What did you do with your tractor today?

Going to beef up the antifreeze on the Bever today. Tested it a while back at was at 21°, so plugged the block heater in just in case. It is inside out of the wind so that makes a big difference. Then try and get the Ranger started again. I think I flooded it a couple weeks ago so just let it sit since then. I use the 4-wheeler to get to the hunting blind as it is a lot easier to conceal behind some brush around a couple trees.
I moved over here to TF in 2018 or 2019 so I missed that one, Nick! Just can't seem to make enough time for both forums.

Congratulations for making the GTT calendar with the MF7! I wonder if someone is still doing calendars over there.

Thanks Doug. Stew (29Chev) was making the calendars, but he didn’t make one last year. Not sure if he’s planning on doing one this year. There has not been a tractor of the month there for a few years now, he just asked for pictures for the calendar.
Beefed the antifreeze up (or is that down) to -35°. Drove it up to the shop and put the rear wheel weight back on. Took it off last spring to have spacers made but the guy never got to it. Got hurt at work and was closed for 3 months before the DR would let him back working again. Hard to do much in a welding/fabrication business with on hand. Had another shop do some work for me and he is just as good but a lot cheaper. Will check with him on building them on towards spring if he needs a wheel or the whole tractor.

Tomorrow will get rid of the big pumpkins in the front of the yard. Goats will have a hay day. Probably have pumpkins growing all over the pasture next spring.
Thanks Doug. Stew (29Chev) was making the calendars, but he didn’t make one last year. Not sure if he’s planning on doing one this year. There has not been a tractor of the month there for a few years now, he just asked for pictures for the calendar.
Thanks for refreshing my geezer memory, Nick! Stew helps out a lot here also, very valuable knowledge he has! Taking on extra responsibilities has to be difficult when there is no reward besides a lot of thanks. My apologies to Stew for not remembering he was doing the calendars at GTT. I could have went and looked easily enough.

Used the loader to pick up two of the big pumpkins and hauled down to the goats. They were into them as they hit the ground. Loaded up the other 2 just as a neighbor to the East of us stopped by. Said he would like them for his cattle. He got them in be back of his Jeep pickup. He is a hobby farmer that has a few chickens, couple ducks couple head of cattle, etc. Good guy. Has blinds on the same ground I hunt but they are 1/2 \from me. Naturally the deer are traveling between the two of us.
What a nice peaceful setting you have to ride in Eric! Great pics!

Thanks Dac, yes it is. I live in the suburbs of town. I leave my driveway which is on the busy main road, then go down the side road where there is hardly any cars. When I went for my ride only a total of 3 cars went by, one of which nicely honked the horn. So needless to say hardly any traffic goes down where I normally go, so it works out great. I stay to the side too all the time like in my pictures just in case for safety. I did get back before it was completely dark by the way on that last ride.
Finally got around to polishing the left side of ol yeller today. I’m not sure if you can see in the pictures, but in my opinion it looks alot better and shinier in person than in pictures. Next up is to look at it in the daylight to see if I missed any spots, polish it again if I need to, then clean off all the compound and polish I got everywhere I didn’t want to get it on the tractor, then onto wiring.
I just love those older Yanmar tractors. And the 2 cylinder models are even better. Yours looks to be in beautiful condition. :thumbs:
There are 10s of THOUSANDS totally restored in North America right now, looking just as new as mine.

The 2-cly are known as the Yanmar hammer. It is very unique sound to the brand. I have the 3-cly, smooth and quiet.







