And more junk.

The not setting an alarm and doing the before work routine would be amazing….and a shock!

Tonight I laid out my uniform, socks, undershirt, and packed my lunch. Just laid down and set the alarm for 540am…!

I’m jealous. Enjoy your retirement. You deserve it!
No need to be jealous, Aaron! I'm confident you will be able to retire waaay younger than me! You have a solid plan and I didn't.

Congratulations DAC! Retirement is certainly a radical change and until my neck surgery I never figured I'd get to retire, but here I am! Glad you got to retire normally rather than a forced medical retirement. You will love not having to set an alarm for sure! And don't feel like you have to do something every day....things can wait now more than ever! You may have already said, but how are you set up for health insurance and all that? Hopefully you're in good shape there as that's usually the toughest part. Enjoy my friend!
It is harder to sleep in when you know you can get up and start on your own projects.
I never looked at it that way, Don! Since I'm lazy I will still probably sleep ok---LOL!

Congratulations DAC! Retirement is certainly a radical change and until my neck surgery I never figured I'd get to retire, but here I am! Glad you got to retire normally rather than a forced medical retirement. You will love not having to set an alarm for sure! And don't feel like you have to do something every day....things can wait now more than ever! You may have already said, but how are you set up for health insurance and all that? Hopefully you're in good shape there as that's usually the toughest part. Enjoy my friend!
Thanks, Daniel! Healthwise I'm not in great shape, Asthma, COPD, Spine Arthritis, and a contant dizziness they haven't figured out yet. Then when I was getting my allergy shot today, the woman giving it to me asked if I see a dermatologist. There is a spot on my left ear she is concerned about. She gave me the name of someone to call for an appointment. I left an appointment request on her website. She is affiliated with the same clinic as my primary doctor so it should go ok getting in.

My Medicare Advantage insurance it set to take over May 1st. City insurance will end on that date also. It is a Blue Cross Blue Shield plan. My working insurance was the same company but it still didn't matter when setting up the new plan. I have a modest pension and social security is all. It's all going to run in the area of $230-240 bucks a month plus copays, deductibles and all that crap.

I've been retired 15 years and my wife is still telling me that. Being laid up sick is driving me nuts knowing June Bug is setting out there waiting to be worked on. I should be able to just set and recover peaceably but its not working that way.
Don't forget to shut your alarm off tonight, :thumbs:
Dang, Chris! Sorry you are laid up! What is going on? Please take it easy and let yourself heal up!
I need to remember not to make a lunch tonight also! Hope instinct doesn't take over---LOL!

I didn't get much shop time today, Mondays will probably be more for doc stuff now rather than mowing, to Noel's disappointment, I'm sure!

Had chores at home once I got back, then finally went to the shop and figured out how to lower and level the cutting deck on the Craftsman GT5000. Got that done. There is a sticker on the inside of the hood of that thing that would lead one to think it has "bagger blades" on it.

Is there a difference in bagger blades? Is that why this thing sounds like a B-17 at take off when the blades get engaged? I've never had a bagger before and no bag came with this tractor, so I'm clueless.



I never looked at it that way, Don! Since I'm lazy I will still probably sleep ok---LOL!

Thanks, Daniel! Healthwise I'm not in great shape, Asthma, COPD, Spine Arthritis, and a contant dizziness they haven't figured out yet. Then when I was getting my allergy shot today, the woman giving it to me asked if I see a dermatologist. There is a spot on my left ear she is concerned about. She gave me the name of someone to call for an appointment. I left an appointment request on her website. She is affiliated with the same clinic as my primary doctor so it should go ok getting in.

My Medicare Advantage insurance it set to take over May 1st. City insurance will end on that date also. It is a Blue Cross Blue Shield plan. My working insurance was the same company but it still didn't matter when setting up the new plan. I have a modest pension and social security is all. It's all going to run in the area of $230-240 bucks a month plus copays, deductibles and all that crap.

Dang, Chris! Sorry you are laid up! What is going on? Please take it easy and let yourself heal up!
I need to remember not to make a lunch tonight also! Hope instinct doesn't take over---LOL!

I didn't get much shop time today, Mondays will probably be more for doc stuff now rather than mowing, to Noel's disappointment, I'm sure!

Had chores at home once I got back, then finally went to the shop and figured out how to lower and level the cutting deck on the Craftsman GT5000. Got that done. There is a sticker on the inside of the hood of that thing that would lead one to think it has "bagger blades" on it.

Is there a difference in bagger blades? Is that why this thing sounds like a B-17 at take off when the blades get engaged? I've never had a bagger before and no bag came with this tractor, so I'm clueless.
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Deere would label those blades as "high lift", mainly used with baggers, but also good for launching clippings (and anything else the blades pickup) at a high rate of speed if the bagger isn't equipped.
Deere would label those blades as "high lift", mainly used with baggers, but also good for launching clippings (and anything else the blades pickup) at a high rate of speed if the bagger isn't equipped.
Thanks for that info, Jake! I've never had Hi-Lift blades before either so I wouldn't have known if there was a difference. Must be about the same. That sticker only lists the bagger blades!

I never looked at it that way, Don! Since I'm lazy I will still probably sleep ok---LOL!

Thanks, Daniel! Healthwise I'm not in great shape, Asthma, COPD, Spine Arthritis, and a contant dizziness they haven't figured out yet. Then when I was getting my allergy shot today, the woman giving it to me asked if I see a dermatologist. There is a spot on my left ear she is concerned about. She gave me the name of someone to call for an appointment. I left an appointment request on her website. She is affiliated with the same clinic as my primary doctor so it should go ok getting in.

My Medicare Advantage insurance it set to take over May 1st. City insurance will end on that date also. It is a Blue Cross Blue Shield plan. My working insurance was the same company but it still didn't matter when setting up the new plan. I have a modest pension and social security is all. It's all going to run in the area of $230-240 bucks a month plus copays, deductibles and all that crap.

Dang, Chris! Sorry you are laid up! What is going on? Please take it easy and let yourself heal up!
I need to remember not to make a lunch tonight also! Hope instinct doesn't take over---LOL!

I didn't get much shop time today, Mondays will probably be more for doc stuff now rather than mowing, to Noel's disappointment, I'm sure!

Had chores at home once I got back, then finally went to the shop and figured out how to lower and level the cutting deck on the Craftsman GT5000. Got that done. There is a sticker on the inside of the hood of that thing that would lead one to think it has "bagger blades" on it.

Is there a difference in bagger blades? Is that why this thing sounds like a B-17 at take off when the blades get engaged? I've never had a bagger before and no bag came with this tractor, so I'm clueless.
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That blade has an odd look to it. Looks as though it sharpened on the lift and back side too ?

Maybe cuts when you back up too.. ;)
Congrats on retirement!
Thank-you Cub!

The high lift blades can be noisier because they move more air. Your blade speeds might be higher than your used to and that will increase noise.
Just a nasty cold. My wife usually gets these and I slip by but not this time. Come health or high water I getting outside tomorrow one way or another.
The shape of them looks like they could be noisier for sure. And they are! The engine is so quiet the pull the blade knob---wow!
I hope to read a report elsewhere on the forum that you are feeling better, Chris!

That blade has an odd look to it. Looks as though it sharpened on the lift and back side too ?

Maybe cuts when you back up too.. ;)
I have no clue why the back edges are sharpened either, Bill!

DAC, have they thought about the dizziness issue being Vertigo? I had it and still have a problem with it occasionally. Simple routine to correct it if your interested.
I would be interested in anything, Roger! I even feel it when I'm sleeping!

No quality time in the shop again today. Was on the phone some and started going through the cards and letters sent for the retirement.
To my amazement, I was able to get into that dermatologist this afternoon, so I hit the shower and went. She took a biopsy of a spot on my left ear and froze several other places. She and her assistant seem very efficient and honest. Having a hard time not scratching at the little stings.

First official day of retirement and I don't miss being on the job! I hit the sack about 10 last night and woke up once during the night for a nature break, then didn't wake up until 8:30!

Thank-you Cub!

The shape of them looks like they could be noisier for sure. And they are! The engine is so quiet the pull the blade knob---wow!
I hope to read a report elsewhere on the forum that you are feeling better, Chris!

I have no clue why the back edges are sharpened either, Bill!

I would be interested in anything, Roger! I even feel it when I'm sleeping!

No quality time in the shop again today. Was on the phone some and started going through the cards and letters sent for the retirement.
To my amazement, I was able to get into that dermatologist this afternoon, so I hit the shower and went. She took a biopsy of a spot on my left ear and froze several other places. She and her assistant seem very efficient and honest. Having a hard time not scratching at the little stings.

First official day of retirement and I don't miss being on the job! I hit the sack about 10 last night and woke up once during the night for a nature break, then didn't wake up until 8:30!

You will get use to this new way of life real quick Doug.
Enjoy my friend.
Everyone deserves it..
Happy for you Doug and congrats on your retirement. Praying for a good biopsy report. I started going to a dermatologist a few years ago. I had what I thought was just a blemish but grew into a bean size bump really fast. The biopsy was Squamish cell carcinoma, sounds scary but common for fair skinned folks that have worked outside all their life. She cut it out the following week. I’ve been going back for routine check ups every 6 months. She always freezes 3-6 spots that she don’t like. Do what your dr says Doug it’s not anything to ignore.
You will get use to this new way of life real quick Doug.
Enjoy my friend.
Everyone deserves it..
I think so too, Bill! I wanted out pretty badly. Getting very tired of cobbling up stuff we already cobbled over and over again just because management wouldn't let us fix things correctly. Just done with it! We even had to resort to using flex-seal on some occasions---LOL! Sometimes it worked, but more often it didn't!

Happy for you Doug and congrats on your retirement. Praying for a good biopsy report. I started going to a dermatologist a few years ago. I had what I thought was just a blemish but grew into a bean size bump really fast. The biopsy was Squamish cell carcinoma, sounds scary but common for fair skinned folks that have worked outside all their life. She cut it out the following week. I’ve been going back for routine check ups every 6 months. She always freezes 3-6 spots that she don’t like. Do what your dr says Doug it’s not anything to ignore.
Thanks for the prayers, Jim! I already scheduled a visit one year from now to see her again. Hopefully it won't have to be sooner. No call yet. I imagine it takes a few days.

I got a lot of piddly things done in the shop and also got the new hose reel hung and pressured up! Checked connections for leaks and found a couple at the new regulator I put inline last winter when I got that freebie 65 gallon air compressor in service. Think I need to get some better Teflon tape.

