Sure glad you can trust grumpy old Mother Nature enough to take off that snowblower, CJet! We will have more winter out this way probably into April. Sometimes it is mid May before she lets Spring happen.Thanks, GB. It feels good to have it close to done. Its been dragging on for way to long. Did you use the Kubota blowing snow a bunch this year? We just had the one snow event this year in early Feb. but it did stick around for a while. I think I can safely pull the blower off the craftsman at this point.
That work on your customers JD is looking great. Maybe you feel like it dragged out but you corrected things like blasting again and dealing with responsibilities of the events that has been happening for you. I'm sure he will be very happy. Hope you can post some pics when it is assembled. Before pics would be cool too of the "hit and run" if this is the same tractor I am thinking of.