Hehe. I was thinking about you yesterday Doug and your mowing Monday. Figured you’d be stuck in the ditch. Hehe.
What’s the flap on the discharge of the mower deck made of. Good idea.
I am avoiding the bottom of the ditch, Noel, a strip about 3 feet wide! After two stuck in the mud episodes that was enough. At least the sides were plenty dry where the tractor didn't start sliding down again!
I can't use that big steel deflector that was original. I bash it into things. Without a deflector the wind blows the clippings up and all over me. Don't like that either. I build the flap deflector out of scraps of vinyl sign banner material. I always have some around in case someone needs a banner made. The bracket is some 1-1/2" and 3/4" flat i welded up to clamp the vinyl into. One deflector flap usually lasts two mowing seasons.