from Lyme's take this. It has a weird name like many of the natural stuff does. LOL
OK, that should be enough to keep the pain away and have a better daily life.